Standing pretty old

Chapter 813 Some have changed, some have not changed

Chapter 813 Some have changed, some have not changed

The Big Three of the Heat VS the combination of picking up girls.

To say that this is not a battle of focus, I am afraid that the NBA's publicity department will never agree.

If the Mavericks VS Heat hadn't been arranged as the first choice early in the Christmas game, what the league would most like to see might be the Heat who formed the Big Three and the Clippers with two bulls and three guns to compete.

Los Angeles already has a well-developed media system, coupled with the upsurge before the game, before the game officially started, the player tunnel at the Staples Center was already crowded with reporters.

Of course, people like Erniu and Sanpao are no wonder. Billups and Shane Battier are also experienced in many battles, but Kawaii is obviously inexperienced. Looking at the long guns and short cannons at the entrance, he I just don't know which leg to take first.

Fortunately, the boy with facial paralysis has always had a sluggish expression, so no one can see his true inner thoughts. On the contrary, DeAndre Jordan, a guy who has been in the league for several years, is starting to feel a little flustered.

"We are now at the same level as the Lakers! Look at the reporters who welcomed us..." Before Jordan finished speaking, the reporters had already spotted the Clippers players walking towards the passageway, and rushed wildly come up.

Little Jordan fiddled with his explosive new hairstyle. Before he could speak, he found that although there were many reporters, they didn't have the slightest urge to ask him questions.

There were only two Clippers players surrounded - Kraft Nguyen and Chris Paul.

"What are you thinking? Go back to the locker room!" Tom Thibodeau raised his hand and patted Jordan on the back. He led the Clippers players to the locker room, throwing away the two bulls and three guns without hesitation. on the side.

Of course, the two of picking up girls will not be blocked for long. After returning to two or three questions, the Clippers' security and uniform team will naturally take them out of the encirclement.

"Kraft, who do you think will be the final winner tonight?"

"Is the Heat the biggest obstacle to the Clippers' championship?"

"Will the Clippers form the Big Three in the future?"


"Kraft, who do you think is the strongest player in active service, you or James?"

Ruan Erniu glanced at the reporter who asked the question, and asked, "Do you think James is the strongest player in active service?"

The reporter was from Miami at first glance. Compared with hard honors, James is completely unqualified to be compared with the second best.

But the reporter still said lightly: "But James has Wade and Bosh by his side, and you only have a CP3 by your side."

Ruan Erniu smiled and said to the reporter who was convinced: "You are wrong, this is a competition between two teams, not a competition between several players, we will win the game, and I will not lose to LeBron! "

Er Niu then answered a few questions casually, and then ran back to the locker room with Paul under the escort of the Clippers security.

As soon as they arrived in the locker room, Er Niu took over the right to speak from Tom Thibodeau:
"This is a game that must be fought to win!
Before the start of the season, I didn't say any expectations or goals to the outside world.

That's because I don't think people are ready for the O'Brien Cup yet.

But now, I want to say that we will be able to attack the championship this year!
Most of the media are more optimistic about the Heat's Big Three defeating the Clippers with only dual cores, but I want to tell you that those are all nonsense.

The so-called giants are all wishful thinking by the media. Think about the Atlanta Hawks in the past few years. Is there a second player in the team besides me?
The media always likes to belittle us for a long time, but the final championship can explain everything. We not only won the championship, but also established a dynasty.

I don't come to the Clippers to retire, guys, I want to tell you, play every game well, let us build a new dynasty together.

By the way, LBJ is a proud guy, but he said a little bit at the media meeting in Miami last season, and I partially agree, because he said the wrong person, about the championship we will win in the future:
Not one, not two, not three, not four..."

At first, it was just Er Niu alone, and then Paul, Jordan Jr., Foye, Thomas, Yi Jianlian, Battier, Kawhi, JJ* Redick and others also joined in one after another.

When it came to "not seven", I didn't know who it was, and suddenly interrupted: "Well, what time are we talking about now?"

No one cared where the sound came from, anyway, the Clippers' locker room burst into laughter.

Immediately afterwards, Chris Paul made a concluding speech. He said with a smile: "Kraft's meaning is very clear. If we want to win those championships, we must start by winning the Heat tonight!"

"What team?" Er Niu shouted.

"LAC!" several Clippers players responded.

"What team?" Er Niu raised his voice again.

"LAC!" More people joined in.

"What team?" Er Niu roared with all his strength.

"LAC!" The ceiling of the entire locker room of the home team was about to be toppled.


The Clippers have vowed to win. The starting lineup they sent tonight is:

C DeAndre Jordan
PF Ruan Erniu

SF Kawhi Leonard

SG JJ. Redick

PG Chris Paul
"Are you nervous? We're going to face the league's No. [-] forward!" Er Niu said while warming up with his arms around Kawhi's shoulders.

What Er Niu never expected was that Kawaii, who has always had no facial expression, answered him like this: "Isn't the current No. [-] forward patting my shoulder? You are no longer a center!"

The Celestial Man froze for half a second, then patted Kawaii on the head, and said nothing.

Being able to express humor proves that Kawaii is indeed very stable. This kind of general style is not something that every rookie can have.

The strength of the Clippers has soared rapidly this season, while the opposite Miami Heat have experienced a difficult adjustment process this season after failing to form the Big Three in the first year.

To put it simply, it is to determine an absolute core.

This core must and can only be LeBron James.

When Bosh came to the Heat, he didn't mean to be the leader. Among the Big Three, he had to make the biggest sacrifice, because he was the leader in the Raptors anyway, but he was only the third leader in the Heat.

With Wade's performance in the finals last season, he should be a well-deserved leader of the Heat anyway. In fact, the Heat have always been his territory.

However, D. Wade finally chose to let James board the position of team leader.

Is it just that the cheeks are proud of their brotherhood to support James?

Not necessarily. In fact, Wade also said in an interview later: "If I were a few years younger, I would definitely not do this."

The real reason why Wade abdicated was his own injury, which caused his state to decline.

D. Wade's left knee meniscus had been removed as early as in college (not completely removed, otherwise he would not be able to walk, let alone play), which kept him suffering from injuries all the time. Increase, D. Wade's state decline is inevitable.

In addition to the transfer of the team's core, James' position has also changed this season. Simply put, he is now a pseudo-small forward, a real power forward. When he is on the ground, James often appears in the low post.

After 11 years in the finals, James is also growing.

Of course, it is impossible for him to grow into a low-post player at the level of Kaf Nguyen in an instant, but he is indeed using more physical confrontation in a static environment to find offensive opportunities.

Er Niu asked Kawhi if he was nervous before the game. In fact, he didn't know much about the current Heat.

It is true that James will definitely have a matchup with Kawhi in the game, but it is more likely that James will directly confront Ruan Erniu in the dislocation.

The Heat's starting lineup tonight is:

C Joel Anthony

PF Chris Bosh
SF LeBron James

SG Dwyane Wade
PG Mario Chalmers
Joel Anthony is a fake starter who won't get more playing time than Caron Butler or even Udonis Haslem on the bench.

Before the start of the game, Er Niu played a domineering magnesium powder show in front of the fans at the Staples Center.

I dare not say anything else, at least Erniu's improvement in the magnesium powder show in the past few years is definitely greater than James' improvement in the low post.

Status determines the right to speak and attention.

If a well-known person came out and said that the earth is flat, even if this matter does not conform to common sense, people will hesitate before making a judgment.

That's right, this future well-known figure is called Kyrie Irving. He was the champion for 11 years and is still the boss of Kecun.

Does Erniu magnesium powder look as good as James?
This is not important, what is important is that the momentum of No.1 in active service is more domineering than James, who is still the uncrowned king.

James looked at the Chinese people under the chalk light with flickering eyes, and the camera lens happened to give James a close-up. I don't know if A KING really wants to get a pistol at this moment and kill Kraft directly.

Jordan and Bosh stood in the middle circle at the same time, ready to jump the ball.

With the famous bald Joe Crawford of the on-duty referee tossing the ball high, Jordan Jr. took the lead and turned the ball into the Clippers' half court.

Kawhi catches the basketball and passes it to Paul.

Chalmers immediately stepped forward to press, trying to create an aggressive defensive posture at the beginning of the game.

Obviously, the Heat also put a lot of energy and concentration into this game in the same back-to-back battle.

In a strong dialogue, no one party is willing to admit defeat easily.

Paul lowered his center of gravity to prevent Chalmers from stealing the ball. After steadily advancing the frontcourt and observing the game form, Paul passed the ball to Ruan Erniu in the low post.

Er Niu singled out Bosh with the ball, turned back with a fake move, Ruan Er Niu raised his butt and took two steps in. Before Joel Anthony's supplementary defense came, he easily used a small hook to score two points for the Clippers.

How much progress James has made with his back is still difficult to determine for the time being, but the strength of the two bulls has always been at the level of the league's first tier. It is still too reluctant for Bosh to handle the two bulls alone.

On the offensive end of the Heat, Chalmers had the ball over half court, and then immediately sent the ball to D. Wade.

When D. Wade held the ball in a high position, the other Heat players began to run without the ball.

Joel Anthony stretched one side of the paint to force Jordan closer to the basket, Chalmers ran to the wing three-point line, ready to catch the ball, and James and Bosh added cross runs.

In the Heat's first offensive round, Er Niu directly ran into James in a dislocation.

Kawhi stretched out his long arm to interfere with Bosh receiving the ball, and D. Wade sent the ball to Bosh with a ground shot. The latter immediately sent a high-level through ball to James.

"Come on!" Ruan Erniu defended against James.

Man Niu also wants to see if King's back-up ability has improved this summer.

One step, two steps...

James couldn't continue to dig in. The strength of the two bulls was too terrifying. The actual height of the two was obviously similar, but James just couldn't continue to push in.

LeBron James didn't force a shot, but immediately distributed the ball to Wade, who stepped forward to respond.

After the cheek catches the ball, it is a three-pointer against JJ* Redick's defense.


After missing the shot, Er Niu turned around to protect the rebound, and the Heat players, including James, had retreated early. They knew exactly what kind of offensive and defensive transition a team with Kraft Nguyen would play.

Sometimes, in order to stabilize the defense, the team must sacrifice some offensive rebounds.

Er Niu saw that there was no chance of a long pass, so he had to pass the ball to Paul.

Paul dribbled the ball across the half, outside the three-point line, suddenly accelerated and changed direction, throwing off Chalmers and entering the penalty area.

The Heat's defensive contraction was a step slower. Paul directly attacked the basket, licked the basket in three steps, and easily scored 2 points.

Offensive and defensive transitions are not necessarily about blindly seeking speed. In the change of rhythm, finding the gaps in the opponent's defense and taking advantage of the situation to score points is Paul's brilliance.

Paul, whose actual height is by no means 183cm, can survive in the NBA where there are so many people?

In addition to his physical fitness, which cannot be underestimated, what is more important is his super high basketball IQ and his super reading ability on the court.

The Heat chose the wrong attack point from the beginning. Maybe James' post-up ability has indeed improved, but it is obviously not a wise choice for him to directly attack the three-time D-POY Kraft Nguyen.

Ruan Erniu did not send any blocks in this quarter, but in the one-on-one direct confrontation with James, the Chinese did not allow the opponent to score a single sports game.

In comparison, Kawhi is still a little immature on the defensive end.

James couldn't play in the low post, but when he returned to the third position, he repeatedly broke through Leonard's defense with the ball and got the opportunity to attack the basket and score points.

The improvement of defensive ability does not happen overnight. Er Niu dared to cultivate Kawhi in the regular season because he took a fancy to his defensive ceiling.

To some extent, Er Niu has never been a guy who follows the rules. According to the normal concept, the more you want to compete for the championship, the more veterans you should use and less rookies.

But in Ruan Erniu's philosophy, as long as the rookie's brain is not stupid and his physical talent is good enough, he should be given a chance without affecting the overall situation.

This is also the most important thing Woodson taught Ruan Erniu. After all, Ruan Erniu, a rookie in the league, did not lay the foundation of the Eagles' dynasty.

At 22:29, the Clippers won by 7 points in the first quarter. At least from the performance of a single quarter, the two bulls and the three guns played better than the Big Three of the Heat.

(End of this chapter)

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