Standing pretty old

Chapter 701 Big News

Chapter 701 Big News

"Eddie's grades have improved rapidly recently."

"It's all thanks to you." Er Niu kissed his girlfriend's forehead, enjoying the tenderness of the last night before leaving, "By the way, she hasn't bullied her classmates recently, right?"

Doctor Han shook his head with a smile and said, "I've become obsessed with public speaking recently. It seems that even if I can't become a governor in the future, I can still be a qualified speaker."

Er Niu nodded and said: "It is necessary, our daughter, what is a mere governor, even if she becomes the President of the United States, I will not have any accidents..."

In a modern society full of opportunities and possibilities, in addition to one's own professional ability, it is extremely important to learn another craft or skill. When you don't know what to learn, learning speech is undoubtedly a more reliable choice.

For example, if you are a member of a certain project team and need to report to the leader, or even give an explanation, the one who will give the speech will undoubtedly be more competitive than others.

Of course, it must be admitted that the acquired ability is often not as good as the innate talent of some geniuses.

For example, Ma Taobao, who will be called Dad by many netizens in the future, can gather a group of people with its own charm and win enough financing without the accumulation of high-end technology, and finally achieved the so-called "national business card".

That’s right, those who can talk will always have an advantage over those who can’t, because people are social creatures. When the conditions of each other are close, the one who can talk is definitely better at communicating and cooperating, and is also better at forming his own voice among the majority even authority.

Ruan Erniu himself has a deep feeling for this. It is said that in a competitive arena like the NBA, everything should be based on strength.

However, when it came to the selection of MVP, Ruan Erniu, who didn't have much say in the rookie season, obviously lacked decisive competitiveness.

And in the second season of Erniu, on the basis of the Chinese people daring to pretend to be aggressive and daring to speak out, coupled with the overwhelming record and statistics, even hardcore bullies have no way to stand up and question Ruan Erniu's election MVP legitimacy.

At the beginning of this season, after winning the first 7 consecutive victories, Ruan Erniu even directly proposed the idea of ​​winning MVP+D-POY.

Ruan Erniu probably wouldn't have thought of such an act of setting up a FLAG two or three years ago.

The short family life came to an end, and the Atlanta Hawks flew to New York on November 11, US time.

Facing the Knicks who had no defense at all, Atlanta killed the opponent in threes, fives, and twos without much effort.

David Lee, who was playing against the two bulls, was suppressed by the audience. This guy who can score double-doubles without knowing it is also a representative of the mobile insider.

Under D'Antoni's system, he is indeed a good player to brush up statistics, but that's all.


It was also clocked out of get off work in three quarters. Er Niu easily scored 33 points and a large double-double with 20 rebounds, but David Lee only scored 9 points and 6 rebounds.

At 134:101, the Atlanta Hawks in the away game beat the Knicks at Madison Garden with a relaxed attitude.

The Knicks audience may be the most loyal group of fans in the league (the attendance rate is always at the forefront of the league, and the record is always disappointing), but the most demanding group of fans. Anyway, tonight they gave the biggest boo to the home team, and at the same time gave Active No.1 - Ruan Erniu with the greatest praise, the audience shouted MVP.

After the game, the words of the coaches and players were not eye-catching. On the contrary, it was the speech of the Knicks owner James Dolan after that, which made people imagine.

"I don't know how to evaluate Kraft's performance. In only three quarters, he can efficiently win 30+20 players. What more can I say?

I just want to talk about two goals for the Knicks in the next two years:
[-]. Bring back LeBron James from Cleveland next year;
[-]. Bring Kraft Nguyen back from Atlanta the following year. "

Dolan's confident words really stimulated countless fans in the Big Apple City, and many fans put up slogans: "Support Dolan! As long as he can bring back LBJ and CR88 (Er Niu's English initials + jersey number)!"

Dolan has been a mess in terms of team building over the years.

There is no need to repeat the bad things that the league's "good president"-Isiah Thomas has done. This is the only pain in the heart of every Knicks fan.

But whenever Dolan re-mentioned to bring the Knicks after James' contract expired, New York fans still chose to forgive this unreliable boss again and again.

If, as Dolan said, he was able to bring Ruan and Zhan back to Madison, what was the mess of the previous years?
Because at that time, the Knicks will have a great opportunity to dominate the league, and even establish a super dynasty similar to the Celtics.

It is not the first time that James has been asked whether he would consider the Knicks in the future. The young and mature KING used ambiguous words to deal with the media again and again: "Who can say clearly about the future?"

Well, whenever this time, Cleveland, and even the entire state of Ohio, will set off a campaign to retain the "chosen son", hoping that this Akron (James was born in Akron, which belongs to Ohio and is very close to Cleveland) ) children can stay on the hometown team.

However, it was the first time in history that Dolan officially proposed to bring Ruan Erniu back to New York. This undoubtedly had a huge impact on Atlanta and even the entire state of Georgia.

Ruan Erniu, who had already flown to Boston with the team, didn't know about Dolan's declaration until he got off the plane.

Ruan Erniu said in an interview: "I am very grateful to Mr. Dolan for his love, but I have no idea of ​​going to New York for the time being. The future? I just want basketball and the present."

Just when all the reporters thought that Ruan Erniu had expressed his loyalty to the Eagles in essence, his next sentence detonated the entire American basketball world:
"However, to be able to play with a great player like James is definitely something to dream about, and I am personally interested in it."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in Atlanta, and Eagles fans went to Erniu's Twitter to leave messages, hoping that he could stay in Atlanta. Only two years later, Kraft Nguyen has become a symbol of the city.

Together with the giant panda, he built one of Atlanta's city signs, bringing infinite vitality to this historic (in the United States) city.

The Atlanta native who has little say in the sports circle can now proudly say: "We are the NBA champions!"

Living a life that can show off, who wants to live a hard life?

Eagles owner Bruce Levenson first called Er Niu, and after getting a reply that he gave priority to contract renewal, Levenson denounced Dolan for being boring in front of the media.

Levinson said with certainty: "Mr. Dolan can go after LeBron, but Kraft will not go anywhere. He will retire his jersey in the Eagles and become part of the team's history."

No one knew why Ruan Erniu said that at the time, but a few years later, when everyone looked back at the matter, everything seemed quite reasonable.

While the regular season is still going on, the Eagles will continue their road trip after they have won eight consecutive victories in the opening season. Their opponent is the Celtics.

 Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!

  The second update is getting late again, well, that's it!
(End of this chapter)

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