Standing pretty old

Chapter 717 Spoiler and Controller

Chapter 717 Spoiler and Controller

It is also interesting to say that the NBA has always had two protagonists in the promotion of the 09-10 season-Kobe and James. This is the so-called 23VS24.

However, since Ruan Erniu was born, after the 23VS24 promoted by the league, it seems that behind them, there will always be a faint smile of the heavenly people.

For Ruan Erniu's image design, the alliance also took great pains. There is quite a mysterious atmosphere in the opening of the movie "God of Cookery", when the host introduced Stephen Zhou: "Is he the incarnation of an angel, or the messenger of hell?"

Obviously, for American fans with big hearts, Ruan Erniu is an out-and-out messenger of hell, and for these American audiences, their nightmare is far from over.

Ruan Erniu has entered the third season of the league. In the first two seasons, the league has never treated him as the top card, but the speed of progress of the Tianchao people has always surpassed the recognition of the majority of fans and the league management. Know.

After scoring super data in the rookie season and leading the team to win the championship, Ruan Erniu has entered everyone's field of vision in the strongest state.

Looking at the entire league, there will never be more than 5 people who can make such achievements in the rookie season, and this also includes those great gods from ancient times, whose rules have not been systematized!

If you only compare the results of winning the championship, in the history of the NBA, the last time to do this was probably Magic Johnson, but the Magician had Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in front of him throughout the season, just because Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was injured in the finals. Just got the chance to prove myself.

In contrast, Ruan Erniu took over the leadership position from Joe Johnson at the beginning of his rookie season, and achieved his dominance with undisputed performance.

The rookie season is over, the league should give Ruan Erniu enough respect and regard him as the face of the future, right?
No, the proud Americans still don't treat the Chinese as the youngest FMVP in history.

If it was James who did all this back then, or any local player in the United States achieved the second-best achievement, I am afraid that he would have been treated as the league's No. 1 by the NBA.

What is the treatment of League No.1?

All-Star qualification? MVP?A burst of defense?
hey-hey!These things are not enough.

If you really want to select No.1 in active service, there is actually the simplest way to judge-whether he participated in the Christmas game that year.

That's right, only the protagonist in the Christmas game can thoroughly prove that he is the most watched player in the league. In the 08-09 season, second-year Ruan Erniu was once again ignored!

He is obviously the youngest FMVP, and he is in the leading position in terms of team record and personal data, but he can only eat turkey at home with his girlfriend. Although there is nothing wrong with returning to the family, in the eyes of senior media in the United States, this is Disdain to define Ruan Erniu as a top five player in the league.

73 wins in the season, MVP, 12 consecutive victories in the playoffs, reached the finals, and defended the championship.

A series of honors made people dumbfounded. The second-year Ruan Erniu used his actual performance to justify himself. He is not only the top five in the league, he is the No.1 active player.

So, in Er Niu's third season, the NBA executives finally had no way to continue to lie to their ears.

Even though Stern had approved and reviewed the 23VS24 plan long ago, due to the appearance of the big boss Ruan Erniu, the alliance's publicity layout has also undergone tremendous changes.

It is self-evident what Erniu's smiling face means, and the leader of the 73-win championship does have this qualification to serve as the signature of the league.

When the proud Americans had to let go of their personalities and put the Terminator of Dream Eight in the highest position, people found that they still underestimated the horror of the Chinese people.

With 27 consecutive victories in the opening season, the Eagles broke the record for the best opening season of the four major North American leagues with an almost invincible attitude. If it were not for the bad influence of the "Gun Gate" incident, this season's NBA can almost be said to have entered the glory of the much-anticipated era.

After careful analysis, the instigator of all this is Ruan Erniu, the current Eagle King, CR88, tyrant and ruler of the Celestial Dynasty.

In fact, for Ruan Erniu, the meaning of this Christmas battle is far more than the above.

In the past few games, both Wade and Bosh had contact with Er Niu successively. Although they didn't speak clearly to each other, the meaning behind it was already very obvious.

But LeBron James, who plays a dominant role in this, has never been in contact with Er Niu.

The personal relationship between the two is not bad, and they share the same agent. So far, LBJ has not taken the initiative to chat with Erniu about the development of "future". Such actions are definitely worth discussing.

However, as smart as two bulls, they also understand that the superstars James and the others contact are definitely not just themselves.

Anthony, Paul, Deron, and even Jon Jonson next to Erniu may have communicated with LeBron and the others.

The so-called shocking trade or team formation is never achieved overnight, it requires long-term preparation and a whole summer of games.

Judging from the current practice and structure of the league, the personal wishes of the players are far from being able to override the team management.

In other words, even if there are superstar players who want to team up with the Big Three of the Green Kai, the premise must be planned and arranged by an excellent team general manager and management. .

Until the last moment, the result cannot be underestimated.

In the summer transfer market, even verbal agreements may be unilaterally revoked at any time, let alone such a big deal that changes the league structure.

Tomorrow night's Christmas game is not only a game about the honor of the players, but also a good opportunity for Er Niu and James to communicate face to face.

Regardless of whether there will be unexpected major events this summer, Erniu feels that it is necessary for him to communicate with James in detail in advance.

Judging from the rumors from Leon Rose, even James himself has more than one set of plans or strategies in mind.

This means that anything is possible.

On Christmas Eve, December 2009, 12, US time, Er Niu had a sumptuous dinner with Han Meimei and Eddie at home.

Er Niu absent-mindedly poked the turkey in the bowl with a fork.

Eddie shouted from the side: "Dad?? Kraft? Er Niu!"

"Well, what's the matter?" Ruan Erniu finally came to his senses, and said to his daughter apologetically.

"Please pass me the lentils and fruit salad over there, thank you!" Eddie said, pointing to the dishes on the side of the table.

Er Niu picked up the glass bowl, put some lentils on Eddie's plate, sat back in his seat and started to daze.

Doctor Han couldn't stand it anymore: "Niu, it's family time now, you should focus on eating!"

After all, Dr. Han still poured Erniu a glass of eggnog (as mentioned earlier, a mixed drink of milk, eggs, and rum).

After Er Niu took a sip, he focused on the dining table again.

To be honest, Er Niu doesn't care whether James and the others will get together, and the real strong never worry about the strength of their opponents.

Ruan Erniu even killed Mengba, can he still care about the so-called alliance of giants?
What Er Niu really cares about is actually the future of the Eagles.

It's not his first day in Atlanta, and he's well aware of the Hawks' business philosophy.

The owners of the team, Bruce Levinson and Michael Gillon, are not wealthy owners, which, to some extent, has determined the pattern of the Eagles.

Once the team renews Jiongsen with a high salary next year, and then renews himself with a maximum salary, the league may even introduce policies to further increase his worth.

In this way, how much salary space does the team have to complete the reinforcement?

The reason why Ruan Erniu put on an ambiguous posture in front of the media, after all, he still wanted to control his fate in his own hands.

This is also what Er Niu admires and approves of James the most. As a top player in the league, he should be born to control the future by himself.

To put it more forcefully, this is called choking fate by the throat.

(End of this chapter)

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