Standing pretty old

Chapter 757 The climax keeps coming to an abrupt end

Chapter 757 The climax keeps coming to an abrupt end (two in one, [-]-word chapter)

Halftime, cabaret performances are still hot, but the star players in the East and West don't have time to appreciate these.

The East is not bad, they are the leading side no matter what, even if there are all kinds of intrigues inside, but they can still maintain the bright side.

It's different here in the West!

Some fans may not believe it, but in the locker room of the All-Star Game, someone started roaring like a blower:

"XX! Do you still have the dignity of a basketball player? For the third consecutive year! Are you going to lose to the Eastern Conference of XX for the third consecutive year?

What XX is strong in the west and weak in the east, what XX is the WNBA (many US media have satirized that the league is only strong in the west, so the NBA should be called the WNBA. As we all know, the WNBA refers to the US Women's Basketball League), all of which are bullshit, you guys It is indeed the 'W', not only the X, but even the throat and buttocks are about to be fucked by the strong men in the east!

What does it mean to be eliminated by opponents for three consecutive seasons, do I need to say more? "

It was the head coach of the Nuggets who said these words, and the current All-Star head coach of the Western Conference-George Karl. George Karl was also unwilling to give up the game.

The Western All-Stars who were stunned by anger began to wake up gradually.

They are all men with handles, how could they be indifferent to such obscene insults.

Even if one or two GAYs are awakened among these fierce people, most of them will be the aggressive type, and they will definitely not be able to bear the treatment of "three-eyed children".

The second half began quickly, with players from both sides returning to the field.

On the offensive end of the All-Stars in the Western Conference, Nash controlled the ball from outside, and Nowitzki, Duncan, and Stoudemire stepped up to cover at the same time. This wall is really quite spectacular!

The Son of the Wind did not use any of the walls, but took the ball from the middle position between Daidai and Xidi and entered the penalty area.

Er Niu, who was too lazy to jump out, couldn't ignore it at this time. It was the instinctive reaction of the inside players to guard the three-second zone. As Lao Na flew into the air first, Er Niu also flew up.

Back pass!

The ball is awarded.

It's Dirk Nowitzki, who is really full of love. Even after leaving the Mavericks for many years, the relationship between Nash and Nowitzki is still enviable.

Nowitzki's 18-foot dry pull!



The counterattack of the Western All-Stars is coming!
On the offensive end of the Eastern Conference, D. Wade also used CROSSOVER to throw off Anthony's defense at 18 feet, and then he made a dry shot!


Missed, Dazed protected the backboard.

Nash held the ball and rushed forward. Anthony and Nowitzki opened their hands for the ball at the same time, but Nash immediately sent the ball to Stoudemire who was cutting to the basket. Citi was unstoppable.


Filling the basket with one hand, amazed everyone!
Er Niu was firmly blocked behind him, and Garnett simply did not retreat to a position within the free throw line.

The attitude of the Western All-Stars is indeed different. Although George Karl is strict, he is indeed a good coach.

At this time, no one thought that George Karl would directly miss the regular season in March and April and all subsequent playoffs due to throat cancer treatment.

For a long time in the future, George Karl will be a coach full of black spots.

For example, after he breaks up with the star player he once worked with, he still chatters about the other party, accusing the other party of lack of fighting spirit and so on.

For example, in key games, instruct the players under his hand to play against the opponent.

For example, you often hold a good hand of cards in your hand, but in the end you fail to achieve convincing results and so on.

However, if you analyze the above black spots in detail, you will often find that they cannot stand scrutiny at all:

First of all, academic stubbornness like George Karl has always had such a temper. If stubbornness and rudeness are black spots, then Cardinal Auerbach should be the first to be blacked out.

Of course, the bishop has honors, so he has become a good coach who people say is gentle and understands players.

This goes back to the category of heroes based on success or failure, but ignores all aspects of commercial competition.

It should be noted that the relationship between George Karl and the players is not so bad.

Not long after, when O'Neal, Webber, Reggie Miller, Shaq O'Neal, Kenny Smith and others were guests on TNT's first program, when they talked about the current head coach without a championship, they mainly mentioned Two names: Rick Adelman and George Carr.

When asked who they would rather play under, several celebrities voted for George Karl.

The so-called roughness also depends on the person. A truly mature superstar can distinguish who is the coach who is helpful to him.

Secondly, the story of instructing the players under his hand to play the black hand.

Hehe, Popovich spread his hands helplessly, while Bruce Bowen turned his face with a deep expression, looking up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle.

Those who know me are worried, those who don't know me say what I want.

So, is the topic going back to the discussion of success or failure of heroes?

Finally, let’s talk about the saying that holding a good card in your hand and failing to achieve results.

Let's take a look at what a certain netizen said: "Karl's biggest advantage is that he can bring a team with a low ceiling to the ceiling, and his biggest shortcoming will always make people inexplicably say 'this team has a ceiling. High, the coach is the only downside' kind of illusion."

Did George Karl really have a good card that was pleasing to the eye?
Maybe it's just his personal ability to play an ordinary deck of cards too beautifully.

Then, the topic once again returned to the rhythm of success or failure of heroes.

To sum up, the fundamental reason why George Karl is not a good coach is that he does not have a championship ring.

At this time, Jerry Sloan, Don Nelson, and Rick Adelman all liked it.

Back in the game, under the roar of George Karl, the Western All-Stars finally recovered their fighting spirit, and then at the beginning of the third quarter, they played a wave of 11:2 attacks, instantly reducing the score of the two teams to 83:80 , The Eastern Conference All-Stars' lead is only three points left.

During this time, Nowitzki, Stoudemire and Anthony joined forces to quickly close the score.

If it weren't for the commercial timeout approaching, Mike Brown really wanted to hand in a timeout to arrange the team's defense.

The two sides entered the rhythm of rotation, but Er Niu was also replaced. In the next 2 minutes, D. Wade led the East to launch a counterattack.

Sauway first went to the basket with the ball in a row, causing damage, or simply scored 2+1 directly, and then sent second passes for his friends Bosh and Pierce to help the team open the score again.

However, during this period of time, the All-Stars in the Western Conference were not idle. Deron Williams fully demonstrated his aggressiveness, scoring consecutive three-pointers, and once again helped the team catch up with the score.

The game suddenly looks good, and once it enters the rhythm of chasing each other, even a performance game will become full of competition.

At least in terms of defensive intensity, the two sides are much more active than in the first quarter.

Mike Brown is still not satisfied with the situation on the court. In his opinion, this should be a sure game.

After all, Black Bread finally became an All-Star in the Western Conference, and he certainly has ideas about his honor room.

You know, the only possibility of Mike Woodson's three consecutive COYs is very low.

Unless the Eagles win 80 wins, but the Eagles want to lose only one game in the next game, the difficulty is directly beyond the horizon.

So, as the current head coach of the Cavaliers with the second record in the league, Black Bread is indeed the guy who has the best chance to touch the honor of the best coach.

Black Bread has been Popovich's striker for many years. He has a way of observing players. James' mentality has changed. No one can tell what will happen in the future.

In this business alliance, the only justice is to strive for the best interests for oneself.

Therefore, leading the Eastern All-Stars to win this All-Star Game has become something that Black Bread must work hard for, because in the final analysis, this is also a bonus item that cannot be ignored.

In the next round, Mike Brown stood up. He made a decision and played the trump card that could determine the direction of the game-the four-man group of the Eagles.

Ruan Erniu, Jiong Jisen, Lunar Eclipse, and Salmon appeared on the court at the same time, and their partner was none other than LeBron James.

The fateful combination, because in the hearts of the last All-Stars, LBJ was also seamlessly embedded in this system. Of course, Bibby occupied the position of Salmons at that time.

"You won't ask me if I can only shoot three-pointers?" Er Niu said to James with a smile.

"No, judging from the current state, I just need to be responsible for handing over the ball to you?" James also said with a smile.

Sau Wei, who had just been replaced, dragged his huge cheeks, looked at the field with eyes full of energy, and said to himself: "He laughed again!"

On the offensive end of the Eastern Conference, Jon Jonson held the ball for half court, then sent the ball to Lunar Eclipse, and Lunar Eclipse took the ball to the penalty area. Salmons.

Salmon tricked Durant, who was defending himself, with a feint, and then rushed to the basket along the baseline, facing Kaman's help defense, and sent the ball to James on the outside.

LBJ is worthy of his super giant vision. He sent a second pass at the moment of receiving the ball. Like a volleyball setter, he dialed the ball into the air.

Ruan Erniu came in from behind, jumped high, caught the basketball with one hand in the air, and then smashed Huashan with one move, dunking the ball hard into the basket.

The Hawks, no, it was the Eastern All-Stars who then launched a wave of quicksilver attacks, once again pulling the two teams to 15+.

Fortunately, it is not that no one in the western team stood up. Kevin Durant, the big tarantula, once again showed his deadly fangs, hitting consecutive three-pointers from the flanks, once again helping the western all-stars to draw the score closer.

120:109, 11 points may not seem small, but on the All-Star stage, this is far from a reassuring score.

If these star players put in a little effort, this point is simply not enough for them.

After the last All-Star Game, the Eagles' four-person team once again appeared on the stage of the All-Star Game at the same time. This is also a bridge that the league has arranged for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be used during the most anxious time of the game. .

Plans can never keep up with changes, but reality is often more exciting than scripts!
Before the start of the final quarter, Mike Brown accepted an inter-section interview with reporters.

"Will putting all four of the Hawks on the field at the same time affect the viewing level of the game and make people feel like it's the Atlanta Hawks playing?"

Black Bread asked back: "Do you think the game is boring? If not, I think everything is OK!"

That's right, this is the biggest difference between the Hawks' quartet and the Pistons' Four Tigers.

Back then, the four Pistons carried all kinds of bags to work and regarded the game as a delicate job, but the combination of the four Eagles + James was a hundred times more gorgeous than the former.

James dispatches in the center, Jon Jisen and Salmon ambushes on the flanks, plus Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse fly together on both wings, all kinds of dunks in the air, continuous seconds pass connection, if this kind of game is still boring, then it is really deliberately find fault.

The final scramble for the fourth quarter begins soon.

At the critical moment, George Karl sent his most trusted point guard, Chauncey Billups, to control the situation.

The presence of the FMVP point guard in the first three quarters was very low, and the three-point shooting rate was even more desperate, but in the final quarter of the game, the fireplace once again showed the temperament of its championship point guard.

As soon as he came on the field, the fireplace used two simple screens on the offensive end to hit consecutive three-pointers from outside the perimeter.

Derek Rose, who was in charge of defending him, was indeed a little tender. The second-year champion hadn't figured it out yet, and the rhythm of the game changed again.

Subsequently, the Western All-Stars quickly played a wave of 10:2 attacks under the leadership of Billups, and once again caught up with the score.

This is the All-Star Game, leading in double figures is not a big deal at all, and any player running on the opposite side can turn the score over in a wave.

Even for a player like the fireplace who is not good at offense, once he finds the touch, he can end the game smoothly at any time.

The Eastern All-Stars are still in control of the situation. Bosh, Pierce and David Lee hit shots one after another, stabilizing the trend of the game again.

But Billups, who has a full touch, is already hard to stop. Even if the black bread replaces Rose and replaces Rondo to defend, he still cannot stop the FMVP's offense.

The hearth first hit a three-pointer again, and then consecutively assisted Randolph, who had just played, to hit a mid-range shot.

Black Bear's movements are definitely not graceful, but his scoring efficiency is indeed gratifying, which is directly proportional to his round face.

However, the ranking is in no particular order. Drug trafficking, basketball and cuteness will always be the main theme of Randolph's life.

Years later, Randolph would be arrested by the police again for drug trafficking. People thought it was incredible, because in those years in Memphis, Zach gave people the feeling that he had already reformed.

However, some insiders in Memphis revealed: "Once, I smoked the goods (D marijuana) I just got at the door of my house. I didn't expect a policeman to come over. I just thought I was going to start a prison life. I didn't expect Mr. Cop just said hello to me and walked away, this is Memphis!"

Well, can a man who has been in a Portland prison and a New York gang really have a reformation?

Well, Rotten Tofu is very cute. You can’t slander him. After all, he is not only responsible for showing cuteness, but also provides supply for multiple customers within the alliance. How can ordinary people understand such dedication?
Yes, this is the NBA, strength belongs to strength, and things like drugs, sex, and gambling have never left this commercialized league.

With more than 6 minutes left in the final quarter, at 128:128, the two sides returned to the same starting line again.

The defensive intensity of the game has finally increased to the level of the regular season. If the two sides cannot decide the winner, it is not impossible for the rhythm of the game to enter the playoffs.

The All-Stars in the East, led by Erniu and D. Wade, once again played a wave of 11:2 offensive climax.

But before the eastern generals were happy, the western all-star team played together with Dirk Nowitzki and Billups, once again pulling the score closer.

After the fireplace hit a three-pointer in the transition of offense and defense, 141:142, the Western Conference All-Star team overtook the score.

The Western All-Stars lead the Eastern All-Stars for the first time since falling behind in the first quarter.

George Karl dared to hide Nash directly in the last quarter, which can be regarded as giving Billups the greatest trust, and FMVP did not live up to George Karl's trust.

The game entered a fierce state, and the defensive actions of both sides increased, but the referee's whistle-blowing scale did not keep up.

At the last moment, the game should have been resolved by the players themselves, but the referee's whistle interrupted it all.


First, Deron Williams was intercepted by Wade on the offensive end, and then after a small physical contact, the referee whistled a foul for Deron, Cheek went to the free throw line, and made 2 of 2 free throws.

At 143:142, the East once again overtook the score.

According to the general situation, the head coach of the All-Star Game will not take the initiative to suspend. After all, the time for inter-section breaks and commercial suspensions is enough for them to arrange tactics or talk nonsense with players.

But at the critical moment, George Karl actually ignored the unspoken rules of the so-called All-Stars and directly called a long timeout to arrange tactics.

Immediately following Erniu's dislocation to defend Nowitzki, it was also a concealed underhand rush to the top. Although the German driver shot hard, Erniu was also sentenced to a defensive foul.

Nowitzki withstood the pressure and also made 2 of 2 free throws.

At 143:144, the West took the lead again.


7 seconds left!
Mike Brown is also welcome, you make the first grade of junior high school, and I will make the fifteenth grade.

They also asked for a timeout and assigned special offensive tactics to Wade. Er Niu smiled and did not argue.

At this time, Er Niu's data was 30 points, 22 rebounds, and 5 assists, while D. Wade's data was 28 points, 11 assists, 6 rebounds, and 5 steals. Compete for the chance of AMVP.

However, both Wade and Er Niu were closely guarded by the Western All-Stars. When James served the sideline ball, he couldn't find them both at the first time.

As a result, Bosh stepped forward at a critical moment. After receiving the ball, his fake shot directly caused Nowitzki's thug foul.

2 free throws and 2 hits!
Last 5 seconds!
145: 144!

The West requested a final timeout, and George Karl gave Carmelo Anthony the last chance to attack.

Nowitzki sighed helplessly, this is the power of the head coach, AMVP has too many uncontrollable factors!
However, Carl's approach is selfish and not unreasonable. You must know that Anthony is the player with the highest shooting percentage among all the players on the court.


It's a pity that God didn't stand on the side of the Western All-Stars tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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