Chapter 749
There are many competitions on the second day of the All-Star game. After the fan carnival, the "HORSE" game will be held first.

This game is extremely lack of popularity in the hearts of most fans.

In fact, last year's game started in the All-Star Game, and the defending champion also participated in the game tonight, he is Kevin Durant.

This game is like a reality show and imitation show. Whoever fails to make all kinds of fancy shots and gets the five letters of "HORSE" will be eliminated immediately.

In the end, Durant relied on his more accurate three-point shooting ability to eliminate Casspi of the Kings and Rondo of the Celtics successively, and successfully defended the championship of the game amidst the laughter of the fans.

And Durant's most distinctive performance is that in the imitation session, he used Rick Barry's classic "piss pot" method to hit the ball. The live audience brought joy.

Because the game itself is full of entertainment, not only the players, but also the performances of the referees and guest commentators are also very interesting.

Charles Barkley once again shows off his sense of humor that entertains to death.

Dragging his body like a fat ball, he played rope skipping on the court. Coupled with the chubby body of the Flying Pig, every time he jumped, there were waves of flesh.

The fans at the scene suddenly fell into a sea of ​​joy.

After the "HORSE" game, there was a Shooting Star game.

A total of four teams participated in the competition, they are:
Atlanta: Joe Johnson, Angie McCartley, Stephen A. Smith

Sacramento: Tyreke Evans, Nicole Powell, Chris Webber
Los Angeles: Pau Gasol, Marie Ferdinand, Brent Barry
Texas: Dirk Nowitzki, Becky Harmon, Kenny Smith

Obviously, each team is a combination of active players + WNBA + celebrities, and the Texas team has gathered the Texas Iron Triangle-the Mavericks, Spurs, and Rockets.

In the end, the Texas team successfully reached the final, and Nowitzki showed his superstar demeanor in the final. He used a midcourt shot to help the team end the final with 34.3 seconds.

unity is strength!

The Lone Star State has won the Shooting Stars championship on its home turf!
After the shooting star competition, the second competition day will enter the individual competition.

The first was a skill contest.

There are 4 players participating in the skill competition, which is divided into two rounds: preliminary round and final round.

Defending champion Derrick Rose withdrew due to a hip injury and Westbrook replaced him.

Westbrook played first, and he looked uncomfortable in his first appearance in the skills competition. It took him 44.1 seconds to complete the game.

Rookie Brandon Jennings followed. Jennings got off to a good start, but he missed consecutive passes on the second pass, and he ended up with 35.7 seconds.

Nash made his third appearance, and he played very easily. After his layup, the time stopped at 35 seconds.

Deron Williams played last. It took him 34.1 seconds to successfully enter the final with Nash. This is the duel between the 05 champion and the 08 champion.

Nash took the lead in the final, and Nash obviously sped up his speed. He completed all his passes at one time, but only took two shots, 29.9 seconds. He ended the final with better results than Ross won last year.

Deron came out under pressure, he got the first few positions all at once, and he got off to a great start, but in the third passing position, Deron got irritable after the first failed pass, which wasted his time A lot of time, at this time the champion has already belonged.

When De Xiaopang made the final layup, Lao Na deliberately stepped forward to block the shot even though it had nothing to do with the outcome. This was a harmless joke.

Finally, Nash lifted the championship trophy of the skills competition again after 05!
After the Skills Competition, the next game day event is the Three Point Contest.

The six players participating in the competition this year are: Cook, Billups, Channing Frye, Danilo Gallinari, Pierce and Curry.

Among these people, there was an interesting thing happened to one of them before the game.

That's babyface Curry.

Before he entered the arena, he was almost stopped by security.

It turned out that although Curry was wearing a light yellow suit, he was carrying a backpack. Because his image was too much like a primary school student, he was almost thought to be a skipper who entered the arena with a package ticket.

Well, this is embarrassing!

Mengku made up his mind that he must grow his beard in the future, otherwise his baby face would be too inconvenient.

In the preliminaries, Pierce was the first to play. He was a bit slow, scoring a total of 5 points in the first two points. After that, he felt better and better, and he scored 17 points.

Billups was the second to play. He scored four goals in a row at the beginning, but unfortunately he only scored two "money-balls" (flower balls, one ball is worth 2 points). He also ended the preliminaries with 17 points.

The rookie Curry really made a good shot. He hit four goals in each of the first two points, but missed the "money-ball". He finally scored 18 points.

Although Gallinari hit four flower balls, he only scored 15 points, and he was the first to miss the final position.

The fifth player to play was Frye. Because he stepped on the line at the top of the circle, his score was affected and he scored 15 points, which made him miss the final.

The defending champion Cook was the last one to come on the stage. He found the sight at the fourth shooting point, but it was too late. With 15 points, he had to end his defending tour early.

This is the three-point contest. On the surface, the victory belongs to the player with the more accurate shooting. In fact, the chance of being on the field is extremely large. No one can guess whose hand will suddenly burst, and everyone's hand will suddenly become cold.

Pierce and Billups with 17 points and Curry with 18 points joined forces to enter the final stage.

Pierce took the lead in the final. He changed the slow heat of the preliminaries. He could hit the "money-ball" in the first four points, and he hit three goals in the last point, including the money-ball, which allowed him to score 20 points.

Billups obviously had a lot of pressure. He only scored three goals in the first two shots, and he couldn't recover when he returned the fourth shot. He ended the final with 14 points.

Curry played it easy, hitting all of his first two money-balls, but he only scored one goal at the top of the circle.

Curry couldn't continue his previous touch in the last two shots. He scored 17 points.

Pierce, who scored 20 points, successfully climbed to the top and became the latest three-pointer king!
The three-point contest came to an end, and the individual competition of the day also entered the final stage, which is also the most popular stage - the slam dunk contest.

Er Niu has been waiting for a long time, and now it's his turn to play.

This year's slam dunk contest can be said to be somewhat lacking in star flavor.

First of all, Howard's withdrawal made the game less interesting. In addition, LeBron James, who vowed last year to participate this year, broke his appointment again, which immediately made the game lack of top stars.

Fortunately, Ruan Erniu announced his participation in the slam dunk contest at the last moment, otherwise the league would have almost pulled Eric Gordon, who was supposed to be in the three-point contest, to participate in the slam dunk contest.

The slam dunk contest has developed into the 09-10 season, and it has indeed entered a more embarrassing period.

The elegant schools like Dr. J and Jordan have long disappeared, the difficult schools like Carter have been decreasing, and even the creative schools like Spark have withdrawn.

If there is no second bull, the audience will have to watch Nate Robinson jump around in various ways, using his height buff to compete for the championship trophy.

 Thank you book friend Sha Po Lang 444 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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