Standing pretty old

Chapter 806 King vs. King, lockout ends

Chapter 806 King vs. King, lockout ends

Ruan Erniu didn't expect that Han Meimei would say the name of Jennifer Lawrence directly. Even though he has been in Los Angeles for so long, the injured Erniu only saw Little Fat Girl once.

On the one hand, Lawrence kept making announcements, and indeed he rarely had time to date; on the other hand, Lawrence was no longer an unknown person at this time. Since Jennifer was nominated for the 2rd Oscar for Best Actress in February this year, she has already Became the focus of spotlight chasing.

Zhou Jiegun's "I'm Not Worthy" MV is the most realistic portrayal of the two.

Now they have to wear masks and cover up when they meet each other, otherwise the paparazzi can dig them out in minutes.

In fact, as long as they keep in touch, it's only a matter of time before the relationship comes to light.

Lawrence lost to Natalie Portman at the Oscars. There is nothing to be upset about. Portman's acting skills in "Black Swan" may not be so superb. The most important reason why the little fat girl lost to her is seniority, Jewish identity and pregnancy.

If one of the items is single, Lawrence still has a chance to reverse, but when the three conditions exist at the same time, it is reasonable for Jennifer to fail to win the cup.

The only time Er Niu saw her was to boost the morale of Little Fat Girl and let her continue to work hard. It was the same sentence, as long as Er Niu was there, there would be no problem with the public relations fee for the Olympics.

Interestingly, Erniu and Jennifer never officially broke up.

Even though Ruan Erniu is majestic on the basketball court, but in life, he does have his "scumbag" side. Well, he made a mistake that some men will make. (Duang! There should be special effects here.)
But to put it another way, even if Dr. Han becomes an intervener without knowing it, she will never know the fact that Erniu has another girlfriend on the first day.

"I need a moment, MAY, I've known Jennifer for years, I'm going to break up with her, but..."

"Are you sure you can break up with a future Oscar queen? When you lie to others in the future, can you not avoid my sight and look into my eyes, bull." Dr. Han said with a smile.


"How about making an appointment to meet up? It's strange to say that we have shared a boyfriend for several years, and we both know each other's existence, but we have never met each other. Don't you think it's strange?" Dr. Han still insisted smiling.

Er Niu's heart sank into the abyss completely.


And then World War III breaks out?

Doomsday is finally coming?
A scumbag like me will definitely be headshot by them first, right?
Or they can't take care of me for a while, and use a duel to kill one of them first, and the remaining winner can get me?

Once a Taurus man opens his mind, he is no worse than those romantic attributes. When it comes to emotional issues, any rational assumptions are meaningless.

Because a woman is a creature, she will not communicate with you normally under a rational framework.

"What are you thinking? Why are you still distracted?" Han Meimei scolded.

Ruan Erniu just woke up from his dull expression, and tried his best to organize his words: "This...meeting...Of course, no problem...I mean...well, I will arrange..."

"Is it difficult? Alright, wait until you arrange God knows when, and give me her phone number. If you don't give it to me, I'll just ask Steven for it!" Han Meimei's frankness made Er Niu not at all resistant possible.

Two days later, Ruan Erniu took Dr. Han to a gun club on East Sixth Street in Los Angeles. There is a special indoor shooting range here. Due to the large number of tourists from the Celestial Dynasty, the security agreement that needs to be filled out here is actually in Chinese.

Of course, for Ruan Erniu, who booked out a single floor, he only needed to park his car and go upstairs.

"MAY, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we can choose a better place, such as at home, or go to a coffee shop, restaurant or something like that." Ruan Erniu said nervously.

"Niu, don't worry, I will definitely not kill your blonde girl."

Erniu has experienced Dr. Han's methods. On that night in Atlanta, Ruan Erniu will never forget the scene of her shooting three gangsters one by one with a gun.

Regarding Han Meimei's guarantee, Er Niu couldn't believe a word. He suddenly felt that it would be better if he should call the police in advance or call an ambulance directly. God knows what terrible things will happen later.

The two didn't wait long, and Jennifer Lawrence, who had wrapped herself tightly in the hot weather with a mask and a hat, came here.

Er Niu didn't react at first, and he hurried up to say hello until Lawrence spoke.

"Niu, please wait for me. In less than 10 minutes, you will be completely mine." Jennifer Lawrence didn't care about talking to Er Niu, and walked quickly in front of Han Meimei.

King to King!
Ruan Erniu felt like he was sailing in the sea, a bamboo raft under the storm, Han Meimei was the unfathomable sea, and Jennifer Lawrence was the storm.

"Bxxxx, you made a wrong choice. I grew up in Louisiana and went hunting in the forest since I was a child!" Lawrence looked at Han Meimei closely.

"I think Erniu should have told you how good my shooting is. I never thought you would invite me to compete in shooting. Fat girl, you are about to pay the price." Han Meimei countered without showing any weakness.

Lawrence's height of 175cm is very oppressive when facing most women, but when facing Han Meimei who is close to 180cm, she does not have much advantage at all.

If you meet an opponent, you will meet a talented person.

After a fierce eye contact, the two women just walked into the gate of the indoor shooting range.

Ruan Erniu took the initiative to act as an ostrich, and he didn't even dare to go in to watch the final showdown.

"Sudden!", "Sudden!", "Sudden!", "Sudden!"

From time to time, the sound of bullets shooting could be heard inside the door, and Ruan Erniu lived outside the door like years.

After an unknown amount of time, the door to the indoor shooting range was pushed open.

Er Niu got up eagerly and looked in. What greeted him was Lawrence's hot hug and a suffocating kiss.

"I won't give up, wait for me!"

After saying this nonsense, the little fat girl put on her mask, hat and scarf and left in a hurry.

Afterwards, Han Meimei walked out with a relaxed face, holding a protective earphone in her hand.

Ruan Erniu asked suspiciously: "What's the situation? You won?"

Doctor Han said with a smile: "It's easy to defeat her in shooting, but it's not so easy to convince her."

Er Niu was even more confused, he tentatively asked: "Have you convinced her?"

"It's just a plan to delay the attack. I told her, 'You are not an Oscar queen yet. Once a scandal with him breaks out, I am afraid it will be impossible to win the favor of the academics in a short time. What's more, I will definitely not quit, is it true? Do you think the public will accept that an Oscar winner is sharing the same man with another woman?'”

It’s a good way to draw the bottom line. Whoever wins the shooting duel is actually impossible to solve the problem. Can a woman’s cheating be called cheating?
But threatening her career really hit Jennifer's weakness.

Both Niu had to admit that Han Meimei had the upper hand in this regard, no one would care about a dentist's private life, but it would be different if it was an actress.

Even in the relatively open country of the United States, the old Oscar judges may find it difficult to vote for a heroine with a bad reputation.

It is said that the American entertainment circle pays more attention to one's acting skills. Even if you gamble, take drugs, or commit suicide, as long as you have excellent acting skills, people will still recognize you as a good actor.

But there are many kinds of good actors. For an actress who is determined to be in the Olympic Games, the above-mentioned things may become a stumbling block at any time.

Of course, as Han Meimei said, this is just a tactic to delay the attack.

Jennifer Lawrence's private life is, at best, a ticking time bomb around her.

There are too many Oscar queens with a dark history, drug use, and a lot of LAN contacts. In comparison, it's nothing to grab an unmarried man with another unmarried woman.

Therefore, Lawrence's temporary retreat will last at most until she becomes the Oscar queen. Once the little fat girl gets the coveted statuette, everything will have to be reshuffled and restarted.

Han Meimei would not have imagined that some things developed far beyond her expectations.

Fortunately, as Dr. Han said, she is not planning to marry Erniu either.

A few days later, Er Niu, Dr. Han and Eddie went to meet her father, Christopher Han, who was working far away in Seattle, and Han Ruixin, a house designer who loved hunting.

He neither cut bloody raw meat face to face, nor pointed a double-barreled shotgun at Er Niu's head.

Er Niu and the future father-in-law hit it off, and with the help of Moutai, the two chatted like friends.

It should be said that this was a very successful meeting.

By the way, Erniu also met Han Meimei and Han Lei's stepmother here, a young Caucasian girl who was a few years younger than Han Meimei.Dr. Han also called her by her first name, and the relationship wasn't too bad.

"Take good care of her. Although she has been very open-minded since she was a child and always does what she thinks is worth doing, as a father, I still hope that she can be happy forever and find someone who treats her well." After the visit, Lin Before leaving, Lao Han said this to Er Niu.

"I will! Please rest assured!" Ruan Erniu and Lao Han hugged and bid farewell, and brought Dr. Han and Eddie back to Los Angeles.

Life may be unsatisfactory, but what should continue must continue. Anyway, the earth will continue to revolve without anyone.

Er Niu, who returned to Los Angeles, decided to temporarily put aside his emotional affairs. On the one hand, he had to take care of Dr. Han who was pregnant.

The lockout is still going on, and no one knows when this protracted labor negotiation will have a result.

As one of the most influential superstars in the league, Ruan Erniu naturally also received a call from Chairman Yu. Regarding the option of profit distribution, Erniu decided to hand over the final choice to Lao Yu.

In other words, the profit of 300 million or [-] million yuan was not much distributed to Er Niu in the end. After all, the league has more than [-] players, but for those players with basic salary contracts, any income is a must. comparative.

Lao Yu's job is destined to be a thankless job. If he is really an undercover agent for a certain party, maybe he will be happier in his heart.

During the protracted negotiations, he, the chairman of the union, had to squeeze the economy class again and again, and had more than 200 discussions and negotiations with all parties.

Some concessions and compromises are simply not something he can decide by himself.

And why was the Drew League so popular in 2011?
In the final analysis, it was caused by the lockout of the NBA, which left too many NBA superstars with nowhere to show themselves.

Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Durant, James Harden, Ron Artest, Paul George, Nick Young, JaVale McGee, etc. Players come here to play.

To be honest, Er Niu played more casually here, most of the time he was still looking for status, or communicating with other NBA players, but there were two people who played quite seriously, they were Kobe Bryant and James Harden.

These two guys got angry with each other in a game. Kobe scored 45 points in a single game, while Harden scored 44 points.

In the end, Kobe beat Harden's team with one goal, proving his ability as the first shooting guard, but James Harden, the bearded man, also showed his strength. This young Thunder sixth man has indeed become a superstar Huge talent.

Er Niu is looking for the status in the game, and at the same time, he is also observing the attitude of Kobe, James and others. Whether they put pressure on the negotiation in private will definitely have a huge impact on the labor negotiation.

Unfortunately, Er Niu did not get exact information from any one person.

The lockout has completely severed the connection between the players and the team (once contacted, they will be fined), and even if the secret communication has never stopped, in the darkness, no one can get a full sense of security.

This is the same as hunting in the forest. Whether it is the hunter or the prey, neither party has a reason to expose the target, because once exposed, it is the most dangerous moment.

"Actually, it has nothing to do with us at all. What is being played now is a big market team and a small market team. We are just forced to be spectators." James also decided to fire Leon Rose, but AKING and Er Niu's Relations have always been good.

"When do you think the lockout will end? Judging from the current situation, the regular season in November is estimated to be dangerous!" Er Niu discussed.

"November? Come on, if this continues, the Christmas battle may be too late!" James said shaking his head.

Sure enough, the lockout lasted until November. On November 11, the NBA officially notified all teams in the league to cancel a total of 11 games in the first two weeks of December. This is the third time the league has announced the cancellation of the two-week regular season.


This time, everyone can't sit still. The protracted negotiations have greatly damaged the interests of the NBA. It's time to end all of this.

On November 11, after 26 hours of negotiations, the labor and management announced that an agreement had been reached, and the lockout ended.

(End of this chapter)

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