Chapter 686

Like the Bay North Station, after the second preseason game, the two teams did not immediately set off to return to the United States, but started the basketball without borders activity in the imperial capital.

In the street 3VS3 event, Ruan Erniu also met the legendary Chinese streetball king Wuyou for the first time.

It is said that this gentleman is a superstar figure in the streetball world of the Chinese dynasty, and his background is scary. As a Virgo, he even gave up the opportunity to participate in CBA professional basketball for his great streetball career.

But what is Wu You's strength?

Er Niu had never fought against him, and he didn't dare to draw conclusions hastily.

Since Chris Paul is here, Er Niu did not directly face him, but just looking at the confrontation between Paul and Wu You, Er Niu can almost conclude one thing:
Wu You can't play CBA!

Professional players are different from amateurs. To judge whether a player can play professionally, the first thing to look at is physical fitness. As for character and personality, it is second. The gangsters in the NBA are never considered good people, but this is not prevent them from becoming superstars.

Going back to the street court, before Paul could concentrate on it, Wu You could still make classic spinning tops and provocative words.

But once Paul got a little more serious and lowered his focus, even if he didn't use much force to crush him, his skills alone would be enough to blow Wu You to pieces.

There is a huge gap in physical fitness between the two sides, and there is a huge gap between professions and professions, let alone between streetball enthusiasts and professions.

As for the rumors that Wang Wuyou deliberately did not play CBA for the sake of spreading streetball, Ruan Erniu expressed his disbelief.

Putting down the butcher's knife can indeed become a Buddha immediately, but the premise is that you have a butcher's knife in your hand, otherwise you will be slapped in the face if you pretend to be so aggressive.

A few years later, Wang Wuyou, who is over 30 years old, is still struggling in the streetball world.

Then, somewhere far away, he too was really slapped in the face.


After the trip to China, the Atlanta Hawks, who returned to the United States, devoted themselves to the rest of the preseason to further polish their lineup.

They first ushered in the Detroit Pistons. This summer, the Pistons' actions are not small at all.

First of all, they gave up the renewal of Rasheed Wallace, allowing the declining power forward to go to the Celtics to pursue a veteran contract in order to get another championship ring.

Immediately afterwards, the Detroiters began to recruit players aggressively in the free market.

The first one to return was Big Ben—Ben Wallace. Although the Pistons only gave him a basic salary for veterans, Wallace, who could hardly play in Cleveland, instantly rejuvenated after returning to the Pistons Career Spring.

Defensively, at least, Wallace was up to his task on a preseason night.

Villanueva, the hairless hero, was brought back by the Pistons in free agency to serve as a backup for Rasheed Wallace.

After the huge mistake of trading Billups for Iverson last year, this season's Pistons general manager Joe Dumars seems to have shifted from the aggressive rebuilding mode to the slow replacement mode.

Just looking at the trade moves of the Pistons this summer, the Pistons have a slight shadow of the Spurs, as if it will take another three years to mend.

The biggest move of the Pistons this summer is to sign the Bulls' Ben Gordon with a big contract in the free market, and the newly appointed head coach-John Kuster's usage of Ben Gordon is even more than that. Contrary to everyone's imagination, he put the Bulls' top scorer last season in the sixth man position.

Therefore, the biggest highlight of the preseason game that night became the performance of Jamal Crawford VS Ben Gordon.

Being loved by Tianchao fans as Ke 6 (Crawford first played in the Bulls and passed the No. 6 jersey) probably exhausted his performance energy during the Tianchao tour, and he failed to stop Gordon's crazy offense.

The Eagles' bench probably failed to overcome the jet lag, and in the end the defending champion still failed to do its best and ushered in the first preseason loss of the season.

Woodson didn't say too much about the game. After all, the long-distance travel consumed too much physical energy of the Hawks. What they need most now is a good rest.

The second opponent of the Eagles is the Charlotte Bobcats. The cooperation between His Majesty the Flying Man and Larry Brown is still going on. For the time being, they are still working happily together. However, some caring people said that they will have problems sooner or later.

As the boss, Jordan still believes in superstars to win, but Larry Brown is a coach who likes to use a bunch of civilian players to win championships.

When there are fundamental differences in the two people's ideas, who can guarantee that they will always be sweet.

Tyson Chandler remains out of the rotation due to injury.

Diaw, who had become fat, continued to be beaten by two bulls, and other players of the Hawks also performed well. After they lost to the Pistons, they quickly regained the feeling of winning in the Bobcats.

However, immediately after, the Hawks lost again, and their opponent was the Memphis Grizzlies.

For the first time in his career, he was double-teamed by two tall and strong insiders, and he seemed somewhat uncomfortable.

The Memphis people really put two bears in their interior this season. They are the White Bear-Marc Gasol and the Black Bear-Zach Randolph.

Coupled with Rudy Gay, OJ* Mayo, Mike Conley, this is indeed a team that can affect the league structure.

What's interesting is that Tennessee (the state area where Memphis belongs) is clearly in the east, but the league put them in the west.

If such a strong team is placed in the East, it is almost possible to rewrite the pattern of the East, but if it is placed in the highly competitive West, it is nothing more than increasing the intensity of competition.

Er Niu is still in the Grizzlies lineup, and saw Iranian center Haddadi. After the 09 Asian Championships, Haddadi, who led Iran to defeat the Chinese men's basketball team, has naturally doubled his worth. But after such a calculation, the Grizzlies seem to have overlooked one people.

That's right, when they have Marc Gasol, Zach Randolph and Hamad Haddadi successively, how should the second pick they choose this year-Hashim Thabeet be trained?

Thabeet's career may not be too easy. When a team does not have the strength to train him, his growth may not meet people's expectations. You must know that the success rate of the second place is even lower than that of the top pick.

After the end of the battle with the Grizzlies, the Hawks ushered in another wave of winning streak, they defeated the Wizards and the Heat respectively.

At this time, the Hawks have only the last opponent in the preseason - the Orlando Magic.

The Magic gave up the renewal of the Turk Hedo Turkoglu in the free market this year, but they also traded Vince Carter at the same time, which did not affect the overall strength of the Magic much.

But whether this team can play smoothly and produce excellent chemical reactions in the new season is really worrying.

Both sides did not release water in this game. In order to verify each other's strength, both Woodson and Star Van Gundy are using the regular season rotation to play this preseason game.

In the end, Er Niu still used his own strength to play Like Sparks. He scored 31 points, 25 rebounds, and 7 assists, helping the team win the opponent by 123:115 with an 8-point advantage, and successfully completed the preseason The final battle.

At the beginning of the new season, the Atlanta Hawks, who have won two consecutive NBA championships, set the only and inevitable goal: to establish the Eagles dynasty.

And a few days later, in the opening game of the regular season, their opponent will be the Los Angeles Lakers led by Kobe.

(End of this chapter)

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