Standing pretty old

Chapter 682 New season new lineup

Chapter 682 New season new lineup

The first to impress Er Niu was DeMarre Carroll, who was selected by the Hawks with the 27th overall pick in the first round this year.

His braid is so conspicuous that Er Niu can't help but remember it.

However, Erniu doesn't think this is an advantage.

Black players generally lose hair with age. If Carroll's hair does not follow this trend, his future achievement ceiling will not be too high.

Well, don't you believe me?

Don't forget the famous saying - I am bald and I am strong.

And stars who follow this famous saying include Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James with a significantly raised hairline.

By the way, there is also Manu Ginobili who quickly transformed from the Pampas Eagle to the Pampas Vulture.

There seems to be an artifact of this process, though, and, well, somewhere in the shadows of San Antonio, a goof in jersey No. 21 let out an evil, eerie laugh.

Er Niu noticed Carol, and of course Carol also noticed Ruan Er Niu.

As a Leo, Carol will certainly not sing like a sheep: "The tail of July, I am a Leo; the prelude to August, I am a Leo!"

Carroll is a person who is full of confidence in himself. Although he knows that it is impossible for him to get the starting position of the defending champion immediately, he very much hopes to win the favor of the team and the team boss through his performance.

Ruan Erniu watched his training for a while, and said to him directly: "Demarais, are you playing in the fourth position now? Come, fight with me!"

The boss of the team invited him to play by name, which made Carroll unable to refuse. For a rookie who wanted to gain a foothold in the league, even if it was a challenge, it was also an opportunity.

The above are Carol's thoughts 10 minutes ago. In these 10 minutes, Carol completely abandoned the previous delusions, because he finally saw what the gap was, and he was completely blown away by Er Niu.

At the last ball, Carroll was thrown to the ground by Er Niu, but no one stepped forward to help him.

Ruan Erniu held the basketball with one hand, stepped forward, and said condescendingly to Carroll: "DeMarre, welcome to the NBA.

With all due respect, with your physical talent, it may be very difficult to gain a foothold in the NBA's No. 4 position. "

Er Niu didn't say it to death, but the meaning was very clear.

The rookies at the end of the first round may not have a high status in the team. Carroll suddenly worried about his future. He said anxiously: "Then what should we do?"

"Practice the three-pointer well and switch to the 3rd position. With your physical confrontation ability and athletic talent, you should be able to better display your strength in the [-]rd position." Ruan Erniu finally pulled Carol up. , and gave his own suggestions.

What Er Niu said is correct. Considering Carroll's current height, core strength and back-up skills, it is impossible for him to play the 4th position. It is impossible to compete with Lunar Eclipse, Birdman and others. He can only play the 3rd position. Only in this position can there be a glimmer of hope.

In the NBA, survival always comes first!

Just like Er Niu squeezed the team's former rebounding champion Luke Richard Mbah a Moute to the 3rd position at UCLA.For some players, there is a saying that has to be believed: move a tree to die, move a person to live.

The No. 27 rookie in the first round said hello, and Australian Patrick Mills, the 19th pick in the second round, naturally had to chat.

Before and after the Imperial Capital Olympic Games, Er Niu studied many basketball teams participating in the Olympic Games. Among them, the Australian men's basketball point guard line, this black player is naturally a figure that must be mentioned.

Although the Kangaroos didn't play against the Tianchao men's basketball team in the Olympic Games, the two teams had met in the previous warm-up match. Mills, who was able to shoot suddenly, left a deep impact on Er Niu.

But strictly speaking, the Hawks chose Mills mainly to leave a backup for the team. After all, Bibby and Dragic will occupy the team's No. [-] position for more time.

However, Erniu found that Mills has a good mentality. The Australian player himself is very aware of the difficulty of gaining a foothold in the second round. With Dragic already occupying the main rotation position, he himself understands the need to survive in the cracks importance.

Not only that, but Mills himself is very entertaining. He said to Er Niu: "Boss, if I don't have a chance to play, I will protect the drinking fountains and write a book on the correct way to wave the towel to teach newcomers .”

Come on, you're new to the NBA!

Not as fierce (relatively) as traditional Australian players, but able to endure loneliness, Er Niu is very happy that he made the right choice. He is the No. [-] substitute that the Eagles need most now.

After seeing the two rookies, the players who will be reinforced in the summer should also get to know each other one by one.

Not long after Sun Yue finished the Asian Championships, he hurried to Atlanta.

For him, this is a rare opportunity. Compared with Carol, Ruan Erniu is temporarily more optimistic about Sun Yue's performance in the third position.

Carroll, who has not been polished, is a little rough even on the defensive end, not to mention Sun Yue has the ability to shoot from a distance.

As for the team's internal reinforcement, an old acquaintance appeared in Erniu's sight. He is the protagonist of the famous NBA "yin and yang contract"-Joe Smith.

The reason why he is an old acquaintance is that he was still a member of the Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference finals last year and had a fight with the Hawks, so Er Niu still has a lot of influence on him.

Although this person has already stinked the street, he still has some personal strength and professional experience. It is still possible to sign him with a veteran's basic salary and spend a little time on the bench after Er Niu, Lunar Eclipse, Birdman and Scum. accepted.

Being able to join the Eagles with a basic salary, for Joe Smith, this may be the last chance in his career. He finally has the opportunity to touch the championship ring.

The next inside reinforcement player may not be familiar to fans, but Erniu will never forget this face and voice. His name is Jason Collins.

This is a guy with poor statistics but a lot of courage.

Fans who are familiar with the OK combination should also have an impression of him, because he once defended the peak O'Neal alone in the finals. Well, even if he was blown up, he still has to praise his courage.

However, Er Niu was deeply impressed by him, obviously not for this reason.

"Kraft, it's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to be a teammate with you!"

Collins expressed goodwill, and Er Niu couldn't cool the heart of his new teammate, so he quickly stepped forward to high-five, shake hands and hug him.

When the two hugged each other, Collins touched Er Niu's back without a trace, and said in a low and strange voice: "Kafu, you are so strong! Your muscles are like rocks!"

Er Niu became teammates with him in this way, and the Tianchao people will feel a little twisted in the team training for a long time in the future.

However, it was not until 2013 that Ruan Erniu suddenly realized, and finally understood the real reason for this twist.

Most of the reinforcement players have arrived ahead of time, however, there is one who has not yet appeared here.

He is Jamal Crawford, the Warriors' second-in-command last season, who was sold cheaply by Golden State.

This gentleman is the famous Happy King, and it is his signature not to train in summer, but this does not prevent him from possessing the fancy and coquettish basketball skills of a superstar.

If there is no accident, Er Niu has roughly estimated the Hawks' 15-man roster for next season:

C Ruan Erniu, Zaza Pachulia, Jason Collins

PF Eclipse, Chris Anderson, Joe Smith

SF John Salmond, Steve Novak, Sun Yue, DeMarre Carroll

SG Jonson, Jamal Crawford
PG Bibby, Goran Dragic, Patrick Mills

(End of this chapter)

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