Standing pretty old

Chapter 828 Sudden change in painting style, decisive battle against the All-Stars

Chapter 828 Sudden change in painting style, decisive battle against the All-Stars
The All-Star Slam Dunk Contest has been established since 1984, and it has been 2012 years since 28.

For the event itself, the bottleneck period is inevitable.

There is no need to doubt the physical fitness of NBA players themselves, so what caused the slam dunk contest to fail to bring the audience the exciting feeling of the past?


What is most lacking in the 21st century is not only talents, but also creativity!

Too many slam dunk actions are used repeatedly, which makes the freshness and anticipation of the slam dunk contest itself decline.

As a result, in order to inject new vitality into this event, the league had to modify the rules again and again to allow more spectators to participate in the game.

In this year's slam dunk contest, the rules were even changed to "no judges, regardless of preliminaries and finals, each person has three dunk opportunities, and finally passed the votes of fans all over the world".

Facts have proved that this is nothing more than a failed reform.

A lack of creativity has put the slam dunk contest in serious trouble, and a lack of talent has completely ruined the sport.

That's right, it's the lack of talent. The huge NBA has actually found a slam dunk contestant with superstar temperament.

Take a look at the list of entries for this year's slam dunk contest:
Chase Budinger of the Rockets, Paul George of the Pacers, Jeremy Evans of the Jazz and rookie Derek Williams of the Timberwolves.

Come on, even Paojiao (transliterated by Paul George) at this time has not grown into an All-Star player, which means that all the contestants do not even have an All-Star.

It has to be said that the meaning of the slam dunk contest as a standard feature of top superstars is infinitely declining, which is the most frustrating thing.

Among them, LeBron James is more or less responsible.For whatever reason, his practice of not participating is that the event lacks a big hit.

If Er Niu hadn't won the championship for two consecutive years and reversed the situation in time, maybe the current situation of the slam dunk contest would be even worse.

Er Niu has completed his historical mission by winning two consecutive championships. Fans are looking forward to the birth of the next super dunk king, but at present, it seems that no one in the league can take on this important task.

Eddie said to CP4 who was under three years old beside him: "This is a waste of our time. To be honest, even if the league randomly draws lots in the league to find a few people to participate, it may be better than this dunk contest."

Eddie's words were unanimously agreed by Er Niu and Paul. Failure rules, failure players, failure games, if this continues, there is really no need for the slam dunk contest.

"My only expectation now is that my dad can win the AMVP tomorrow!" Eddie said.

CP4 paused, and asked back, "Why not my dad?"

Eddie was about to refute, Er Niu interrupted: "I have already won three consecutive AMVPs, so I don't really care about it. But it is not easy for Pao to win this trophy, because the league usually gives the trophy to the team to score most players."

Paul went on to say, "You want me to take more shots?"

Er Niu shrugged and said, "It's up to you to decide, but tomorrow you have to defeat at least one opponent first."

"Kobe Bryant!" Paul gave the answer directly.

Er Niu nodded with a smile, indicating that the two had exactly the same expectations.

Before this slam dunk contest, Kobe's personal score has reached 244 points, which is only 262 points away from Jordan's all-star record of 18 points. With Kobe's consistent style, he will never let go of this opportunity .

"If it's Kobe, I don't think there's a problem!" Eddie said.

"I also support Kobe, he is so handsome!" CP4 also turned against him.

"Soul light! Who is your father?" Er Niu and Paul cursed inwardly at the same time.

There is no father who doesn't want to be admired by his children, but there is one thing to say, even if Er Niu and Paul can team up to beat the Los Angeles Lakers now, Kobe Bryant's style of play is indeed full of appeal.

If you don't score, you must vote. If you don't vote, you can't win...

(Why don't teammates pass when there is an obvious vacancy?)

It is impossible to pass the ball. It is impossible to pass the ball in this life. If you pass it, you can’t make a shot. Only by hitting iron can you maintain the game like this...

Well, well, the above style of painting is actually not Kobe, it might be more appropriate to switch to a fancier like Nick Young.

What Erniu and Sanpao didn't expect was that in the locker room of the Western All-Stars the next day, a guy offered to compete for AMVP.

Speaking of this, first of all, let's talk about the circle of Western All-Stars.

The largest is naturally the circle of Er Niu and Paul. In fact, this circle covers the widest range, including Westbrook, Kevin Love, and Kevin Durant are all in this circle.

The former two are alumni of Erniu UCLA, while the latter is a rookie of the same class as Erniu.

And the person who proposed to compete for AMVP is none other than KD. He communicated with Er Niu and San Pao in private, expressing his desire to get more shot rights in the game that day.

Er Niu himself didn't have much opinion, and Paul was also very straightforward: "If your hand feels good, I will definitely send the ball over."

The Black Mamba is also not aloof. He communicated with Er Niu and San Pao many times before the game. Although he did not clearly state the specific goals, there are some things that never need to be elaborated.

Ruan Erniu took the opportunity to tease his friend Westbrook and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

Westbrook's answer was even more straightforward: "I will do it when I have the ball, it's as simple as that!"

Er Niu was at a loss for words immediately, the words were simple and rude, but if he wanted to compete for AMVP, it seemed that this was really the most effective way.

The west side has its own ideas, but the east side is also the same.

Including James, Wade, Griffin, Howard and others are very interested in AMVP. Among them, Howard is undoubtedly the most interested, because Orlando is his home field after all.

However, the transfer scandal in the summer undoubtedly made it extremely difficult for the Sparks at home. It is obviously not an easy thing to win the AMVP under such recent circumstances.

Players from both sides completed their warm-up and returned to the field.

Andrew Bynum and Dwight Howard took care of the jump ball in the center circle, and Er Niu appeared at power forward for the first time in the All-Star Game.


Anzhu won the jump ball. He also participated in the All-Star for the first time. His jump was faster. Bynum, who was also considered as a bargaining chip this summer, obviously wanted to prove his worth in front of the world.

This season, Anzhu's progress is obvious to all. In this era of withering big centers, he can enter the Western Conference All-Star starter, which is quite convincing.

Er Niu took the basketball from behind and threw the ball to Paul.

Paul held the ball firmly across half court, hit the ground, and sent the ball to Kobe immediately.

Kobe shoots!


Mamba has shown his fangs from the very beginning, and it is obvious that he is going to surpass Jordan today.

Derrick Rose took possession of the ball halfway and then sent the ball to James. In the absence of point guards, the East chose to let James distribute the ball.

D. Wade ran back and ran out of space, James then sent the ball over.

Cheek flank 18 feet raise hand and shoot!


It's a pity that I didn't win!

Ruan Erniu took the backboard and immediately made a long pass to find Paul.

Paul quickly advanced the frontcourt and hit the basket directly.

Rose did not lose his position in defense, but the intensity of the defense was not great. The All-Star Game has just begun, and it is still time for performances.

CP3 suddenly slapped the basketball hard, and after a slowdown pause, Paul did a trick and the ball passed under his left armpit and flew back.

Followed closely by Kraft Nguyen wearing the No. 88 red jersey.

The Celestials rose up, and after gliding in the air, an explosive tomahawk smashed the ball into the basket.

Although I didn't want to grab the AMVP, it doesn't mean Er Niu doesn't perform at all.

On the offensive end of the Eastern Conference, Griffin made an air cut to the basket, received a pass from James, and hit the basket under Erniu's defense. He didn't hold the ball firmly.

Offensive and defensive conversion!

It's Kobe again!

Mamba received a pass from Erniu across the court, went straight to the basket, and completed the attack with a simple split dunk.

Still the same sentence, don't look at Erniu blocking Bryant's championship dream twice in a row, but there is really no direct conflict between the two.

Compared with O'Neal, who won three championships with Kobe, the relationship between Erniu and Kobe may be better than that of Sharks.

In fact, being Kobe's opponent may be easier to get Kobe's respect than being Kobe's teammate.

Why does Kobe think highly of Raja Bell? If the latter hadn't locked his throat, Kobe wouldn't publicly express his appreciation for this guy.

Back at halftime, the Mamba smiled and gave Er Niu a high-five. He seemed in a good mood. Obviously, Kobe was one step closer to Jordan's All-Star scoring record.

7:0, from the very beginning of the game, the East felt a little bit stunned, and they haven't fully woke up yet.

In the subsequent offensive round, Howard finally got the opportunity to hold the ball inside. He faced Bynum and wanted to use a hook to open the record for the Eastern Conference.

As a result, An Zhu, who participated in the competition for the first time, was engrossed and gave a big hat to the sparks.

Er Niu took the rebound and immediately started the "Brute Bull Sprint" mode, 3VS3 in the frontcourt.

The high-ranking Erniu made a beautiful NOLOOKPASS, and the basketball was shifted to the open space on the right. Durant rushed to catch the ball and shot it.


10: 0!

The West scored in double figures, and the East has not yet broken the duck egg.

Fortunately, someone finally stood up at this time. First, James quickly sent the baseline ball to find D. Wade, followed by a half-court alley-oop, and passed the ball directly to the basket position...


The Sparks, who had just been blocked, avenged their revenge. Anzhu's defensive position was too far outside, so that he gave the Sparks behind him a chance to directly hit the basket.

In the ensuing game, the two sides came and went, and began to score points with each other, with various dunks and lobs emerging one after another.

After all, it is an exhibition game, and no one will disappoint the dunk until the critical moment.

Kobe and Erniu scored in double figures in the first quarter at the same time, and Durant also scored 6 points, 41:28. With a strong start, the Western All-Stars led their opponents by 13 points in the first quarter.

The game started soon in the second quarter, and the main starters such as Er Niu basically sat on the sidelines. Scott Brooks was an assistant coach in name, but what he did was actually the job of the head coach.

With LaMarcus Aldridge, Kevin Love, Kobe Bryant, Tony Parker, Russell Westbrook and others playing, the style of the West has changed significantly.

The original frequent alley-oop dunks are gone, and what has changed is a more down-to-earth style of play.

The Western All-Stars began to rely more on conduction to find shooting opportunities in positional battles. Of course, the premise is that the ball does not fall into Westbrook's hands.

Once in the hands of the turtle, either shoot against the defense, or simply hit the basket with the ball.

Not to mention, Westbrook's handling of shots like this is simple and rude, but it does meet the viewing standards of an All-Star.

Since he is an All-Star, how could he claim to be a star among the stars if he didn't have a talent overflowing violent dunk.

Kobe scored some more points and continued to get close to Jordan's distance, but the entire second quarter still belonged to Durant and Westbrook.

The Thunder's second team made an assault on the basket and made frequent mid-range and long-range shots, which further helped the Western Conference All-Stars consolidate their lead.

At the end of the half, at 93:69, the Western Conference's lead has reached 24 points.

This is obviously not good news for the East.

The intermission time passed quickly, and the two sides returned to the game field.

As soon as they played, Erniu noticed that the momentum of the Eastern team had changed. Yes, they unified their thinking in the locker room, and it seemed that they were preparing for a real fight!

The ensuing game also verified Er Niu's conjecture. As the East strengthened its defense instantly, the momentum of the game changed instantly.

James stood up first. In just one minute, he made three three-pointers and helped the team narrow the score gap in an instant. Then the Eastern All-Stars began to explode collectively, closing the score again and again.

The game became more and more heated. When D. Wade defended Kobe once, he even slapped Kobe with a nosebleed.

The post-mortem examination showed that Kobe's nose bridge was broken, and he had to play with a protective mask in the regular season.

The East gave the West a sap, and the West also has no reason to show weakness.

The score is constantly being chased, but some people in the West also stand up and respond.

Er Niu and Durant made good use of their super personal abilities to gradually stabilize the game situation.

At 112:128, the three quarters ended, and the difference between the two sides was only 16 points. For the All-Star Game, this score is not enough to ensure that the West will completely win the game.

The last quarter of the game completely became a regular-season battle.

At the last moment, the audience in Orlando on the sidelines on the defensive end of the Eastern Conference even shouted a series of Defense!

The Eastern All-Stars are also really working hard. One minute before the end, the score of the two sides has been chased to 1:152, and the ball is still on the Eastern side.

At the critical moment, the East made a pass error, and James passed to his friend D. Wade, but Wade did not catch the ball well, causing the basketball to slip in Wade's hands, and then flew directly out of the sideline.

Er Niu didn't let the game drag on. At the last moment, he played singles at the low-level basket. After tricking Griffin with a feint, he leaned lightly and then threw the basketball in his hand.



Go in! 2+1!

Er Niu hit an additional penalty, and then both Deron Williams and Wade missed long three-pointers, and the game ended.

155:147, West had the last laugh.

Durant won the first AMVP of his career with 36 points and 6 rebounds in a single game.

Er Niu scored the biggest double-double of the game with 28 points and 19 rebounds. In the limited playing time, he exerted his greatest energy.

Kobe Bryant surpassed Jordan's All-Star total scoring record with 27 points by virtue of his 272-point performance.

(End of this chapter)

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