Standing pretty old

Chapter 751 1 Deduction into the Soul

Chapter 751

It's not surprising that the slam dunk contest rookie didn't play well.

Delve into the origins of the slam dunk contest, itself a rivalry in which the NBA puts the best players in the league together in order to attract viewers.

Take a look at the contestants of the first slam dunk contest: Julius Erwin (Dr. J), Dominique Wilkins, Larry Nance, etc. Not only are they physically talented, but they are also leaders of each team figure.

In other words, although physical talent is a prerequisite for participating in the slam dunk contest, but whether the players themselves are big enough is also one of the factors to measure the success of the slam dunk contest.

And more importantly, the big-name players themselves are all players with strong psychological quality and the courage to perform on the court.

In the case of attracting worldwide attention, it is not a simple matter to still dare to make movements and be able to ensure that the movements do not deform.

James has always been criticized, and it is also related to his lack of responsibility at critical moments. If a key ball is passed in the game, it can be explained with a reasonable or unreasonable answer. If he does not participate in the slam dunk contest, it will completely expose King's psychological quality. But hard substance.

You know, a certain trapeze also staged the embarrassment of only scoring 5 goals in the three-point contest, but did this black spot hinder the greatness of No. 23?

There is no need to answer this question at all!

Back in the game, DeRozan and Shannon Brown have the same problem.

They themselves are not big enough, and they are naturally weak psychologically. In addition, their personalities are not flamboyant enough, so they naturally cannot show their best side.Maybe any dunk performance from their usual practice will surpass the one they just had.

This is also the paradox of the slam dunk contest itself. Some people have long suggested that they want to recruit slam dunk talents from the basketball world outside the NBA to participate in this event, but those who know how to know know that those so-called slam dunk talents have really reached the top all-star stage , Often due to various reasons, they cannot exert their own strength.

The slam dunk contest has never been a simple competition of physical talent, it is more a confrontation of players' psychological quality.

When it comes to mentality, megalomaniacs are often better than slam dunks, at least the upcoming former slam dunk champion Nate Robinson is that type.

Little Tudou was sitting on the Sprite cube in the waiting area, but even so, he didn't miss any chance to show himself.

He first grabbed a glass of energy drink in a silver soft package and drank it down. Before the referee handed him the ball, he rubbed his hands and slapped himself hard on the face.

Of course, this can be considered as a deliberate move by Robinson in order to mobilize his emotions; but on the other hand, God knows that he worked so hard to pretend, is it because he took the advertising fee for an energy drink before the game?
Well, it doesn't matter because he takes the ball from the referee and is about to dunk!
Throwing the ball from outside the three-pointer, followed by running, the basketball fell to the floor, bounced up, and Robinson also jumped up.


The audience let out an exclamation, and finally came a slightly difficult dunk, but it was a pity that the rebound height of Xiaotuo's first ball was not enough, and finally failed to complete the dunk.

Everyone has 2 minutes to dunk, Robinson immediately started his second dunk!

same method!
This time the ball bounced high enough!
The basketball was caught in the air, and the windmill was raised with both arms...


Robinson's timing is still problematic, and the ball failed to hit the basket in the end.

He failed to make the second dunk, and the pressure on Little Tudou suddenly increased.

At this time, the live scene was specially cut to the guest Spike Lee. The famous New York director crossed his hands and blocked his mouth, just like Ikyuantang in EVA.

The third buckle!
Still the same way, Robinson must fight!

Rebound, take off, catch the ball, swing your arms, dunk, go in! ! !
Nate Robinson finally completed his dunk on the third attempt of the first round.

Relieved, Spike Lee stood up and applauded his team's dunker.

But Nate's score must not be high. He failed twice before succeeding, which will definitely affect his fluency. What's more, although this ball is difficult, it has not reached the top standard.

Four 4 points, one 9 points, five big shots gave their own scores.

44 points, compared to the performance of the first two Robinsons is indeed better, but compared to the previous dunk contest, after the first three dunks, the audience's emotions have not been fully mobilized.

Now, it's finally the finale's turn for Ruan Erniu to appear!
Er Niu stood up from the Sprite cube, stepped forward to give Robinson a high-five, then took the basketball and came beyond the three-point line.

Tianchaoren took a deep breath, held the ball in one hand, and waved his arms twice to the audience, signaling that the atmosphere was getting warmer.


The people in Dallas were also very face-saving, and there was a huge cheer immediately.

Obviously, in last year's All-Star Slam Dunk Contest, Er Niu's shocking performance gave many people great expectations.

The Celestial Man also stood outside the three-point line. His first dunk was also after throwing up the basketball, he caught the ball and dunked it!
The basketball was thrown high, Er Niu then started, the basketball bounced off the ground, Er Niu jumped up with both feet almost at the same time, and caught the ball with one hand in the air, Er Niu's head was already higher than the basket!
Change hands behind your back!

Arm dunk!


The ball is in!
Finished at once!
And it is by far the most difficult dunk!
"Go in!" Da Xu from the 5th set of Chaotingtai shouted, and then explained: "This ball is higher than the previous ones in terms of jumping height and difficulty.

Er Niu is worthy of his background in gymnastics. With such a heavy weight, he can actually complete such stretching movements in the air.This kind of balance and coordination is definitely a once-in-a-century ability. "

Yang Yi on the side also said excitedly: "Now let's take a look at the live scoring!"

10 points, 10 points, 10 points, 10 points, 10 points.

There is no doubt that the full score is 50 points. Compared with the previous three repeated deductions, Erniu is not only impeccable in difficulty, but also pleasing to the eye in terms of fluency!
The fans at the scene finally gave out a huge cheer!
This is the appeal of a superstar. Even if Erniu is not a Texas player, his popularity in Quanmi is amazing enough.

It's another year's trade deadline, and even though the whole world knows that the Hawks can't trade Erniu, Mavericks owner Mark Cuban still sent a signal to compete for Kraft Nguyen after James Dolan.

"I think Kraft and Dirk are very compatible. They can accomplish great feats together. I will pursue him after Kraft's rookie contract expires!"

Cuban just said it casually?

It's not necessarily true. You must know that Cuban is willing to give a big contract. The league is relatively famous.Even Dampier can get a maximum salary contract, let alone two bulls.

Dallas itself is not a small city. Another thing I have to mention is that Texas has cheap prices and low tax rates, which are also very attractive to NBA players.

However, in the commercial league of the NBA, no one can guarantee any deal or signing until the last moment.

At this moment, Er Niu, who completed the first dunk, clapped hands with the three competitors one by one. In any case, with this dunk as a base, Er Niu has a greater confidence in entering the final.

According to the rules of the competition, there are two rounds of preliminaries. After the first round, the second round will be played according to the scores, from low to high.

Shannon Brown, who only scored 37 points in the first round, walked to the preparation area with a basketball. Standing beside him was his dunk assistant, Kobe Bryant, who had decided to withdraw from the All-Star Game.

(End of this chapter)

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