Standing pretty old

Chapter 745 Jisen's Attitude, Pet Alliance

Chapter 745 Jisen's Attitude, Pet Alliance

The front is not enough, so naturally we have to think of a way behind it.

The Hawks' victory over the Clippers was not unexpected, and Dunleavy's dismissal was not too surprising, but the performance of the Hawks' 5 players scoring 20+ points in a single game once again sparked heated discussions in various media.

"The Eagles are really strong, but Ruan Erniu is overrated!"

"Joe Johnson shouldn't have given up his leadership position, he can do better!"

"The Celestial Man may be a good player, but he has benefited too much from the Eagles' system. If a role-type center is replaced, maybe the Eagles will achieve a better record."

"The Celestial Man has achieved himself, but he may be harming the interests of the entire team. Without Kav Nguyen, the Eagles may have a smoother teamwork and a better record."


For a strong team, it will not be the first time, nor will it be the last time, that the outside world will provoke dissension.

Some bastards habitually open their eyes wide and talk nonsense.

Anyone with a little basketball knowledge understands that without Er Niu, the current system of the Eagles would no longer exist, let alone the gains and losses of the overall interests of the team.

It is mediocrity not to be envied by others. From another perspective, the Hawks' treatment is also a proof of their super strength.

As for whether the Eagles will have internal conflicts over this, it depends on whether Er Niu can hold the scene.

It's very simple to turn the bra inside out as a princess, but if you want to survive for a long time, at least you have to use acting skills to beat a bunch of actors who have no acting skills in a small age, and then you need to find your own coffee in a variety show. bit.

Hmm... Anyway, the disturbances from the outside world will not shake Er Niu's team status.

Because Ruan Erniu's mind has always been very clear, the basic structure of the Eagles team is that he, Woodson, and Joe Johnson form the Eagles' power triangle.

Erniu, as the leader and arrow of the team, is naturally the biggest part; Needless to say, Woodson, from the day Egghead made up his mind to win Erniu, they were a community sharing weal and woe.

And what about Jon Jonson?
On the one hand, he is not the kind of person who has to be the leader of the team, but it must be pointed out that Jon Jonsen has always been firm enough in his pursuit of personal interests.

This is also an important reason for the repeated provocations by various hostile media.

The 09-10 season was the establishment year for the Eagles, but it was also a crucial season for them to continue the team's future.

Once the three consecutive championships are completed, the Hawks who established the dynasty are bound to renew their contract with the maximum salary in the summer.

And after that, the contract renewal negotiations with Erniu started.

After the two big contracts are signed, judging from the Hawks owner's business philosophy, how much salary space is left to maintain the team's dynastic lineup is really disturbing and confusing.

Of course, this is not what Er Niu cares about now. What he needs to know is whether Jiong Jisen's current mentality will change inadvertently, which will affect the team's chemical reaction.

In fact, after Jon Jisen scored 30+ back to back, he already had some kind of hint.

People's inner thoughts are never static, and only the unpredictability of people's hearts can make this world full of infinite possibilities.

Erniu has entered the league for the third season. He is always grateful for the deed and courtesy of Jijisen. Without the concession of Jijisen, even if Erniu has historical talent, it is impossible to rise to the top in such a short period of time. .

Fortunately, Big Brother is also very frank, and he had a detailed discussion with Er Niu.

"Kraft, don't worry, I will not be shaken. I have been your teammate for more than two seasons. I believe that you should have enough confidence and judgment in me."

"Joe, maybe without me..."

"No, there is no championship without you, and I'm not the kind of core leader who can lead the team to win the championship.

So I've been thankful to you, Kraft.It is you who made my brilliant career and got my coveted ring at the top of my game! "

Speaking of this, Ruan Erniu naturally doesn't have to worry too much, but Jiongjisen has done a better job in this aspect than Erniu imagined.

In front of the media, Jon Jonson replied: "I don't know why there are so many noises from the outside world, but one thing I can confirm is that the Hawks themselves have not changed in any way.

Whether it is now or in the future, the Eagles have only one boss, and he is Kraft Nguyen. All of us respect and trust him! "

Jiong Jisen's words have the effect of finalizing the final word.

Since then, the Hawks have never received off-court challenges this season.

The Dynasty team must be a united whole. When the door is closed, everyone can have their own ideas, but when the door is opened, everyone is a team that wins when it wins, and when it loses, it loses.

However, this was already a few days later. After playing back-to-back games against the Clippers, Er Niu returned home with his exhausted body.

The moment he stepped into the door, he heard a lazy meow.


"Good job, 20 consecutive victories, right?"

At this moment, Er Niu was completely focused on Han Meimei's chest. Above the curve of the devil, there was a pure white cat squatting with disdain.

Those little eyes swept across the male host unscrupulously, as if swearing sovereignty over the chest position of the female hostess.

"Is this the new Teddy bought for Mrs. Dorothy?" Er Niu asked with a smile.

"That's right, a lucky little guy, do you think Mrs. Dorothy will like it?" Dr. Han asked.

Er Niu shook his head and said, "That's hard to say, don't forget, Mrs. Dorothy's original Teddy's fur was yellowish, but this cat is too white!

But it doesn't matter, at Mrs. Dorothy's age, she probably can't tell the difference between a yellow cat and a white cat. "

Dr. Han nodded while stroking the cat's head and said, "By the way, Eddie also saw Teddy today, but our daughter doesn't like cats, but is very keen on dogs."

While rubbing his chin, Er Niu thought, "It might be a good idea, maybe, it's time for us to introduce a new family member."

The NBA is filled with a large number of millionaires and multi-millionaires. In addition to daily expenses and consumption in bars and nightclubs, many players in the league have the habit of buying pets.

For example, the famous snake man, Ricky Moore, once raised N poisonous snakes, including the Columbian red-tailed python, rainbow boa constrictor, and even the highly poisonous Gabonese viper.It is said that Moore once invited an ESPN reporter to his house as a guest. According to the reporter, the entire space in Moore's home was filled with a fishy smell, and there were scales that fell from the snake.

If Moore is not big enough, then Arenas, who raised sharks, and O'Neal, who raised white tigers, are undoubtedly the top superstars in the league.

In addition to the above-mentioned guys who raise ferocious beasts, there are also characters who kill ferocious beasts in the league. For example, Erniu's teammate Chris Anderson once hunted and killed a giant crocodile that was taller than him in the summer.

Well, Eddie would never let Er Niu hunt animals, so Er Niu also felt that it was time to buy a reliable pet.

As for whether this pet is a cat or a dog, it depends on Eddie's final choice.

What is the father for?

They came to pay the bill for their daughter!
 Thanks to Mr Sen and Sha Po Lang 444 for their rewards!
  Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal, yezhongyi1 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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