Standing pretty old

Chapter 800 The Clippers made a breakthrough, the season is coming to an end

Chapter 800 The Clippers made a breakthrough, the season is coming to an end

According to common sense, the playoffs are in full swing, and it is not a big news for the Los Angeles Clippers to announce the layoff of the head coach at this time.

But in just 24 hours, the Los Angeles Clippers immediately announced that the two-time MVP and the founder of the Eagles dynasty-Kafu Nguyen will also serve as the head coach of the Los Angeles Clippers.

This undoubtedly caught the attention of a group of reporters and fans!
The city where the Clippers are located is Los Angeles, and there is Hollywood here. Any sign of trouble may attract huge attention from countless media.

Originally, when Er Niu came to the Clippers, various media in Los Angeles expressed their greatest welcome to the return of the Chinese.

Don't forget, Er Niu became famous at UCLA that year and helped Los Angeles win the NCAA championship.

Therefore, regardless of his achievement of the No.1 reputation in Atlanta, and the loss of the Los Angeles Lakers led by Kobe in the finals twice, many Los Angeles fans still regard Ruan Erniu as their own.

But it was such a super player who was said to be comparable to Russell and Jordan, but after coming to Los Angeles, he was surprisingly low-key.

Apart from buying a house in Beverly Hills, he couldn't find a second piece of news that belonged to him, which undoubtedly made the Los Angeles media very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the breaking point is finally here!
The dismissed Pooh de Nagro naturally became the focus of media attention for the first time.

"I was fired, the Clippers terminated the contract early. That's it, to be honest, I wanted to lead the Clippers to challenge higher goals next season.

Injuries are the biggest problem for the Clippers this season, and we could have done better.I'm happy with my performance, but some people don't feel that way. said De Nagro.

At the interview site, a reporter asked: "Who do you think played the biggest role in firing you? Donald Sterling? Neil Osher? Or Kraft Nguyen?"

DeNagello considered it and replied, "I don't know, and I don't care. I'm going to find my next job now, that's all."

Sterling finally didn't go too far this time. Although De Nagro was dismissed, his salary for the next two years of the contract will still be paid to the other party normally.

Therefore, Denagro is unwilling to continue to pursue this matter. Instead of tearing up with the former BOSS and former colleagues, it is better to calm down.

As he said, the most important thing now is to find the next job.

The second person to be interviewed was Neil O'Heir, and the general manager of the Clippers had already expected that public opinion would be detonated.

He held a special press conference later, and at the press conference, officially announced the appointment of Ruan Erniu.

COACH-RUAN, who was present at the press conference at the same time, sat quietly on the side, while Osher said solemnly in the speech booth: "This is a difficult decision, thanks to Pooh for his efforts in the past season, but we want to Make bigger changes, the Clippers will usher in a revival, and we will eventually achieve greatness!"

Osher was sweating for such a big talk, but Sterling made it very clear that Kraft Nguyen did what he said. Since Coach Nguyen has made such a strong request, what else can he do?
The reporters are not interested in O'Sirer's bragging. Even if the Clippers are going to rise, it will not happen overnight. Relatively speaking, the Clippers chose to dismiss De Nagro and risk letting Erniu Ruan be the owner Coaching is what they care about most.

In most people's memory, before Ruan Erniu, there were only two cases of players and coaches in NBA history.

They are Bill*Lord of the Rings*Russell and Dave*Mado*Makenji*DeBusscher.

However, both of these two appeared in ancient times. At that time, the NBA and the ABA were not yet a league, and various basketball rules were not standardized.

With the development of professional basketball to this day, it is undoubtedly a crazy thing for players to serve as head coaches at the same time.

"Manager O'Hirer, may I ask whose idea it is to fire Denagro and let Kraft Nguyen become the head coach?" A reporter asked.

"This is the result of our internal discussions." Osher tried to keep smiling.

The unrepentant reporter asked: "Who is the subject of this discussion? Sterling? You? Kraft Nguyen? Or someone else? Or are you all involved?"

O'Sir continued to look around and said, "As I said, this is the result of our joint discussion, the next question."

The general manager of the Clippers is not a fool. Now that Ruan Erniu is confessed, the Celestial Dynasty people will not have a good result, but I am afraid that he will be killed by Sterling in the first place. The only thing he can do is to fool the past with vague words. things.

Fortunately, although the reporters present were interested in De Nagro's resignation, they did not waste too much time on this topic. The real breaking point was that Ruan Erniu served as the head coach.

By the way, when the Chinese officially took over as the head coach, they also set a new record.

He became the youngest player-coach in NBA history, one year younger than the original Fuji Mata-Dave Debusschell when he was part-time head coach.

Another reporter asked: "Mr. O'Hirer, then why do you think that a Chinese can become a qualified head coach?
He is just an origin who just ended his rookie contract. Even if his player resume is brilliant enough, it cannot cover up his blank coaching resume. "

Before Osher could speak, Ruan Erniu on the side adjusted the height of the microphone and interjected: "So as long as you haven't done it, you are not eligible? Then all players in the league are not eligible to play, because before they were born, Did not have any contact with basketball.

Or, I should ask, I haven't directed a game as a coach yet, so why do you think I'm not a qualified head coach? "

MVP is MVP, even though everyone present knew that he was secretly changing concepts, but no one could refute Ruan Erniu's question.

Again, on the competitive stage, performance is the only criterion for judging players.

In this regard, Ruan Erniu, who established a dynasty as a leader during the rookie contract period, is absolutely impeccable!
Then someone asked some innocuous questions, such as:
When the head coach plays, who will command the team?

Will Ruan Erniu get two salaries, player + head coach?
For example, will Ruan Erniu have the opportunity to win both the most valuable player and the best coach awards at the same time?

Maybe the above problems are nothing, but there is such a problem, but it has become a headache for the alliance:
If Ruan Erniu is expelled as a player, can he appear on the sidelines as the head coach to direct the battle?
Or when the situation is reversed, can Ruan Erniu continue to play on the court as a player?
Well, this was originally just a big news from the Los Angeles Clippers. After careful analysis, the problem actually fell to the league management.

David Stern has never been quick to react to hot hype.

He had already got the proposal from the Clippers. Before the Clippers held a press conference, he held a discussion meeting within the league.

"The Clippers can really do things, but, to be honest, I have to give a thumbs up to the Chinese. Even if he doesn't play, he can create hot spots." Adam Silver seldom speaks for the Chinese , but this time, he changed his position.

Or it should be said that the position of the vice president of the alliance has never changed. As long as it is beneficial to the promotion of the alliance, he will definitely support it.

Mark Tatum said: "So, the question now is the specific whistleblowing issue. If he is a player and coach, how should his whistleblowing be confirmed?"

David Stern said: "I personally agree to divide his whistleblowing into two, and calculate it as a player and coach's various fouls separately, but when it comes to expulsion, it should be treated as one. Punishment. If it is a suspension, of course it should be treated in two."

This is just a brief internal meeting of the league management. Although Ruan Erniu's role as the head coach of the Clippers has brought huge attention to the NBA, the league must focus more on the playoffs of the 10-11 season superior.

The first round of the playoffs has already been decided.

The second round of matches between the East and West showed an astonishing similarity, that is, the upper half is inseparable, and the second half is strong and weak.

First look at the upper half of the East.

The defending champion Atlanta Hawks did not expect the Chicago Bulls to play so well.

In other words, the Hawks did not expect that Blake Griffin's performance in this round of the series was so bad.

Griffin, who has already won the ROY in the 10-11 season, fully exposed his shortcomings of lack of experience and not good at tough battles in this round.

He was actually hanged by Carlos Boozer all the way. Boozer used his stable mid-range shot to fly a kite to the Griffin in the middle distance. On the offensive end, Griffin was caught in the conflict between Noah and Boozer. Teaming up to double-team, there is no chance to show their impact.

Bulls coach Larry Drew is too ignorant of the Hawks. Woodson's only advantage is that the Eagles' book strength is stronger than the Bulls. In fact, the process of the game is roughly the same.

The two sides drew 6:3 in the first 3 games. At the last moment, when Jon Jonson and the lunar eclipse were restricted by the Bulls one after another, Dragic stepped forward. He once again showed his excellent personal talent and welcomed the With Rose's defense, he hit a chasing shot and successfully killed the Bulls in the tiebreaker.

4:3, the Hawks entered the Eastern Conference finals again as the defending champion, but the Hawks fans were not satisfied with this, especially Blake Griffin, who was the single-changer for Kraft Nguyen, was criticized by most Hawks fans. .

His 10+10 per game in this series is more like a blue-collar role player than a future MVP-level player.

As usual, Griffin's performance as a rookie is not enough to be criticized to such an extent, but as a man who changed Kraft Nguyen alone, such accusations seem to be slightly lighter.

You must know that in Ruan Erniu's career, he has neither caused the data to drop significantly in the playoffs, nor has the game been dragged into the tiebreaker.

Griffin is undoubtedly depressed. Obviously the team has finally advanced, but it seems that everything he does is wrong.

Unless the Hawks can really win the O'Brien Cup again, he is basically useless.

However, this is obviously not an easy task.

Because in the lower half of the Eastern Conference, in another round of the series against the Big Three, the Miami Heat easily defeated their opponents with a disparity of 4:1 and advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals.

James finally crossed the mountain of the Celtics, but this time, he is not the leader of the team.


So the question is, who is the leader of this Heat team?

The Eastern Conference finals have confirmed the contestants, and the same is true for the Western Conference.

First of all, let’s look at the upper half of the Western Conference. The Grizzlies who just got black eight continued to maintain their strength. They took the lead in the Thunder’s home game in their first game. After returning home, they also led their opponents by 2:1. After the end, the two teams played 3:3.

In the tiebreaker, Kevin Durant, who was so depressed by Tony Allen, finally ushered in a burst.

He played a convincing game in the most critical game. Due to Ruan Erniu's reimbursement for the season, Durant won the scoring title for the first time in his career, and his performance in the playoffs also confirmed that he Super personal ability.

Throughout the entire series, the Grizzlies actually did a good job of defending against Durant and Westbrook, but in contrast, James Harden, a favorable contender for the best sixth man, also performed well. A very strong superstar talent.

As for the Thunder, the defense against the Grizzlies is also quite successful. Don't look at Westbrook's low offensive efficiency, but on the defensive end, he restricted Mike Conley even more uncomfortable.

Conley averaged only 38.2% of his field goals in the entire series. As the team's starting point guard and second scoring point, this is completely undercover.

Finally, there is another person that must be mentioned, and that is Kendrick Perkins, who the Thunder traded from the Celtics.

The meat shield center, who has been played by the two bulls repeatedly, finally found his balance on Zach Randolph, who is also covered in flesh.

Don't look at Randolph still contributed 20+10 double-double data in this round, but his average field goal percentage has dropped from 50%+ in the previous round to 40% in this round.

Perkins has no offensive performance, and the Thunder don't care at all, but the Black Bears can't stand up and score, and Memphis is completely out of control.

The young Oklahoma City Thunder made it all the way to the Western Conference Finals, and the names of the Thunder's three juniors resounded throughout the NBA.

If it weren't for the abnormal existence of Ruan Erniu, maybe the fans would put more praise on them. Few youth teams have done better than them. At present, there is only such a monstrous person as Kafu Ruan in his rookie season. Completed the three consecutive championships that most players could not complete in their lifetime.

The game in the lower half of the Western Conference was probably the most surprising matchup in the entire second round of the playoffs.

Last year's Western Conference champion Los Angeles Lakers lost to the Dallas Mavericks with a 0:4 disparity.

When Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Terry, Peja Stojakovic and JJ Barea exploded at the same time, there seemed to be no room for the mighty Los Angeles Lakers to stop them.

As the team leader, Nowitzki averaged 17 shots per game, invested 9.8 times, and hit a non-human 57.4%. Among them, he took 2.8 three-pointers, hit 2.0 times, and hit 72.7%. Scored 25.3 points, 9.3 rebounds, and 2.5 assists.

And what about Kobe?

He averaged 20.8 shots per game, but only hit 9.5 times, and his three-point shooting percentage was a disastrous 22.7%. He averaged 23.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, and 2.5 assists per game.

In terms of core confrontation, the Lakers lost to the Mavericks, or it should be said that Nowitzki's performance is unstoppable.

Erniu Ruan was at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, watching with his own eyes how Nowitzki led the Mavericks to defeat the Lakers and advance to the Western Conference Finals.

Ask yourself, if he leads the Hawks, will they be able to kill the Dallas Mavericks in the Finals?
The result is really uncertain!
The East and West finals are about to start, but Ruan Erniu has a premonition that the Mavericks who swept the Los Angeles Lakers in front of them may be underestimated. Apart from the slowness of Kidd at the first position, this Mavericks really has obvious weaknesses ?
Although many media now believe that the winner between the Eastern Conference champion Eagles and the Heat has the best chance of becoming the final champion, Er Niu feels that the Dallas Mavericks should also join the sequence of competition.


They were still a little too tender!
With the end of the second round of the playoffs, the major individual awards and lineups of the NBA in 2010-2011 were announced one by one.

Rookie of the Year (ROY) belongs to Blake Griffin.

The Griffin's 18+10 data is too bluffing. Although his personal data has declined since he came to the Hawks, he has always been the first-tier player in the selection of ROY. The 10th champion John Wall has already cried fainted in the toilet.

Coach of the Year (COY) belongs to Larry Drew.

The Bulls were able to break through from the surrounding powers of the Eastern Conference after the All-Star Game without being optimistic, and finally won the league's top spot, which fully verified Larry Drew's coaching ability.

The Most Improved Player (MIP) belongs to Kevin Love. Apart from other things, just looking at the statistics, he averaged 20.2 points + 15.2 rebounds per game, plus the longest double-double record other than Er Niu. It seems that there is no need to say anything else.

Sixth Man of the Year (SMOY) belongs to Lamar Odom, which is a no-holds-barred option.

After all, Jamal Crawford, Jason Terry, and Manu Ginobili have all won it, so the league had to find a lama who averaged 14.4+8.7 per game to receive this award.

The Best Defensive Player (D-POY) was finally won by Dwight Howard. He supported the Magic's defensive system alone, and averaged 14.1 rebounds and 2.4 blocks per game. Already D-POY three times in a row, the alliance will definitely give this award to Sparks.

But as the media said last season, thanks to Er Niu's reimbursement for the season, otherwise Sparks would very likely become the first center in history to get D-POY but not be able to enter the defensive first team.

This group of media obviously thought too much. In fact, the league has already made a record. If such a situation really occurs, as long as Ruan Erniu appears in the 4th position of the defensive team, the problem will naturally be solved.

Then, the most talked about award was awarded, the MVP of the 2010-2011 season belonged to Derrick Rose!

That is, after the Atlanta Hawks, the Bulls also became the team that won both MVP and COY in a single season.

It should be said that Rose's record is indeed up to the MVP standard, but relatively speaking, his averages of 25.0 points, 7.7 assists, and 4.1 rebounds per game are still a bit shabby.

In particular, he only shot 44.5% from the field, and was directly criticized as the MVP with the lowest shooting percentage since the 64-65 season.

Why does the league have to give this MVP to Rose?
On the one hand, of course, the Bulls' record is good enough to be convincing; but on the other hand, it is also a suppression of James.

So what if his stats are better, the big three formed by public outrage can't get the first record in the league, so what qualifications do they have to covet the MVP?

 Thanks to the book friends for their heart blown by the north wind, 007, zxclemo, loneliness and tranquility for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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