Chapter 753
Er Niu's entry into the dunk final is a matter of course.

It can be seen from the last slam dunk contest that this BT yellow man has super physical talent, and the defending champion was originally the first candidate.

But DeRozan's ability to kill Shannon Brown and Nate Robinson in the competition greatly exceeded the expectations of the media and fans.

It was really surprising that DeRozan, who was identified as running with him before the game, was able to stand out.

You know, the upset itself means that the favorites are out. Whether it is Shannon Brown, who is expected to be high, or Nate Robinson, who is determined to revenge, their exits have compromised the excitement of the game itself.

Fortunately, Er Niu is still there, this is the final ratings guarantee for the slam dunk contest!
Before the final of the slam dunk contest, in order to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene, the cheerleaders from Dallas came out one after another, using a hot dance to make the straight men and lesbians on the scene enjoy some visual impact.

To be honest, sometimes it’s better not to show or not to show, some charm can only be felt when putting on clothes.

It’s as if the best Class III movies are more interesting than love action movies like Xijingleng, S-one, N Bendao, etc. In the state of being happy but not lewd, less leaks can actually stimulate people’s adrenaline.

However, Erniu and DeRozan don't have time to appreciate the live performance at this time. They must seize the time to actively rest and accumulate energy for the finals that will soon begin.

After the cheerleading performance, Cheryl Miller announced the scoring method of the final stage as a live supporter.

The scoring method is roughly the same as last year, and the decision is completely in the hands of the fans. The person with the most SMS votes will win the final slam dunk contest champion.

With the scene switching, many celebrities present took out their mobile phones one after another, preparing to vote for the champion in their minds, even the five judges who were in charge of scoring just now, and now they have no privileges. part of the fans.

Choose A - Ruan Erniu; choose B - DeMar DeRozan.

In the commentary seat of the imperial court, Yang Yi said with a little regret: "I think the rules of the dunk contest are still unfair. Why can only the audiences who vote are mobile phone users in North America? Since the NBA is a world-class basketball stage, It should allow audiences all over the world to vote."

Da Xu, who was on the side, laughed twice and had no excuse. After a pause for two seconds, he still said: "The qualified audience can also vote for Er Niu!"

There are some words that cannot be said in too much detail!

Is it unfair to blame NBA officials?
But after all, this is a sports league for Americans, how could it not be biased towards American audiences?
Besides, if the voting restrictions were lifted and he didn't play tricks on the back, even if Dayao came to directly participate in the final stage of the slam dunk contest, he would definitely be able to...

Well, well, Dayao should not pass the preliminaries, so this assumption can only be an assumption.

Amidst the noise, DeMar DeRozan came to the front, and he was about to start his first dunk in the final!

His teammate Sonny Weems stepped up again, and it was clear that it was another coordinated dunk.

However, Wilms' position under the basket betrayed DeRozan's idea for the first time. He wanted to jump over the wall and dunk.

The slam dunk contest is also a constantly developing sport. In recent years, the action of leaping over the human wall has become common, and it is no longer a particularly innovative action. A slam dunk that can be seen through at a glance will not give people too many surprises.

DeRozan probably didn't expect that he could directly enter the finals, so he didn't spend too much time preparing for the dunk, at least the rookie dunker hasn't understood the importance of researching and pleasing the audience.

Wilms held the basketball halfway, and DeRozan sponsored the run and jump, and took the ball from the back of Wilms from the air. DeRozan doubled his legs and stepped over his teammates. At the same time, he rounded his arms and dunked!


The first buckle failed!

The take-off height is not sufficient, and the timing is also problematic.

Er Niu on the sidelines suddenly felt a little dull. He had a premonition that he might get his second slam dunk contest championship trophy soon!

There is still plenty of time. DeRozan discussed with his teammate Wilms and decided to make the second dunk in the first round.


While DeRozan's second button was activated, he also shouted instructions from his mouth.

Wilms, who faced DeRozan with his back, immediately smashed the ball to the backboard.


The basketball rebounded after hitting the backboard, and DeRozan had jumped up at this time, caught the ball with both hands in the air, crossed the wall with his legs crossed, and dunked!
DeRozan's second dunk caused cheers from the scene, but that's all. He still has the same problem, the jump height is not enough, and the creativity is not satisfactory.

Now it's Er Niu's turn!

囧囧sen stepped aside and said, "Are you sure you want 'him' to help? Is it reliable?"

Er Niu smiled and waved his hands and said: "It's okay, we have practiced twice, I believe there is no problem!"

With that said, Er Niu went straight to the half of the non-slam dunk zone, where there were cheerleaders, on-site staff, volunteers, small fans, etc., as well as mascots of many teams.

Er Niu hooked his fingers to one of the mascots, and then a huge red figure stood up. After a burst of poses and almost pretentious provocations, he settled his hometown in the Philips Arena. The mascot of the Atlanta Hawks——Ha Ruiying walked to Erniu's side.

Prior to this, he had made various provocative poses in front of the mascots of many teams, and almost clashed with the Mavericks mascot at home, the blue pony "Mavs-Man".

Harry Eagle has never been a troublemaker, and his series of provocative actions seemed to say: "I am not targeting anyone, I mean everyone sitting here is rubbish!"

Well, in general, in one sentence: he has a lot of drama!
Er Niu finally couldn't help but pulled the Harry Eagle who loved Xian, pulled his mascot to the side below the hoop, and handed the basketball in his hand to Harry Eagle.

The half lift is only higher than DeRozan's in height, and it seems that he also took the basketball dunk from Harry Hawk.

However, a series of gimmicks are good. As long as one dunk is successful, Er Niu's approval rating is still more advantageous than DeRozan in theory.

Harry Hawk no longer moved around casually, but stood firmly at the bottom right of the basket, while Erniu stood directly at the bottom right corner.

start up!approach!Take off!

Er Niu's left hand caught the basketball first, and the whole person had to fly over Harry Hawk's head. At the same time, he changed hands from under his almost straight legs, and then used his right hand to complete the violent...



The fans at the scene can no longer contain their emotions...

It's so arrogant!

Once again, the Celestials used their incredible jumping ability and extraordinary imagination to complete this shocking dunk!
At this moment, even the Dallas fans were conquered by Ruan Erniu. They only thought of one thing at the moment: Mark (Cuban), bring this Chinese man to Dallas immediately, this guy is great!

With just one buckle, DeRozan already knew that his situation was over. The rookie stood up and applauded Er Niu wholeheartedly, and the bite behind him would eventually become a foil.

Some people are so powerful that it is difficult for people to raise the idea of ​​​​resistance. The difference in level is too great.

As a rule, a Trojan (USC's name) should not bow to the silly bear (USC's derogatory name for UCLA), but on such a big stage as the NBA All-Star Weekend, how many people can still maintain a normal heart?
At least at this moment, DeRozan was overwhelmed!
(End of this chapter)

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