Standing pretty old

Chapter 703 The Overrated Green Kai

Chapter 703 The Overrated Green Kai
At 26:20, the Atlantans who were guests at the North Shore Garden did not mean to be unfamiliar. They turned their backs and quickly established a leading advantage in the first quarter of the game.

Except for Garnett, the Celtics' other players' first-quarter touch is not very good.

Pierce made 5 of 2 shots in the first quarter, Ray Allen made 2 of 0 shots, Perkins made 3 of 1 shots, Rondo?Well, in this quarter, he carried out the title of "four rejections" very well, with 0 shots in a single quarter.

囧囧sen's touch in the first quarter was also very average. He only made 4 of 1 shots, but Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse performed well on the offensive end. One made 9 of 6 shots and the other made 2 of 2 shots. They contributed a lot of firepower to the team. , Even Zaza Pachulia, who came off the bench, made 3 of 2 shots in a single quarter.

In this section of the game, the biggest reason for the Celtics' lagging behind is still in the rebounding. The Eagles had a 14:4 rebound advantage in a single quarter and strongly suppressed their opponents, leaving the Celtics with little room to fight back.

But from the perspective of the entire team, the Celtics were restrained by the Hawks for another reason.

Since the Celtics formed the Big Three, their suffocating defense has been a topic talked about by the league.

Taking the 07-08 season as an example, the Celtics averaged 90.3 points per game, ranking second in the league, second only to the Detroit Pistons.

This is also the most important reason why the Celtics were able to rank first in the league's regular season in the year when the Big Three were formed. However, the performance of the Celtics on the offensive end has always been overestimated.

Kemi expressed dissatisfaction. How could the scoring ability of the Big Three composed of Garnett, Pierce and Ray Allen be weak?

So here comes the question, why did the Celtics fail to enter the top ten in the league in terms of points per game in the 07-08 season, or even in the 08-09 season that just passed?

To be precise, in these two seasons, the Celtics averaged 100.5 points and 100.9 points per game, and in these two seasons, they ranked No. 12 in the league in scoring, and the average points per game The Atlanta Hawks, who rank first in the league, are far behind.

When Lukai defended well, there was no lack of praise in the entire American basketball world, all kinds of flattery, as if the ultimate form of basketball should be the Celtics.

In fact, Lukai's offensive ability should always be in doubt.

Think about why the Celtics often play tie-breaks with their opponents as soon as they reach the playoffs. If the defense is really omnipotent, the Celtics should be like the Eagles last season, sweeping all the way to the finals.

The championship should belong to the team with better offensive and defensive balance!

Objectively speaking, in the 07-08 season, although the Hawks took advantage of their youth and excellent physical fitness, they exhausted Green Kai, who was determined to win the championship, but from another perspective, if Green Kai can perform better on the offensive end, they It may not be lost to the young and reckless Atlantan.

Ruan Erniu in the rookie season was not as scary as people now believe in mythology. The guy who has not yet grown into a generation of superstars is by no means without weaknesses, but the Celtics didn't catch them.

Why didn't the Celtics show the league's top offensive level that the Big Three should have?

If you think about it carefully, at least half of the blame should be borne by the former Lvkai head coach Doug Rivers, because as a chicken soup coach, He Document has never been a good offensive planner; Not attributable to the Big Three themselves.

On the surface, these three are the bosses of the so-called three frustrated teams in the league, but looking at their data, it is not difficult to find that none of these three is a top scorer.

Kaimi once again expressed his dissatisfaction. Garnett and Ray Allen are fine. After all, they are outsiders. How can our big leather team not be a top scorer?
In the 01-02 season, Iverson only grabbed the leather team's scoring title because he played fewer games in the regular season. You must know that the leather team scored 2144 points in the whole season, but AI only scored 1883 points.

The league owes the leather team a scoring champion!

hehe!At first glance, it seems reasonable and well-founded, but when you look closely, you really can't help it, because in Mr. Truth's career, he has never averaged more than 27 points per game in a single season.

That's right, it's not 28 points, not 29 points, and it's not 30+. Paul Pierce, known as the offensive kaleidoscope, has never averaged more than 27 points per game in a season.

To sum up, no matter how good the disguise is, it cannot conceal the fact that the so-called Big Three of the Celtics do not have the top offensive talent in the league, which explains why they are always in the quagmire of the playoffs , the reason for the difficult move forward.

Offense and defense can never be neglected, repeating the old saying, people are always bewitched by the words of Phil Jackson, "Offense wins the game, defense wins the championship!"

No wonder he won two COYs. After upgrading his mind, Woodson would say something like this to his good partner Larry Drew: "Of course Jackson dares to say such things. He had Jordan and Pippen before him, and O'Neal and Kobe later. Worry about attacking?"

In the 07-08 season, Lukai, who showed off his feelings and iron blood, met the Atlanta Hawks who did not care about it, rushed and fought, but did not lose the experience of the playoffs (Bibby, Van Exel). In fact, the ending was already doomed .

Back in the game, after the start of the second quarter, both sides sent their respective substitutes.

Jamal Crawford, who played well in the previous games, encountered trouble in the first half of the second quarter. Thibodeau was already prepared for the super sixth man.

Marquis Daniels kept a close eye on the gram 6, allowing the high scorer to feel the defensive strength of the playoffs in advance, but this is not the biggest defensive trump card of the Green Kai, because Tony Allen is still injured on the list.

This season, Dragic, who is more muscular, has performed quite well. He succeeded in breaking through Eddie House with the ball consecutively, and was headed by Rasheed Wallace and Sheldon Williams respectively. Score up and down.

Rasheed Wallace is cheap and old, and the landlord's defense has never been able to reach the NBA level.

Thibodeau then replaced the main players in the first half of the second quarter, and Woodson also played the main players after that.

Pierce and Jon Jonson entered the stage of rivalry, and the two floor players seemed to have returned to the 01-02 season. The Celtics were traded to Phoenix.

In the reincarnation of fate, Pierce, who stayed with the Celtics, is still fighting for a championship ring, but Jon Jonson, who once became the team leader but chose to abdicate at the peak, has two championship rings in his hand and is Work hard for a dynasty in your career.

In this quarter, Ruan Erniu focused more on the defensive end. On the basis of protecting the backcourt rebounds, he grabbed the frontcourt rebounds many times, disrupting Lukai's inside defense.

Salmon also performed well in this quarter. Taking advantage of Pierce and Jon Jonson's fierce fight, he took the opportunity to hit two three-pointers and quickly helped the team open the score.

At 28:22, the Hawks once again won by 6 points in a single quarter.

At the end of halftime, 54:42, the Celtics' defense has reached the extreme, but they encountered the best offensive team in the league.

Ruan Erniu had a double-double of 15 points, 15 rebounds, and 7 assists in the half, and he was about to go for a triple-double.

A regular season may not explain all the problems, but the Hawks' dynasty has gradually gathered together.

(End of this chapter)

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