Standing pretty old

Chapter 755 Interesting Variations

Chapter 755 Interesting Variations

People only see what they want to see, and only believe what they want to believe.

Er Niu is not a philosopher, but from the very beginning, he did not put his efforts to play in the 2010 NBA All-Star Game in his plan. The reason is very simple. If he fails to win the AMVP game, it is equivalent to being a companion.

The league will basically not give him this opportunity, and the head coach of the Eastern All-Star team is Mike Brown of the Cavaliers. Even if the Hawks have the largest four-man group in the Eastern Conference, they still cannot change the factual dilemma.

On the plane to Dallas, the Hawks discussed this issue.

"Kraft, are you sure you don't want to compete for the AMVP? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There has never been a player with three consecutive AMVPs in history." Lunar Eclipse said.

"Do you think Mike Brown will give me this chance? To be more specific, Stern probably doesn't want a Chinese player to become the first three consecutive AMVP winners in NBA history, right?"

"By the way! You are not from the United States, I almost forgot about that!" Lunar Eclipse sighed inexplicably.

Jiongjisen on the side also nodded and said: "If you are from the United States, you probably won the regular season MVP in the first season, right?"

Er Niu smiled and said: "Who can say for sure about this kind of thing? But it's not bad now. Have you ever seen a second lucky guy like me? After entering the league for nearly three years, he has basically everything he should have." !"

Speaking of which, all the generals of the Eagles fell into silence. That's right, Kraft Nguyen's career was really smooth, and he almost won all the hard honors that the so-called historical superstars deserved as soon as he entered the league.

On the one hand, this made him no regrets in his career, on the other hand, it was also very likely to make him lose his thirst for honor.

Damn it, thinking of this, everyone in the Eagles wanted to step forward and beat Er Niu up. This guy's invisible pretense has penetrated into every aspect of life, and often makes people speechless.


"Are you really going to compete for AMVP? This is an unprecedented record!" Dayao, who was in a suit, also talked about this topic during the chat with Erniu before the start of the main game.

Yao Ming had to rest for 1-15 regular season games due to a knee injury in the game at the end of January. This may not be good news for Dayao himself, because he will participate in the World Championships in Turkey this summer and really needs a little rest Here's the chance.

But for the Houston Rockets, this is a big bad news, because it means that last year's Western Conference champion is likely to miss the playoffs directly.

This season, the Western Conference continued the fierce competition pattern of the previous two seasons.

A winning percentage of more than half is not enough to ensure the team enters the playoffs. Without a score of more than 50 wins, it basically means that you cannot guarantee your promotion. The Rockets are currently only ranked 9th in the West, and the Thunder are 3 or more away from the [-]th. win gap.

"Let's take a step at a time. Who can say this kind of thing well? Brother Yao, in your situation, can you make it to the playoffs?" Er Niu asked with a pun.

"Who knows if I can catch up? Maybe I won't be in the Rockets at that time!" Yao Ming said helplessly with a rice-style shrug.

The trade deadline is approaching, and Yao Ming, whose contract will expire next year, has been involved in the comments in the trading market more than once.

Although there is no evidence to prove that Morey wanted to pack Yao with McGrady when he put McGrady on the shelves, but the commercial market of the NBA has never been certain, certain and certain.

Even some ruthless Rockets fans hope that the team can trade Yao Ming. The reason is that they are fed up with Yao's injury attributes and being squeezed by the Chinese Basketball Association endlessly during the offseason.

You know, during the offseason, Yao should have recuperated from his injuries instead of participating in any international competitions. It was the Rockets themselves who paid Yao Ming's salary, not the Chinese Basketball Association.

Coupled with the rapid rise of Er Niu, Dayao's commercial value is objectively not as good as before, so trading Yao's name, in the eyes of many people, is indeed one of the options for the Rockets. Perhaps the initiative is not in the hands of the Rockets.

Speaking of which, Er Niu didn't know how to comfort Dayao.Yao Ming is very open-minded, and encourages Er Niu to continue to make great achievements and win glory for the country. Er Niu intends to reveal a little bit of his plan in advance, but in the end he keeps his mouth shut. If things are not kept secret, it will cause harm. Keep the secret, yes necessary condition for success.

In fact, up to this moment, Erniu has not had any unreasonable thoughts about tonight's AMVP. In his heart, LeBron James, who is sitting on Mike Brown, will almost certainly get the award in his life tonight. The second AMVP trophy.

However, when Er Niu led the Eagles players into the Eastern All-Star locker room, and after all the star players were seated one after another, the people of the Celestial Dynasty noticed a different atmosphere at a glance.

First look at the composition of the Eastern All-Stars:

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the Eagles' four-man team. It is understandable that Derek Rose and David Lee are sitting relatively close to each other. It is understandable for the two rookies who participated in the All-Stars to keep warm; * It is normal for Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Rajon Rondo to get close to each other, because they are the three of the Celtics; there seems to be nothing wrong with James, Wade, and Bosh sitting together, they are friends in private , and belong to the 03 golden generation.

What's strange is the way these three sit together.

What a twist.

From the perspective of an outsider, Er Niu found that their positions seemed to be a bit wrong.

Soon, Ruan Erniu noticed the subtle change, that is, James, who was supposed to sit in the middle position, changed his position. He and D. Wade switched positions, and now D. Wade.

This is where their trio is different from the past!
Originally, whether or not the emperor favored the concubine was at the discretion of the emperor, but now that the concubine actually sat in the seat of His Majesty, the picture suddenly became wonderful.

There must be something going on here!
Er Niu remained calm, because it was not enough to just look at things on the surface, and only after observing the specific performance of each person could he draw a conclusion.

Subsequently, Mike Brown's loose tactical arrangement further confirmed Er Niu's judgment.

If you want to help James compete for AMVP, it shouldn't be such a messy tactical arrangement.

What is certain now is that at least James himself never proposed to Mike Brown the idea of ​​competing for the AMVP before the game.

Er Niu gradually understood that this was James taking the initiative to show his favor to D. Wade.

It seems that the Heat's management has already made a plan for this summer.

Otherwise, as arrogant as James, he will definitely strive for the AMVP trophy, just like he did in the All-Star Game in the past few years.

So funny!

Er Niu whispered to his Eagles teammates, since the opponent made a change, Er Niu naturally had to make a change immediately.

Three consecutive AMVPs, on the surface, this is not a hard honor, but being selected as the star of the stars for three consecutive years, is it not a huge temptation for Ruan Erniu who wants to become a historical player? .

The All-Star Game has not yet started, but the stage performances have already entered the program. The NBA invited tonight are all popular entertainers-Usher, Alicia Keys, and the famous singers who have long been famous in the Latin music circle Rising, just a few months later, Shakira would become a world-class pop diva with South Africa's World Cup theme song "waka-waka".

After the pad performance and the performance of the American national anthem, the NBA All-Star Game is about to officially begin!
 Thank you book friend Sha Po Lang 444 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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