Chapter 677

In the lecture hall of the UCLA teaching building, in the back row, sat a strong man and another strong man.

Among a group of college students, they are absolutely outstanding, but this does not prevent them from being ordinary students and taking classes seriously.

Mr. Wang, a professor of Chinese descent in the Department of History, finished his lecture, and the teaching assistants around him arranged today's after-school papers.

The UCLA students stood up one after another, and some of them walked out of the classroom door. They talked about tonight's activities in twos and threes, enjoying the wonderful university life; some of them were discussing their homework, and seemed to have disagreements on some issues ; Some people quickly gathered in the back row, they came to take photos and sign autographs.

That's right, that strong man is Oklahoma's leading point guard-Russell Westbrook. In his rookie season, he scored 15.3+5.3+4.9 quasi-15+5+5 data. It is the well-deserved future hope of the Thunder.

And the other one is stronger, there is no one else except Ruan Erniu, the de facto active No.1 in the NBA, has become a phenomenon-level figure in the whole meter.

If it is not exciting enough to lead the team to win the championship in the rookie season, then in the second season, he led the team to win a record 73 wins, and in the playoffs and finals, he broke Jordan's record. After the highest scoring record in a single game, the name of Kraft Ruan has been thoroughly resounded throughout the entire meter.

To be honest, if someone hadn’t specifically reminded him, Americans would even subconsciously think that Ruan Erniu was a Chinese-American. After all, what he did was exactly the same as the “American dream” that Americans have been promoting.

Wei and Ruan hurriedly packed up their books and notes after taking photos with fans and alumni, and left the classroom.

However, soon someone posted the picture of the two studying together on the Internet, which immediately attracted the attention of netizens.

Some fans think it doesn't matter. After all, they know that the two are college alumni, so it's normal to appear together, but some fans don't think so. Is this a sign that Ruan Erniu wants to join forces with Westbrook?

Will the two of them form a new group?
So what name should the group give?
Microsoft (Wei, Ruan)?
Ha ha!

Tianchao fans who have seen the playing style of the two of them will definitely think of an antonym in an instant-really hard!
Speaking of which, the reason why Er Niu and Wei Shao appeared at UCLA is to further study and earn credits. The two "lambs" who are tempted by dreams (money) and dreams (money) actually still have a desire to learn in their hearts. heart of.

The NBA is a professional league that is sometimes misunderstood by people, thinking that the professional players here are all from the bottom, and they only want to make money (this is not bad).

But the reality is that many of them are well-educated guys.

Needless to say, Deng Daidai's master's degree in psychology, basically every fan knows about it.

However, Jordan, Carter, and O'Neal, who left school in their junior year to play in the NBA, all returned to school during the offseason to complete their credits and obtain their own bachelor's degrees. I am afraid few people know it.

And in the corner that no one pays attention to, some guys who are both familiar and unfamiliar to Chinese fans may have achieved even more jaw-dropping achievements, such as the familiar Dikembe Mutombo.

If no one mentioned it, I am afraid that few people would have guessed that Uncle Mu had received a double bachelor's degree from Georgetown University, one in diplomacy and the other in linguistics.

There is also Adonal Foyer, who once served as the vice chairman of the players' association and had fights with Yao Ming and Erniu respectively. On the surface, he looks "black and tough". The activist, who retired this summer, is back in graduate school in psychology.

Well, Rodman once said in his autobiography that the NBA is half money and half sex.

But even so, one should not subconsciously treat NBA players as beasts who can only think with their lower body because of their flair. These people are far smarter than ordinary people imagine.

At least every player who has reached the top has the talent of a speaker!
Do not believe?

Think about it, every MVP has to be on the podium, thank a lot of people around him, and prepare some touching speeches for every key game of the playoffs.

Do you really think that the team behind the scenes arranged for them?
So how about fighting wits and courage with the reporters every time, seeing each other's tricks?
Can it also be prepared in advance?

Therefore, a fool basically cannot become a super giant, and super giants are almost always smart people.

Having said that, in the final analysis, every NBA player still has to rely on his performance on the court to speak.

After finishing their studies in the morning, the Microsoft team imagined by the fans devoted themselves to intense basketball training in the afternoon.


Wei and Ruan, who had completed their physical fitness and shooting training, played alternate one-on-one bullfights as if they had returned to college life.

The result is that Ruan Erniu, who entered the league a year earlier, completely exploded Westbrook and gave his friend a shocking hat.

"Kraft, you have already won two championship rings and the MVP, do you still need to work so hard?"

It was not Westbrook who said this, but Kevin Love who came back from Minnesota.

"Stop talking nonsense, Russell has already been killed by me, it's your turn, Kevin. Don't think that you can just hide away like this because you beat me with a three-pointer just now."

Ruan Erniu hooked his fingers to Le Fu who was sitting on the side, obviously he only wanted to use actions to complete his revenge.

Love's mobility is not as good as Erniu's. He is good at widening the distance and shooting long shots. He is also defended by Ruan Erniu. ...

Not far from them, there are Aaron Afflalo, Darren Collison, Jrue Holiday and others, but now they can no longer insert the three who occupy one side of the court.

Only two seasons have passed, and among the three players on the opposite side, one has become the No. [-] active player, and the other two have also become new stars in the league. In the future, the gap between them may become wider and wider.

Westbrook was suppressed by Darren Collison for more than a year in college, but now the two are not on the same level at all.

Er Niu returned to Los Angeles this time. Apart from visiting friends and continuing his studies, most of the rest of his energy was spent on training.

What he focuses on training is the two wing three-pointers. He wants to expand his long-range shooting range as much as possible in the new season, so as to have stronger containment.

Love also wondered: "Won't shooting too many three-pointers be called a softie?"

After Ruan Erniu heard this, he laughed and said, "Don't listen to the nonsense of the media, improve the offensive efficiency and win the ball is the truth, no matter how hard you play, you will still be called a LOSER if you lose.

Now there are more and more teams adopting zone defense. If you are not the peak O'Neal, practice long-range shots as soon as possible. I dare to bet you that if you can't shoot three-pointers inside in the future, you will be ashamed to say hello to people when you go out! "

Westbrook said with a smile: "According to what you said, if I don't grab an average of 10+ rebounds per game in the future, wouldn't I be sorry for my status as a point guard?"

Later, Er Niu wrote in his memoirs: "Kevin and I laughed loudly that day. I didn't realize until later that we were still TOO-YOUNG, TOO-NATIVE at that time!"

 Thanks to book friends yezhongyi1 and zxclemo for their rewards. Every time a new book friend makes a reward, it always makes me very excited. Your support is the driving force for me to move forward, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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