Standing pretty old

Chapter 815 Internal Contradictions, Overtime Rule

Chapter 815 Internal Contradictions, Overtime Rule

The Clippers maintained their lead in the score, and the atmosphere in the team was quite good. In the final analysis, Er Niu, the absolute leader, was able to hold the field.

From the perspective of strength, the performance of Er Niu is there. No Clippers player can reach the level of Er Niu on both ends of the offense and defense; Apart from Chauncey Billups, the team couldn't find a third player with championship experience.

Don't look at CP3 who wants to make some small moves from time to time, but at best, it is just a subconscious power-grabbing behavior of a past team boss. The domestic dominance remains unshakable.

The head coach of the Clippers can calmly control the situation, but the current situation of the head coach of the Heat is completely different.

As the NBA's first Filipino head coach, Eric Spoelstra was seen by many media as nothing more than a puppet pushed to the front by Pat Riley.

Yes, Spoelstra was just an assistant coach in charge of watching videotapes and scouting before he became the head coach. After all, he still lacks convincing coaching experience.

Many fans may still remember the press conference when the Big Three gathered in Miami.

But the vast majority of people focused on James' N crown declaration, but forgot James' previous rhetoric that he hoped Riley would come back to coach. (James' original words to the effect that Riley came to coach the Heat with the Big Three, and the team will completely rule the NBA.)
This proves from the side that even within the Big Three, they lack enough confidence in head coach Spoelstra.

Just early last season, due to the poor start of the Heat, James had a shoulder-to-shoulder collision with Spoelstra in a game against the Mavericks.

According to a certain media report, James also held a player meeting without the head coach, which is likely to drive away his head coach.

The authenticity of the latter is doubtful, but the head coach who hit the shoulder was captured by the camera lens on the spot.

Although both of them concealed it extremely afterwards, saying that the shoulder bump was just an accident, and it was not intentional by James.

But in fact, James has a long history of shoulder bumps. During his time with the Cavaliers, he bumped his shoulders in a game because he was dissatisfied with head coach Mike Brown.

James eventually left the Cavaliers to join the Heat, and Brown was fired before James left.

There are also rumors that Wade was also instigated by James against Spoelstra, which is undoubtedly a great disaster for the Heat.

With the Heat's record gradually recovering, the relationship between the head coach and the players has also been repaired. It seems that nothing has happened, but don't forget that the championship in the 10-11 season was not lost to the Miami Heat after all.

Since they were defeated by the Mavericks in the Finals, the Heat certainly need to learn lessons internally.

Riley even took the initiative to put forward the idea of ​​wanting James to appear in the low post more in the team meeting.

On the other hand, in fact, the Big Three of the Heat also raised doubts about Spoelstra's coaching ability. If Riley hadn't supported the Luzon people behind the scenes, he might have dismissed get out of class early.

"Don't give the Celestials so many opportunities to take shots calmly. LeBron and Chris should step up and put pressure on him on the defensive end as much as possible." Spoelstra said while gesturing on the tactical board.

James and Bosh just nodded, rather indifferent.

"D. Wade, don't give JJ* Redick too much space on the defensive end. Do you want a shooter to blow you up? On the offensive end, you have to take more responsibility..."

"Okay! I understand what you mean, but we can't do everything in the game." D. Wade became more and more impatient.

Spoelstra continued to say toughly: "What did you say? Is this the attitude that an FMVP should have?"

Wade also stood up at this time, and replied: "Yes, I am FMVP, who are you?"


The two stared at each other for a while, and finally James stood up and separated the two.

After all, Spoelstra is not Pat Riley. He has neither dominated the Lakers SHOWTIME, nor commanded the New York Gangsters, nor has he stood up to clean up the mess when the situation collapsed, integrating Wade and O'Neal. The super giant, the experience of winning the championship again.

Spoelstra's coaching ability may be far from being as weak as the media commented, but he does lack the support of a record that can be obtained.

This is also a common problem in the American media. Once you are a minority, as long as you fail to produce convincing results, you will suffer more accusations and suspicions than others.

Fortunately, the quarrel between D. Wade and Spoelstra is just a fleeting moment. In fact, when the team is not going well, this kind of quarrel is not suitable for over-interpretation.

But if it is captured by various media, what they say is probably another story like a catastrophe.

The halftime break is over, and the second half of the game officially begins.

The two teams started back on the court.

Paul held the ball across the half court. After the high post and Er Niu made a pick-and-roll, they went to the basket. After attracting the defense, they sent the ball to Ruan Er Niu on the wing. The whistle was interrupted.

Ruan Erniu held the basketball in his hand and looked at Joe Crawford's gesture. The Clippers did not encounter the Lakers tonight, not to mention that this is the Clippers' home court. Crawford should not be biased towards the Heat That's right.

Sure enough, Joe Crawford did not make a wrong call, because someone did foul.

Joel Anthony on the inside of the Heat took the initiative to foul Jordan, who then went to the free throw line.


Jordan missed the first free throw, and Er Niu stepped forward to give him a high-five, and made a calm gesture to him.


Missed the second free throw again!
Even if you change the free throw method and want to really improve your free throw percentage, it won't happen overnight.

Bosh protected the backboard and the Heat had the ball.

Chalmers controlled the ball for half court, and then handed the ball to D. Wade. Wade faced Redick with a difficult and unreasonable three-pointer.


The Heat caught up.

Er Niu suddenly felt a little bad, the Heat really resorted to hacking tactics, and the strike was very decisive, and then Joel Anthony fouled Jordan again on the defensive end.

The former was then replaced by Haslem, and the latter again missed both free throws, including a hollow outside the blue.

Tom Thibodeau did not hesitate to make a substitution, replacing Jordan Jr. with Yi Jianlian, and letting Kraft go to the 5th position.

Jordan's mentality has been affected. In any case, missing all four free throws is not his average level in recent games.

What's more deadly is that on the offensive end of the Heat, James sent a second pass from the inside flank. Chalmers, who was ambushing in the bottom corner, caught the ball unexpectedly and hit a three-pointer.

The score was instantly reduced to less than 5 points, and the Clippers were in trouble.

Thibodeau requested a timeout, the Clippers generals need to calm down, and the momentum of the Heat must be interrupted.

"Defense! Don't slack on the defensive end. I don't want to see opponents who can easily shoot without being watched. If anyone doesn't want to defend, they should immediately get off the court." Thibodeau is called an assistant coach. In fact, in the game Among them, the work done is not much different from that of a head coach.

Ruan Erniu said seriously: "Don't forget our goal before the start of the game. The Heat are a team worthy of our best efforts to beat!"

It is useless to say that the real strength of the players still needs to be verified on the field.

On the offensive end of the Clippers, Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position, attracting a double-team from Bosh and James.

Kawhi is sitting unguarded.

Catch, jump, shoot!


A cold expressionless face, as if scoring a goal to him is just a matter of eating and drinking.

James hit the basket with the ball and won a foul.

Ruan Erniu made a forced shot and hit 2 points.

Paul feinted from outside the three-point line, raised his hand and shot from outside the three-point line.

D. Wade passed Redick in one step, pulled the bar inside for a layup, and hit the layup under the siege of Erniu and Allen.


The game finally came to a head, with both sides coming and going, and a very exhausting offensive and defensive battle took place throughout the third quarter.

At 30:25, the Heat won by 5 points in this quarter and tied the total score to 75:80. The 5-point difference is not a big deal for a team like the Heat.

The depressed Jordan had no choice but to sit off the court. God knows if Thibodeau will re-arrange him to play this game.

In the commentary booth of TNT, it was the turn of Barkley and others to brag.

"In the third quarter, the Heat performed quite well. James played especially smartly. He was playing away from Kraft Nguyen. If someone else was behind him, he would resolutely attack with the ball. Use your own support advantages to guide the whole team."

Although Barkley has been looking down on James, who is in a group at the peak, since last season, he still admitted LBJ's role in the game.

Kenny Smith said: "The turning point of the game should be the Heat's two fouls on DeAndre Jordan. DeAndre's free throws are always his flaws, even though he performed well in the first few games by emptying the toilet. "

Webber said with a smile: "DeAndre should still be given more opportunities, see? Rick Barry is talking to Jordan behind the bench. I think they are still discussing free throw posture."

In fact, Webber doesn't have much qualifications to talk about Jordan in terms of free throws. His career free throw percentage is only 64.9%, which is only slightly better than those with well-known free throw disorders.

Barkley finally said: "The last game will start soon, let us wait and see!"

The last quarter of the game has indeed begun, but the fans in front of the TV may prefer to go back to the inter-section break and continue to listen to all kinds of bragging and teasing by TNT Tiantuan.

This is an ugly game. Under the high-intensity defense, there is only one main theme of double-handedness-strike the iron!
"Bang!", bang! ",boom!"

The Staples Center has entered the blacksmith shop mode. Facts have proved that even if there is no legendary four Yanghua three irons in charge, the inside and outside of the stadium can also be harmoniously forged.

The ugly scene was ugly, but none of the audience was willing to change the channel, because the two sides were fighting too anxiously.

Even if scoring a goal became quite difficult, the fierce confrontation between the two teams still made the game not dull.

Even if they fight each other in the game, it is very particular about the viewing of the specific game.

It doesn't matter if Ruan Erniu and James shoot or not. Both sides have entered the foul mode. All kinds of breakthroughs, swinging arms, fake moves, anyway, use all methods to help the team get free throws.

The two also got 10 free throw opportunities in one quarter, of which James made 8 free throws, but Ruan Erniu only made 6 free throws.

With only 28 seconds left in the game, 94:97, the Heat are still three points behind the Clippers, but the visiting team still has the ball.

Both James and Bosh went up to pull up the inside line at the same time, while D. Wade chose to break through against Battier's defense.

When the inside line has already been defended by two bulls, Cheeks chooses to distribute the ball...

At a 45-degree angle on the flank, Bosh received the basketball from outside the three-point line. Yi Jianlian rushed out immediately, but Bosh shot first.


Go in!


Paul's last shot failed to force a long shot, and the game entered overtime.

Just when everyone thought that the game would enter a more brutal contest, the balance of overtime was instantly broken by one person!
The 5-minute overtime game officially began. On the offensive end of the Heat, James held the ball from the outside and tried to break through Kawhi and hit the basket.

Accelerate, pass, take off.

James couldn't be happy for half a second, a big yellow hand rushed out from the side, and slapped the ball away.

Paul picked up the basketball and immediately chose to hold the ball and rush to the half court. Chalmers followed up and defended in time, but Paul's vision was wide enough.

Facing D. Wade's supplementary defense after chalmers was passed by a fake move by Buddha, Paul sent a ground-breaking pass. With a flick of Paul's wrist, the ball passed between Wade's feet. past.

It was none other than Ruan Erniu, who had just completed the cover, plugged in at high speed from the rear.

Catch the ball, take off, big windmill.

Ruan Erniu dunked the basket with one arm and opened the scoring for the overtime game.

In overtime, every point is crucial. No one wants to be suffocated suddenly, but tonight's heat has been strangled by the throat.

They exhausted all tricks including slashing and slashing in the second half, and finally equalized the score before the end of the game. They never expected that Kafu Ruan, a pervert, would still have excellent physical reserves even in overtime.

Three-pointers, mid-range shots, post-ups, and dunks, Ruan Erniu completely dominated the overtime game. Using his super strength, he led the Clippers to take the game away.

100:106, just like that, the Clippers ushered in a 6-game winning streak after losing to the Spurs at their home court.

Thanks to Jordan who played only 22 minutes before being refrigerated, Ruan Erniu scored 42 points and a large double-double with 32 rebounds. Paul also had a double-double with 27 points and 11 assists.

The direct score of the pick-up group alone reached 65% of the home team's total score, which is the role of superstars.

(End of this chapter)

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