Standing pretty old

Chapter 705 Future Basketball and Interest Orientation

Chapter 705 Future Basketball and Interest Orientation

Who can stop the Atlanta Hawks?

This is a question that the entire league is thinking about. From the perspective of the team's style of play and configuration, the Hawks are simply a team that has crossed the era.

Although some experts have repeatedly believed that the Hawks are not playing the Suns-style small ball tactics, in the eyes of most people, the Atlanta Hawks, which focus on offensive and defensive transitions, are a standard small ball team.


Looking at the Hawks lineup alone, almost everyone can attack with the ball, regardless of the front and back courts, and except for the eclipse, everyone has a good long-range shooting ability.

This is very different from the team that people used to think. Even the 72-win Chicago Bulls couldn't find so many shooting spots on the court.

Compared with traditional small-ball teams, the Atlanta Hawks' offensive ability is so good. Whether it is Er Niu's low-post singles ability or Joe Johnson's offensive level with the ball, they can all be called superstars. Needless to say, the offensive system brought by them.

In order to study and deal with the Eagles, there are two voices in the current league at the same time:

[-]. I firmly disagree with the Hawks' style of play. They are just lucky.

Experts and the media who hold this point of view believe that as long as there is a top four center insider in the current basketball team, the Hawks' style of play will be severely impacted.

In addition, Ruan Erniu's qualifications as the best defensive player should also be questioned. Although his personal defensive efficiency is very high, judging from the team's points lost, the Atlanta Hawks are only lower than the Golden State Warriors, ranking last in the league two.

It's just that this group of people completely forgot that the Hawks led the league in net points per game, and since the 68-69 season, it was the first time in the league that a player averaged 20+ rebounds per game in a single season.

After Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Jerry Lucas, and Nate Thurmond, Ruan Erniu became the fifth player in history to average 20 rebounds per game in a single season. Players, you must know that under the modern basketball system, this has long been called an impossible task.

You know, even Rodman, who averaged 18+ rebounds per game, was far from this data even if he was focused on rebounding back then.

Of course, as the Eagle Dynasty approached step by step, people who were no longer willing to face reality began to reflect on their own expectations. At any time, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

So the second voice gradually occupied the upper peak.

[-]. I strongly agree with the Hawks' style of play. They are the direction of future basketball development.

Including Pat Riley, D'Antoni and others are all supporters of this view. In any case, small balls will become the trend and future of the league.

The Eagles' two consecutive championships and the upcoming dynasty are the best arguments for this view. No team can win the championship by fluke.

A championship can also be said to have an element of luck. If it wins the championship for the second time in a row, or even the third time in a row, then this team must have a super advantage that other teams do not have.

In fact, the league has also been trying to weaken the Eagles. It seems that when the Lakers dynasty was at its most glorious, the league revised the rules to limit super centers, allowing zone defense and defense for three seconds.

As for whether the alliance is specially designed to deal with the peak sharks, hey, this is a matter of opinion.

However, it is not so easy for the alliance to find a rule to deal with Er Niu.

Any rules are two-way. Looking at Er Niu's scoring methods, from low to high, from inside to outside, they are all available.

Leaving aside the dunks in his video highlights and the three-point long-range shots that only accounted for a quarter of his shots, at least 50%+ of Ruan Erniu's scoring methods are still his mid-range shots.

Can the league formulate rules to abolish CIC?Or simply not allowing the center to grab the rebound and launch a fast break with the ball?Or simply change the back body for 5 seconds to 3 seconds for the back body, and completely abolish the back body technique?
Just kidding, once the rules are established, everyone must abide by them. In this way, it is very likely that even normal competitive confrontation will not be possible.

The reason why Ruan Erniu is BUG is even comparable to that of Celestial Table Tennis. As long as the basic skills and integrity are undisputedly strong, no matter how the rules are changed, it will be difficult to block the overwhelming overall advantage.

The Eagles who returned to Atlanta did not get much respite, and they will then have back-to-back games with the New Orleans Hornets led by Stojakovic.

Chris Paul?

Unfortunately, CP3 was injured.

Just the day before the back-to-back game against the Hawks, Paul injured his left knee in the game against the Trail Blazers at home. It is conservatively estimated that he will be sidelined for at least half a month.

In the new season, the team fired Byron Scott, and then the team leader CP3 entered the injured list. Such a team lacking fighting spirit and combat effectiveness naturally cannot bring too much trouble to the Eagles.

Er Niu and Jiong Jisen clocked out of get off work again in three quarters.

At 98:131, the Hawks ushered in a 10-game winning streak at home.

Two days later, the Hawks once again ushered in the Portland Trail Blazers at home. This season, the two teams belonging to the East and West Divisions are concentrated in November in terms of schedule.

I don't know if it's because the league dislikes the topic of Oden VS Erniu as uncontroversial, or because they are afraid that the emperor will be reimbursed in advance of the season, so they simply seized the time and decided on the duel between the two of them.

In the case of a home loss, the Blazers played quite tenaciously away, and they also did not want to be swept away by the Hawks this season.

It's just that the Eagles are superior after all. In the first three quarters, when both sides played inextricably, the last quarter, Jiongsen and Salmons ushered in an explosion at the same time. Nail the Blazers on the spot.

Two days later, the Hawks ushered in their third consecutive home opponent -- the Miami Heat.

There is not much to say about the game. Er Niu had a super double-double early on, and clocked in after get off work for a rest in the third quarter. But when Ruan and Qiao invited D. Wade to dinner after the game, their cheeks took advantage of Jijisen's brief absence. , Said to Er Niu: "Have you thought about forming a team with LeBron and me?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "It's hard to say what will happen in the future, but I personally don't reject these things."

Wade raised his glass and touched Er Niu, then showed a charming smile, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

The reason why Wade said this to Er Niu must have been inspired by James.

But whether they can get together depends on the operation of the team, but the rhetoric of the Celestials is already a very clear statement.

Zhan Chuan always likes to praise James' greatness in various ways. In fact, from the perspective of basketball insiders, James on the court is not as dominant as some fans think. On the contrary, in terms of team operations and superstar voice, James has made an unprecedented contribution.

Especially in terms of personal interests, James, as the most outstanding representative of the players, has been fighting for his own interests for the players for a long time.

On this point, Erniu is willing to reach a high degree of agreement with James.

The ass decides the head!

Players don't want to help the players get more benefits, but talk about loyalty to the management who may abandon them at any time all day long. Except for some individual cases or the pursuit of honor is greater than money, everything else is brain twitching or moral kidnapping.

 Thank you, Young Master Sheng, Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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