Standing pretty old

Chapter 769 Young people pay taxes, swept in the first round

Chapter 769 Young people pay taxes, swept in the first round

Of course, the narrator can express his views at will, but the real direction of the game is indeed determined by the performance of the athletes on the spot.

In the final analysis, no matter how well the coach arranges, it depends on the players to execute.

The reason why the Bulls led the Eagles by double digits in the first quarter of G3 is that they outperformed the Atlanta people in the final analysis.

The slackening of the Hawks is also reasonable. After all, the 75-win invincible team defeated the eighth team in the East and was swept by itself in the regular season in two consecutive games.

Everyone makes mistakes, otherwise the Eagles would not have left 7 teams that were not swept in the regular season, but should have 82 wins and 0 losses, sweeping away all opponents.

The second quarter started quickly. Although Woodson was angry, he still replaced the substitutes for rotation as usual, and didn't mean to continue to kill the main players.

Larry Drew on the opposite side knows the Hawks well enough. He also replaced most of the main players and used the Bulls as a substitute to deal with the Hawks.

For the Bulls, the real test has only just begun, because only by blocking the Hawks' offense during the rotation time can they have a chance to win the game.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, Jamal Crawford holds the ball and ushers in Ronald Murray's defense. Ke 6 is 6 feet 5 inches tall and Murray is 6 feet 4 inches tall, but Crawford is obviously taller in size One block taller than Murray.

Bend your knees, start, take a step back to pull the ball, move with your crotch, take a step with your left hand, and pull back again.

Murray did not have teammates with Crawford in the Eagles last year. If he has been in a team, he will know this time. He would rather be passed by Crawford than change his focus at will, because... …


Under Ke Lu's series of feints, Ronald Murray, who was actually shorter and had a lower center of gravity, was shaken to the ground.

Crawford stepped up from inside the three-point line, obviously knocked down his opponent, and insisted on using a difficult backward shot.


The goal is scored, and this posture is no worse than the picturesque Mamba in the West.

Coupled with the bonus of swaying to the opponent before shooting, the Eagles' bench, who had been suppressed for a quarter of the game, suddenly became emotional. Patrick Mills, the captain of the towel throwing team, was the first to stand up and quickly waved his towel. , came to cheer for Ke 6, and then several Hawks players also joined the ranks.

However, in the stands of the United Center arena, Crawford did not give him too many boos because of his humiliating actions.

Interestingly, Ke 6's career started with the Bulls.

Many old Bulls fans at the scene watched how the team grew step by step as the No. 00 pick in the 8 class to become a top scorer in the league. Then, the Bulls traded him to the New York Knicks...

Strictly speaking, it was the Bulls management that abandoned K-6, so the fans at the United Center still have a good impression of Crawford.

Crawford started to go crazy, which means that the Bulls' defense is suffering a major blow.

After Murray was knocked to the ground by Ke Luhuang, not only did he completely lose confidence on the defensive end, but he also lost his mind on the offensive end.

Even Bibby, who was slow, could seize the opportunity to cut off his pass, and the lead established by the Bulls in the first quarter was being quickly eroded.

Mike Woodson sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, even if the Hawks are still behind, but the problem is once again placed in front of Larry Drew.

Either continue to use the Bulls to support the bench, or simply replace all the main players, let's fight!
At this moment, Larry Trudeau hopes that the Bulls' substitute James Johnson can be split into two, becoming James and Johnson, so that all problems can be solved.

The player's full name is James Patrick Johnson.

I have to admit that some people's names do look like superstars, but even after a few years, this guy is just a good jigsaw puzzle player, and he has no chance of being a superstar after all.

Well, dreams can still be made, anyway, you have to wake up sooner or later.

Larry Drew immediately requested a timeout, and immediately put all the main players on the field.

The purpose of the Bulls is to fight for the next game first, so there is no need to think about things like preserving physical strength to continue the promotion for the time being.

Watching his old friend Drew replace the Bulls' main players, Woodson still waited unhurriedly until the approximate rotation time arrived before replacing the main players in turn.

At this time, the Bulls' lead was back to about 8-10 points, but Woodson didn't mean to be in a hurry. He kept Crawford on the court and let Jon Jonsen directly serve as the No. [-] position.

The intention of Woodson's move is very obvious, that is, while maintaining the offensive firepower, let the stronger physique Jon Jonson consume Derek Rose.

As long as the Bulls' No. [-] position is abolished, the home team's overall offense will not be within the Hawks' sight at all.

The Bulls have the ball, Rose holds the ball in the frontcourt, Gibson and Noah once again put up the pick-and-roll, but Jon Jonsen's physical advantage in the first position is obvious, a beautiful card position plus physical contact, immediately slowed down Rose's first step speed.

Lunar Eclipse's attack was quick. Although he didn't cut off the basketball in Rose's hand immediately, the two of them still surrounded Rose on the flanks.

Rose had no choice but to send a cross pass.


The low-post Er Niu was already prepared, raised up to block the passing route, and easily intercepted Rose's cross pass.

Offensive and defensive transition, bull sprint!
Neither Noah nor Gibson was able to catch up to the wild bull who was running wildly. Although Rose, who quickly returned to defense, could catch up with the speed of the second bull, there was an obvious difference in the confrontation ability between the two.

In the end, Ross still didn't have the courage to rush forward to meet the bull, so he could only watch the unguarded bull jump up and perform.

Rebound rebound + big windmill under the crotch!
Ruan Erniu bulged his biceps with his right hand and took a close-up of the bottom line camera lens. He completed a wonderful performance, which should naturally be accompanied by a wonderful posture. This is called superstar demeanor, and it is also a compulsory course for NBA superstars.

In the subsequent second quarter, Rose was completely surrounded by the Eagles, and he no longer had the glory of the first quarter.

The Bulls know enough about the Hawks, but in the NBA, which team's video analyst hasn't studied the tapes of other teams?

Compared with the overall difficulty of defending the Eagles, finding weaknesses on the Bulls is much easier!
Strangling Derrick Rose to death, the Bulls crippled more than half of them in an instant. No matter how amazing Rose's speed is, it is not enough to look at the muscle-strangling formation formed by the Atlanta people.

People always like to say that the Hawks' offensive talent is the best in the league, and their three-point long-range shooting ability surpasses the times.

But to put it bluntly, the Hawks' standing is basically their overall defense.

As long as they want, this team can always play the ugliest but most effective defense like the most traditional NBA team.

Even when Crawford came to the Hawks, he could only serve as a substitute. What Woodson fundamentally instilled in this team was the iron-blooded spirit of overall defense.

At 53:56, after working hard for a long time, the Chicagoans found that they only had a 3-point lead at halftime.

If Hinrich hadn't hit a lucky three-pointer at the buzzer at the last moment, they would have returned to the same starting line with the Hawks.

Mark Jackson said: "The Eagles have found a countermeasure. Letting Joe Johnson defend Rose seems to have exceeded the Bulls' expectations. Should I say that the Eagles have a luxurious lineup, or is Woodson targeting properly? After all, they dare to sacrifice the team's second Score points to exchange for offensive initiation points for the Bulls."

Mike Breen summed it up: "History has always been strikingly similar, with Scottie Pippen sacrificing his desire to score and doing more on defense alongside Kraft Nguyen. Johnson made the same sacrifice."

Jeff Van Gundy on the side said at this time: "But Joe's offensive efficiency has not declined. He hit 2 three-pointers and a drop shot in the second quarter, and his performance on the defensive end is not impeccable. He is indeed very good. Well, it delayed Rose's first step, but the Eagles' defense against Rose relied on the team's zone defense system.

Or should I put it another way, Woodson sent Joe Johnson to Rose, not only to limit the Bulls leader on the offensive end, but more importantly, to keep the Bulls in control at both ends of the offense and defense. "

Jeff Van Gundy has really grown up.

In the commentary seat, he did see more clearly than when the Rockets were the head coach, or in other words, it was easier for people to see the truth with a peaceful mind.

At this time, in the Bulls' locker room, Larry Drew also figured out the old buddy's conspiracy.

His many years as an assistant coach of the Eagles is not for nothing. As Egghead's deputy, Woodson's thoughts, he can always gain insight in a short time.

"POOH! (Derrick Rose's nickname in the United States is also the name of Winnie the Pooh, because Ross's friends think he looks like Winnie the Pooh, this vision...) If Joe Johnson switches on you, on the defensive end, you don't Face Joe directly, Kirk, you are in charge of defending Joe." Larry Drew immediately arranged.

But Drew knew very well in his heart that this was nothing more than a headache.

It is the most helpless way to be led by the nose by the opponent, but the overall strength of the Bulls is indeed at the absolute bottom, which is also an indisputable fact, at least the current Bulls do not have the ability to say no.

In the Eagles locker room, Woodson calmly arranged the defensive points for the second half. Egghead still did his best homework in blocking and consuming Derrick Rose.

Relevant deployments have been made from personal single-defense restrictions to overall joint defense encirclement, including some small-scale double-teaming.

The reason why the Eagles dared to do this was because the Bulls lacked pitchers on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was also caused by Rose's own lack of long-range shooting ability.

This is the case in basketball games. One side has a fatal shortcoming, and the other side will definitely attack this point at all costs.

The game started quickly in the second half, and the Hawks returned to their starting lineup at the beginning of the second half, but after an offensive round, on the defensive end, Jon Jonsen was still arranged by Woodson to face Derrick Rose.

Rose controlled the ball in the frontcourt. In the second half of the second quarter, when Jon Jonsen led the defense, Rose made 5 of 0 shots and scored no points.

If Rose still can't make a breakthrough in the second half, the Bulls still have no way to win a victory at home.

CROSSOVER, cut in, Rose swayed sharply and then broke through at full speed, Jon Jonson failed to complete the physical confrontation with Rose this time, but it didn't matter, the Hawks still had a second line of defense waiting for Rose.

Near the three-second zone, Rose was greeted by a three-person double-team of Ruan Erniu, Lunar Eclipse and Dragic.

Rose flew into the air, either forcing a shot or passing the ball passively.

Rose, who was not too sure, finally passed the ball, and Ruhr Deng received the ball from the wing and pulled it out from 17 feet.


Strike it!

Er Niu got the rebound in the backcourt and immediately accelerated to advance with the ball. Noah's delay was not done well, and Ruan Er Niu rushed up.

3VS3 in the frontcourt, Ruan Erniu held the ball in the middle and directly killed the Bulls inside.

Gibson made up from the side, and Ruan Erniu flew into the air first. Gibson subconsciously pulled it, but he didn't pull it. Erniu's flight was blocked, but his core strength was still not lost.


The whistle sounds first!

Er Niu then raised his arms and shot.

The basketball knocked on the rim several times, and finally fell headlong into the center of the rim.

The goal is scored, and a penalty is added!
Ruan Erniu walked to the free throw line, adjusted his breathing a little, and completed the extra penalty.

In the third quarter, Ruan Erniu finally showed his fangs.

However, Larry Drew has long been prepared for this. No matter how eye-catching Ruan Erniu's performance is, he will take turns to use Joakim Noah and Brad Miller for single defense.

Jordan Rules [-] is staged again!
Larry Drew is too aware of the explosive power of Ruan Erniu connecting the entire Eagles team, so he would rather let the Celestials score 60 points in a single game than give the other players of the Eagles a chance.

For the Atlanta Hawks, the Bulls had no way out. They just wanted to bet that Ruan Erniu couldn't kill the Bulls alone.

Since both sides have invested more energy on the defensive end, the rhythm of the game has never been brought up. Regardless of the Bulls' final playoff record, at least they have done a very good job of preventing the Hawks from switching offense and defense.

Ruan Erniu performed extremely well in this quarter. He made 9 of 8 shots in a single quarter, made 6 of 5 free throws, and scored 21 points in a single quarter. However, the performance of his teammates was not strong enough. In total, only 9 points were scored.

For the Bulls, Rose continued to be inefficient, but Hinrich and Luol Deng stood up later in the game and shared the scoring pressure for the Bulls leader.

At 30:25, the Eagles took a 5-point lead in a single quarter, and the three quarters ended. At 83:81, the Eagles only led their opponents by 2 points before the final quarter. one period.

Regardless of whether the Bulls can defend their home court tonight, they are walking on the right path. The eighth in the Eastern Conference can compete with the defending champion, the 75-win Atlanta Hawks to the last quarter, which is already a remarkable performance.

At the beginning of the final quarter, the Eagles continued their regular rotation, while the Bulls continued to be the main force. Derrick Rose, who did not rest in the third quarter, started the game in the final quarter.

Woodson made another mistake at this time. He should have asked Salmons to switch defenses with Mike Bibby instead of letting Bibby, who had significantly degraded in speed, fight against Derrick Rose.

Rose soared, and even Jon Jonson was one step away, let alone Bibby.

Assault, assault, assault.

Derrick Rose is like a warrior carrying a dynamite bag, rushing to the Hawks' basket again and again.

The Bulls completed a go-ahead at the beginning of the last quarter, and they once again gained a lead of about 5 points in this game.

An angry Woodson asked for a timeout again, and Egghead, who wanted to continue using the substitute to consume the Bulls' energy, dared not gamble anymore.

Rose is by no means a guy who can be underestimated. If you don't stop him, the Hawks will really lose their first playoff game at the United Center.

Fortunately, the main players of the Eagles who played in rotation quickly took the lead in the final quarter of the game.

On the one hand, it is true that the overall strength of the Eagles is better. Under the restraint of Er Niu, the shooters of the Eagles once again broke out; The last six to three minutes ushered in a lack of energy.

During the painful time when they were out of breath and did not dare to replace the main players to rest, the Eagles not only completed the overtake of the Bulls, but also gradually widened the score gap.

Derrick Rose fought to the last moment tonight, even at the risk of being directly slapped by Ruan Erniu, he also attacked the basket with the ball more than once.

There are successful 2+1s, and there are also failed ones, but his efforts alone are not enough to change the direction of the entire game.

At 113:108, the Hawks finally narrowly defeated their opponents by 3 points in G5, which was also the game with the smallest difference in the series between the two teams.

Ruan Erniu made 26 of 20 shots, including 4 of 3 three-pointers and 12 of 9 free throws. He scored 52 points, 24 rebounds, and 12 assists. From the data alone, the Bulls worked hard all night. His super personal ability turned into running water in front of him.

Derrick Rose made 26 of 13 shots, including 2 of 1 three-pointers and 8 of 6 free throws. He scored 33 points, 7 assists and 2 rebounds.

It can be seen from the data that Rose hit the basket so frequently, but in the end he only got 8 free throws.

Is it tricky?

Do not!
It didn't happen overnight that Rose made fewer free throws.

This is not because the referee blows the whistle unfairly, but because Rose always avoids confrontation during the breakthrough process.

Rose's style of play is indeed very straightforward, full of speed and passion, but he is indeed not a confrontational leader in the traditional sense.

It is obviously a breakthrough style of play but failed to get enough free throws. This is also an extremely rare situation in today's NBA.

Losing G3 left the Bulls with no way out.

But three days later, on April 4, in the G25 battle, the Bulls could no longer suppress their opponents on the scene.

Ruan Erniu, Jiongsen, Lunar Eclipse, and Salmons all played 20+ performances at the same time. Crawford, who came off the bench, also scored 18 points. With a strong overall performance, the Hawks finally won 133:94. The disparity in the score ended the entire series.

Since the day of G4, that is, April 4th, is also the tax day in the United States, a certain American media that obtained first-hand information published such a spoof cartoon on its official website.

In the comics, an eagle happily became a tax policeman, while a red bull, with tears in his eyes and drunken wine, stepped into the gate of the tax bureau in desperation.

Young people often have to pay taxes!
4:0, the Eagles became the first playoff team to advance to the second round in the first round of the series.

 Thank you Immortal Immortal Eternal Immortal reward!

(End of this chapter)

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