Standing pretty old

Chapter 808 Unavoidable luxury tax, lineup confirmed

Chapter 808 Unavoidable luxury tax, lineup confirmed
The arrival of Chris Paul immediately gave the Clippers the cornerstone of winning the championship, but at the same time, it also put forward requirements for the Clippers to strengthen.

Especially after losing two offensive points in a row, Chris Kaman and Eric Gordon, the Clippers actually suffered a lot from the offensive end.

Reinforcement needs to control salary space and luxury tax.With the arrival of Paul, the space of the Clippers became crowded at once.

Of course, the culprit is still Mr. Ruan Erniu who just won the "barbaric clause" after the labor negotiations.

In the protracted labor negotiations, a total of two clauses were formally born.

One of them is the "Ross Clause". Its specific content is: after a player has executed his rookie contract, he can get a salary equal to 30% of the team's salary cap when he signs the second contract of his career. The old contract increased by 5%) to the maximum salary contract.

The entry threshold for this clause is: being elected MVP in the first four years of the rookie contract, or being selected to the starting lineup in the All-Star Game twice, or being selected to the All-NBA Team twice.

However, it was not Derrick Rose who was named after it, but Kevin Durant of the Thunder (mentioned earlier) who got the benefit first.

The other is the "Brute Bull Clause" basically designed for Erniu. Its specific content is: after a player has executed his rookie contract, he can get a contract when he signs his second career contract. A maximum salary contract that accounts for 35% of the team's salary cap (a 10% increase from the old contract).

As for the entry threshold for this clause, from the establishment of the NBA to the present, there are only a handful of people who can achieve it: in the first four years of the rookie contract, at least two MVPs, or at least two FMVP trophies, or at least three wins The best lineup.

The two bulls and the three all meet the requirements, because he has been the well-deserved No.1 in the league in the past few seasons.That is, because of injuries last season, he briefly withdrew from the competition for the league's signature.

According to the supplementary clauses of Erniu's previous contract renewal with the Clippers, due to the impact of the "rarity clause" that was just introduced, Ruan Erniu's salary suddenly exploded.



We must know that 2011 is far from the future era when the annual salary of 4000 million is skyrocketing. It is true that Ruan Erniu is No. 1 in active service, but his salary is indeed too scary in the current view!

This is also the fundamental reason why the owners of various teams in the league, after preventing the Lakers from getting Paul, did not continue to prevent the Clippers from getting Paul.

Everyone is well aware of Donald Sterling's stingy temper, even if he is willing to pay a little luxury tax in order to open the Chinese market after getting the Chinese people, but Kraft Ruan's terrifying maximum salary configuration is on the surface The fact that no one can change.


You must know that the salary cap for the 11-12 season is only 5804 million yuan. According to league regulations, 48% of the total income is the "salary cap", and 55% of the total income is the boundary of the luxury tax.

The luxury tax threshold for the 11-12 season should be 6650 million yuan, of which 57.44% has been taken up by girls.

That's not all, the contract that really gave the Clippers a cold knife came in free agency, or to be precise, from the Golden State Warriors who just got Jerry West as a consultant.

They made an offer to the Clippers' restricted player DeAndre Jordan, a poisonous contract worth 4 million yuan in four years.

"This fucking thing is driving up prices!" Neil O'Sir angrily slammed his fist on the table.

According to the relevant regulations, he must make a choice within three days whether to match the contract. The emperor also has the right to be a bird. In other words, the salary cap is completely sufficient, but the threshold for luxury tax is getting closer.

Ruan Erniu calmed down this time. From the moment Klay Thompson was intercepted, he expected that the Golden State Warriors would definitely cause trouble for the Clippers.

Whether it is driving up prices or just needing supply, now it is the Clippers' turn to make a decision.

In the team meeting, Chris Paul, who had just joined, also participated in the discussion.

This is also a matter of course. Superstars like CP3 originally have the right to speak, but within the Clippers, the "one-word hall" that originally belonged to Ruan Erniu is being broken.

People without thought, he must worry about.

To be honest, Erniu is not too worried about the Clippers' luxury tax issue. After all, Donald Sterling, a stingy guy, has let go, and he is willing to increase investment appropriately for the championship.

What really makes Er Niu feel that there is a hidden danger is whether Chris Paul will become a new hill inside the Clippers. In fact, from the moment Paul joined the Clippers, this hill has already been erected.

I don't know when, the general manager Neil O'Heir, who is the life of the second bull, began to lean towards CP3 intentionally or unintentionally, and even Steve Kerr, an old handsome guy, is gradually leaning towards CP3.

Tyronn Lue is Erniu's former teammate, Natalie Nakase is also left behind by Erniu, and the rest Tom Thibodeau is more inclined to Erniu, but he, a basketball lunatic, doesn't understand the importance of standing in line sex.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the NBA is no exception. Things on the court are often easier to handle, but things off the court require more wisdom and skill.

Ruan Erniu is also very clear about what Chris Paul wants.

The top five players in the league are not reconciled to being completely second-in-command. They both belong to the zodiac sign of Taurus.

However, the struggle is the struggle, and things still have to be done.

On the decision to match Jordan's contract, Ruan Erniu still reached a high degree of agreement with Chris Paul, and the final team meeting passed unanimously-matching the Golden State Warriors' offer to Jordan.

After all, it is indeed poisonous for Jordan, who averaged only 7+7 per game last season, to raise his annual salary by tens of millions, but it is an indisputable fact that the NBA lacks frame-protecting centers everywhere, so the premium has to be premium.


In other words, if the Clippers don't want to exceed the luxury tax threshold, they only have 1822 million yuan of space left.

No, add Moe Williams' $850 million, Randy Foye's $425 million, Ryan Gomez's $400 million, Kawhi's $173 million, Bryan *Cook's 123 million yuan, Isaiah Thomas' 47 yuan, and Malcolm Lee's 47 yuan.

Since then, the annual salary of the Clippers this season has reached 6893 million yuan without counting the players who may be strengthened in the future. Make up a roster of 15 people.

"Give up Caron Butler, we will definitely not be satisfied with his full middle class!" Also in the team meeting, Ruan Erniu first put forward his own ideas.

Originally, before Paul had decided to join, Er Niu and O'Hier were going to win the Mavericks forward who won the championship lying down.

It is said that this guy has fallen out with Mark Cuban, so the Clippers are going to get him with a 4-year 2400 million contract. Now it seems that this is impossible.

"I have a candidate here-Chauncey Billups, he has been amnesty by New York, we can get him with a veteran's basic salary." CP3 said.

Ruan Erniu glanced at Paul, then at Osher, and then said with a smile, "I have no objection."

O'Hier agrees.

"Butler can't come, but we are still too weak in the third position, and we still need a small mid-level space to complete reinforcements. Chris, what do you think?" Ruan Erniu said.

Paul smiled and said, "It seems that you already have someone to choose?"

Er Niu said: "I want to make a call to Yao Ming in Houston, he should have the phone number of the player I want.

By the way, by the way, let’s talk about our weak inside line. I would like to recommend someone here, also my compatriot Yi Jianlian. He has a certain long-range shooting range and can contribute on the bench. "

Paul hesitated for a while, but said, "I agree!"

Also on the top of the mountain, Ruan Erniu, who is sitting on the dynasty and laying the foundation first, has a more obvious advantage, while Chris Paul, who just came to the Clippers, obviously has not had the opportunity to occupy enough positions.

Although the Celestial Dynasty players were recruited, Ruan Erniu also didn't mean to give Alian any preferential treatment.

In the free market, Allen is undoubtedly not favored this summer.

In the few years in the Kings, he has gradually fallen to the level of parallel imports from the Celestial Dynasty, especially when compared with Ruan and Yao. After the 76ers, he also did not get enough opportunities in the contract year.

Allen's agent Feigen contacted many parties, and only the Clippers were willing to win him with a two-year super-cheap contract of 94 yuan, and the second year was still a team option.

However, A Lian, who is playing for the CBA Eastern Guangdong team, agreed.

This is an opportunity!
He can come to the NBA again to prove himself, and the Clippers currently lack an insider with scoring ability.

To be more specific, Allen's direct competitor on the bench is only Brian Cook, which is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Clippers then signed the "rebound idiot" Reggie Evans with a basic salary in the free market, and Er Niu's old teammate in the Hawks, the league tramp-Solomon Jones.

There is only the last reinforcement seat left on the roster of 15 people, and Erniu's phone call has also been officially dialed.

"Hi Sean, I'm Kraft Nguyen, I got your number from Yao."

"Hello, Kraft, what's the matter?"

"I heard, you were close to Miami at one point, but they ended up taking Caron Butler.

I believe you must be eager to join a team that has expectations for a championship. I think the Los Angeles Clippers are a good do you feel? "Ruan Erniu recruited unabashedly.

In fact, Er Niu's subtext should be, let us kill the blind Heat team and make them regret their wrong choices.

Erniu does have the confidence to say this, and the Clippers are indeed on the rise.

With thick thighs like Ruan Erniu and Paul, even the former FMVP Chauncey Billups, who was pardoned by New York, is willing to come to Los Angeles to hug his thighs, and it doesn’t seem unreasonable to count Sean Battier of.

To be honest, the Heat are also fighting for the championship. The Big Three plus Butler, their luxury tax may be close to that of the Lakers and Green Kai!
As expected, Battier finally readily agreed to Erniu's invitation.

3 million yuan in three years, not even reaching the tens of millions. Batman's idea is also very simple. He hopes to win the NBA championship at the end of his career.

The arrival of Battier can be regarded as reinforcing the lack of the Clippers at the third position.

Leonard is too young to support the overall defensive strength of the Clippers. Even if Kawhi may have an extremely high ceiling, he currently needs to learn from the experienced Sean Battier.

The regular season is getting closer, and the Clippers' 15-man roster has finally been determined:

C DeAndre Jordan, Solomon Jones
PF Ruan Erniu, Yi Jianlian, Reggie Evans, Brian Cook
SF Kawhi Leonard, Shane Battier, Ryan Gomez

SG Randy Foye, Moe Williams, Malcolm Lee

PG Chris Paul, Chauncey Billups, Isaiah Thomas

According to Neil O'Hill's estimation, if the new season does not make any changes according to this lineup, the Clippers will have to pay at least 11 million yuan in luxury tax in the 12-600 season.

Among all the teams that need to pay the luxury tax in the league, this number is just behind the Heat, ranking fourth in the league, even higher than the Dallas Mavericks who just dismantled the championship lineup.

When I woke up, the world turned upside down.

Mark Cuban, who has always been generous, started his life cautiously, while Donald Sterling, who has always been stingy, bravely paid the luxury tax.

There is of course a reason for Sterling to take risks.

This luxury tax, after deducting the advertising revenue of China that Sterling is about to win, will not cause him too much loss, and may even make a profit.

More importantly, this reorganized Los Angeles Clippers does have the possibility of attacking the championship.

Sterling's abacus is not bad. If there is a chance this year, he will hit the championship.

If there is no chance, when the bad contracts of Mo Williams, Randy Foye and others expire next year, he will recruit another batch of cheap players.

Anyway, with the three of them here, the Clippers' box office will be fully guaranteed, and the deal will not be lost no matter what.

December 2011, 12, US time, Christmas.

The Los Angeles Clippers flew away for the Christmas game, and their opponent was none other than the Golden State Warriors who caused them big troubles in the free market.

(End of this chapter)

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