Chapter 679
Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region, and those who do not plan for the eternity are not enough to plan for a moment.

For the sake of Ruan Erniu playing basketball, it is far from enough to say that he has outstanding physical talent and high basketball IQ.

In this magical land of the Celestial Dynasty, the geniuses who can rise step by step from the grassroots are all talents with a combination of talent and luck, and if they want to continue to be brilliant for a long time, they must have wisdom and judgment beyond ordinary people. force.

Er Niu decided to put aside these troubles for the time being, and put more energy into his studies and special training.

In addition to the UCLA party, the USC party next door, as well as other areas in Los Angeles, players' special training or various private training camps are also in full swing.

Summer in Los Angeles is usually hot and dry. Relatively speaking, the air humidity in Atlanta will be better than here due to the influence of the monsoon.

However, the heat does not prevent NBA superstars from gathering here in the summer.

They come here not just for training.

Business activities, private exchanges between players, vacations, and the Drew League that will be held in the near future are all reasons to attract big names to come here.

Well, there are also people who don't take it seriously, and say that there is another important reason that I have to mention, this is Hollywood.

Ruan Erniu and others who completed the phased training met James, Wade and others at the scene of the Drew League.

Ruan Erniu took the lead and walked in the front. As the host, he took the initiative to greet Zhan and Wei. Relatively speaking, he was the only person with the most qualifications to say this here.

Off the court, James did not keep a distance from the two bulls as the media rumors said. The two share the same agent. After two seasons, the personal relationship is actually not bad at all.

James joked: "Kraft, stop bluffing, I have been coming to Los Angeles for the past few summers..."

Sao Wei on the side even said: "The road to nightclubs is better than you!"

Er Niu rolled his eyes, he and Westbrook are the types who don't often go to nightclubs, and they really don't have the right to make irresponsible remarks about the second of the three heroes.

Fortunately, as NBA players, there are still many things that the two sides can talk about.

As they talked, the two groups talked about the current structure of the NBA, and their main topic today is-can the Hawks dynasty be established?

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "I should have avoided this question, but no matter how you look at it, it's something that doesn't need to be discussed.

We are bound to complete three consecutive championships and become the second team to establish a dynasty since the 21st century after the Lakers. "

James said that the Cavaliers still have a chance to stop the Hawks, and then Westbrook on the side refused to accept: "LeBron, according to your statement, our Thunder also has a chance."

James also smiled and said: "Yes, you also have, but the premise is that you want to enter the playoffs."

As soon as A KING said this, Westbrook and Love suddenly had nothing to say. Judging from the performance of the Thunder and Timberwolves last season, it is still difficult to form an impact on the playoffs, let alone win the championship.

Seeing that the situation was a bit rigid, Wade immediately stood up to ease the atmosphere and said, "Actually, you are all wrong. I think the team that is most likely to cause trouble for the Eagles is the old guys in the league. The Celtics and the Lakers in the West are very likely to come back."

Er Niu nodded and said: "That's right, these old guys can't be underestimated, they won't easily hand over the scepter to us."

Don't think that James likes to put on a bossy style everywhere. When a group of people get together, at present, the characters who can really hold the scene and make the final decision are Wade and Ruan Erniu. The reason is very simple, they have rings.

After watching the Drew League, a group of people had dinner together and played together. After a while of talking nonsense, they all went home happily.

Er Niu and others took a step first, James looked at the back of the UCLA party, and said to Sao Wei beside him: "What's the 'old guy won't easily hand over the scepter to us'? He will really change the concept secretly, the scepter is now It is in the hands of the people of the Celestial Dynasty."

James is not a stunned young man who just joined the league, he saw through Ruan Erniu's lies immediately.

Wade said with a smile: "Don't worry, let's not talk about whether they can establish a dynasty.

That means next summer, when the Hawks renew their contract, they should be in trouble.Don't forget, Joe's contract extension comes first, and Kraft's comes later. It's not that simple to keep the championship lineup. "

James nodded and said, "That's true. The owner of the Eagles is known for being stingy. But, when will our dynasty be established?"

Wade said, "Have you contacted Uncle Weiss again?"

James nodded: "If we can't break through the blockade next year, it's time to unite."


Rome was not built in a day. When people see the news of the magnitude of the earthquake, they tend to ignore the development of the whole story. Some things have long been foreshadowed.

Erniu's schoolwork and training are still going on, and at the same time, he will also take time to complete the long-standing commercial endorsements in the period of mid-to-late July.

And one of the most important ones is to go to Santa Monica, and Derek * Rose, together for the next season of Adidas sneakers to shoot commercials.

As Adidas twin stars, the two are often compared together. However, at present, Ruan Erniu, who already has his own independent brand and won two championship trophies, is obviously more than a chip higher than Ross.

"POOH! You Chicago poached our assistant coach this summer." Ruan Erniu expressed his dissatisfaction in this way. (POOH, the name of Winnie the Pooh, is also Rose's nickname in the United States. It comes from the pet name of Grandma Rose in the Windy City, because the old man thinks that his grandson looks like the cartoon character of Winnie the Pooh.)
"This is a normal free signing, Kraft, you have already won two championships, and you are about to establish a dynasty. There is no shortage of Larry Drew, right?" Rose half-jokingly said.

Ruan Erniu said solemnly: "Any team that poachs us will suffer concentrated blows from us in the new season. Get ready!"

Although Ross has a good temper, he has no intention of admitting defeat in the face of provocations. He nodded calmly and said, "I'll wait!"

After the commercial was finished, Ross was not in a hurry to report in Chicago.

Since I came to Los Angeles, California (Santa Monica belongs to the county-level city of the City of Angels), I naturally have to take this opportunity to train well.

Ross was invited by Er Niu to UCLA, and Er Niu's original intention was to have a good discussion with Rose.

Unexpectedly, Westbrook and Rose entered a state of competition as soon as they met, and played endless bullfighting games.

It can be said that the two are really rivals in chess, they will meet good talents, and they are both rookies in the 08 class. The sense of competition between the two is extremely strong.

Rose wants to establish his No.08 authority in 1, just like Er Niu did in 07, while Westbrook is all kinds of dissatisfied. In his eyes, there are only goals that have been surpassed and goals that need to be surpassed.

Kevin Love and Ruan Erniu also joined the ranks of spectators after a few sets of basket confrontations on the other side.

Love asked: "Kraft, who do you think will dominate the 08 class?"

After thinking for a while, Ruan Erniu said slowly: "It must be the guy who practiced shooting first!
However, in my opinion, neither of these two items is the same material, so, Kevin, I think you are the one most likely to rule the 08 class. "

(End of this chapter)

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