Standing pretty old

Chapter 831 Slaughtering the old club, the madness before the trade deadline

Chapter 831 Slaughtering the old club, the madness before the trade deadline

That being said, in fact, Er Niu, who left the Eagles, has also been paying attention to his old club.

The result of the concern is: the Hawks will rebuild with Blake Griffin at the beginning of next season.

That's right, this is Er Niu's final conclusion.

Eclipse had taken the initiative to call him and said that he did not want to stay in Atlanta anymore because he felt that he could not become a top star in the Hawks.

To be honest, Er Niu felt that with the habit of shooting three-pointers with lunar eclipse waves, he would not be able to become a superstar in another team. It should be said that in Atlanta, the Hawks' positioning for lunar eclipse was still accurate.

But because of the addition of Griffin, Lunar Eclipse had to return to his favorite third position, so the question is, is the statement on the forum that LeBron James is a lucky version of Lunar Eclipse really true?
Hehe, anyone with a little sense knows what it means to be ambitious and talented.

The lunar eclipse is going away, and Dragon Ball can't stay.

Dragic was brought to Atlanta by the second hand, and he can be called a direct descendant. He directly proposed in a call that he would test the free market next season.

Well, this is straightforward enough, will Tony Ressler give the claw machine a salary of tens of millions?
Well, in the end, I will naturally talk about Er Niu's big brother, former Eagle King Joe Johnson.

Jon Jonson wants to stay in Atlanta wholeheartedly, but he recently had a phone call with Er Niu, and he expressed the same meaning inside and outside the words, and the Hawks are very likely to trade him.

Now that Tony Ressler is the boss, he naturally wants to make a difference.

But anyone who wants to make a difference has a bit of a gambler mentality.On the issue of Er Niu, he had actually lost the bet once, so in order to win, he must continue to gamble.

What is it to dismantle the dynasty team, Tony Ressler will use his actions to tell the world that he is the owner of the Atlanta Hawks.

On March 3, US time, at the Staples Center, the Atlanta Hawks came to play against the Clippers for the first time this season.

Before the game, Er Niu took the initiative to hug his former teammates one by one without avoiding suspicion.

Pachulia, Josh Smith, Dragic, Joe Johnson, Kesley Anderson, all familiar faces, the two bulls also had dinner with some of them during the offseason, but we will meet again At that time, they had become enemies after all.

Blake Griffin is probably the most embarrassing one. His teammates in the Clippers were basically traded out, and the Clippers fans who liked the new and hated the old had obviously forgotten the No. [-] pick they had been looking forward to.

Nonsense, with Kafu Ruan as a prehistoric beast, who needs a second-rate magical creature like a griffin.

The starting lineup for the Hawks tonight is:
C Zaza Pachulia
PF Blake Griffin

SF Josh Smith

SG Joe Johnson

PG Goran Dragic
On the Eagles' bench, in addition to Chris Anderson, who is familiar with Erniu, and Kirk Hinrich, who was traded with Bibby, there are Tracy McGrady, Jack Stackhouse , Eric Dampier and others, this is not a championship team, but more like an NBA nursing home.

From the lineup, it is not difficult to see that the Eagles under the remote command of Tony Ressler are indeed lacking in competitiveness. The veterans are here to hug their thighs.

The Clippers' starting lineup hasn't changed much:
C DeAndre Jordan
PF Ruan Erniu

SF Kawhi Leonard

SG JJ* Reddick

PG Chris Paul
Jordan defeated Pachulia in the jump ball. Ruan Erniu received the basketball in the backcourt and passed the ball to Paul. CP3 held the ball for halftime.

Er Niu fell low and directly faced Griffin.

The ball is passed!
The buttocks clear the way, push half an arm away with one buttock, turn inward, and feint...

Griffin didn't hesitate, but Er Niu made a second throw without hesitation and completed a small throw on Griffin's head.

They say that Griffin is very similar to Kraft Ruan in the low post, but when it comes to dominant low post scoring skills, Ruan Erniu has already stood at the top of the world.

After the accumulation of basic skills to a certain extent, low-level skills are completely a manifestation of natural ability.

Therefore, it is normal for Sparks not to be able to develop top-level offensive talent, because he just does not have this talent.

On the offensive end of the Eagles, the funniest scene of the game appeared.

The claw machine held the ball in a high position and passed it to Jon Jonson. Paul misplaced and faced Joe Johnson. When everyone thought that in singles, Joe would directly rely on his physical advantage to crush Paul to score, the two bulls rushed up.

Is he going to give up Griffin and help Paul defend?

No, he came up to help Jon Jonson pick and roll. Yes, the two Clippers collided, and Jon Jonsen got the ball to the free throw line.

If things develop this step, embarrassing is just two cows and one person.

But maybe Jon Jonsen felt that the second-hand gift was too big. Without any defense in front of him, Jon Jonsen, who made a 15-foot shot, made a three-point shot.

Jordan under the basket easily picked up the rebound, and ended the embarrassing round with an expression of "Uncle Huang's bewildered".

It's also fortunate that O'Neal's show will not be officially broadcast until next season, otherwise everything that happened just now can at least lock in a top three seat for the month.

Er Niu and Jiong Jisen laughed at the same time as they ran to the front court.

In the ESPN commentary on the sidelines, Jeff Van Gundy and his partner Mike Breen also laughed.

Steve A* Smith on the side said: "We can see that Kraft Nguyen thought he was in Atlanta, and Joe Johnson also felt twisted. I think he probably felt that he didn't wait for Griffin. Not happy, as for Jordan, well, he's playing as usual."

In the next few offensive rounds, both teams played a fast pace. Compared with their athletic ability, the Clippers did not lose to the Hawks, but if they really fell, Atlanta would have no chance of winning.

Joe Johnson's dislocation singles Redick is the most stable point of the Hawks, but otherwise, the Hawks don't have any offensive point that is absolutely sure to complete the end ball.

In particular, Griffin is the second point of attack. His back and body can't handle the two bulls at all, and his best face-to-basket attack is also dwarfed by the three-time D-POY.

The claw machine is completely suppressed by Paul's small moves. Pachulia occasionally has high jump shots on the offensive end, but he also has occasional shots, and the threat is too low.

As for the lunar eclipse, the pretty boy who played in the third position has always been the team's undercover agent.

At 27:33, if it weren't for Jiongsen's strong performance in the first quarter, scoring 12 points and 3 assists, the Clippers would have established an absolute lead in the first quarter.

After the start of the second quarter, the Clippers immediately stepped up their efforts on the defensive end. Sean Battier defended Jon Jonson, and Isaiah Thomas also played a superstar performance during the rotation time.

Concentration is the essence. When the little assassin led the team to a wave of 3:11 in just 0 minutes, the trend of the game has actually become clear.

It's not that the Hawks aren't competitive, it's just that the team's hearts have been broken.

When Ruan Erniu was in Atlanta, no matter how far behind the team was, they would rarely relax in the game, but now this team does not have the spirit to play against adversity.

It is undeniable that with the current lineup of the Eagles, they can still successfully enter the playoffs in the East, but when it comes to the decisive moment, let alone the Heat sitting on the Big Three, even the older Green Army is enough for the Eagles to drink a pot .

At 15:35, in just one quarter of the game, the two sides opened up a 20-point difference.

At halftime, 42:68, the Clippers' lead has reached 26 points.

When Ruan Erniu was interviewed at halftime, he was basically asked questions about his old club.

"Kraft, why do you think the Hawks lost by more than 20 points at halftime?"

"That proves that our defense is very good. Especially Sean, he defended Joe very successfully. If I remember correctly, Joe scored 12 points in the first quarter, but he didn't get a point in the second quarter. "Er Niu said so.

"Is there any special feeling to play against the old club again?"

"I said before the game that this is just an ordinary regular season. I know that many media have given this game a special meaning, but for me personally, this is a game that needs to be won. It's just a game."

"Can you tell me about the pick-and-roll in the first quarter?"

Er Niu blushed, and said with a little embarrassment: "This world is full of countless beautiful misunderstandings, and that pick-and-roll should be one of them."

Well, if this discourse full of literary and artistic flavor appeared in 2017, there would probably be countless fans calling crazy for the Chinese people.

The half-time break passed in a flash.

In the second half, Jon Jonson continued his strong output, Redick was brutal again, and Battier had to be replaced in advance again, responsible for limiting the performance of the Eagle King on the defensive end.

It is not enough to rely on Jiongjisen alone.


Paul's small moves are excellent, but the claw machine made a strong shot against Paul on the offensive end, and CP3 couldn't help it either.

Although CP3 has been selected for the defensive team many times, his height of less than 183 cm is an obvious disadvantage even in the first position. When encountering unreasonable shooting touch, Paul can only be deflated.

But in this quarter, both sides made great efforts on the defensive end. After a round of shooting in the first half, the two sides quickly began to fight each other. In the intermittent strikes and free throws, the third quarter came to an end.

20:21, an ugly game, but the Eagles still failed to recover the disadvantage.

At 62:89, the Clippers entered the final quarter with a huge lead of 27 points.

In the final quarter of the game, the two sides were still fighting constantly, but the Atlanta Hawks, which lacked a counterattack momentum, still failed to create enough trouble for the Clippers.

At 82:116, the Clippers quickly adjusted their status after losing to the Green Kai, and with a huge advantage of 34 points, they slaughtered the Atlanta Hawks, a powerful Eastern team that came from afar.

After the game, Erniu once again took the initiative to hug and greet his former teammates one by one.

They are all friends and colleagues who won the championship together, and they always have good memories with each other, which will not be obliterated because of the coldness of the business alliance.

After the game against the Eagles, the Clippers ushered in their last opponent before the trade deadline, and also their fourth opponent at home in six consecutive games—the Phoenix Suns.

As in the case of the Timberwolves, it was all due to physical problems that caused the Clippers to sink their opponents in the previous away game.

This time at the home court, it is natural to have grievances and revenge.

The progress of the game was lackluster. When Nash and Grant Hill were both absent due to injuries, there was no suspense about the outcome of the game.

Although Shannon Brown once led the Suns and the Clippers to form a brief stalemate, once the girl-picking combination entered the state, the trend of the game immediately changed irreversibly.

At 91:118, the Clippers took advantage of their opponents at home. Er Niu scored 50 points, 21 rebounds, and 13 assists under the defense of Channing Frye, helping the Clippers usher in two consecutive victories at home.

March 2012, 3, US time, is the NBA's trade deadline.

A lot of transactions took place on this day, but the most important ones are the following:

The first is that the Bucks reached a deal with the Warriors. The Bucks sent Andrew Bogut and Stephen Jackson, and traded the Warriors' Monta Ellis, Kwame Brown, and Ai Pai Udo.

The Warriors wanted to rebuild, and they finally made a big gamble, sending Ellis away, and chose Stephen Curry, who was plagued by injuries, and Bogut, who was traded, was also no longer as "White Duncan" because of injuries. Aura.

Then came the Spurs and Warriors to complete the deal.

The Spurs got Stephen Jackson from the trade, and the Warriors got Richard Jefferson and a first-round pick.

It can't be called a win-win, but it doesn't look like who took advantage of a deal. Anyway, getting a first-round pick is of great significance to the rebuilding Warriors.

The Pacers and the Raptors completed the transaction, the Pacers will get Barbosa, and the Pacers sent a second-round pick and some cash.

The Blazers and the Nets completed a deal.The Blazers got Okur, Sean Williams and a protected 2012 first-round pick, while the Nets got Gerald Wallace.

The Rockets and the Trail Blazers completed a deal. The Rockets got center Marcus Camby, and the Blazers got Jonny Flynn and Hakeem Thabeet.

If the above three are nothing, then the next transaction is undoubtedly a shock.

The Nuggets, Wizards and Clippers reached a three-way deal.

The Wizards get center Nene, and the Clippers' Brian Cook, the first round + second-round pick in 12; the Nuggets get McGee and Turiaf from the Wizards; the Clippers get Wizards forward Nick Young + Wizards The 12-year second-round pick.

Yes, the main body is the Wizards and the Nuggets, but in order to give John Wall sufficient room for growth, the Wizards finally gritted their teeth and closed their eyes, and sent Nick Young to the Los Angeles Clippers. This can be called a god assist .

Osher has been planning for a long time and finally succeeded in robbing. As a third party, the Clippers are undoubtedly the biggest beneficiaries of this transaction.

He lets him do what he wants, old man Nick Young.

The problem of the Clippers' lack of firepower on the bench has finally been resolved. This is undoubtedly the best news for a team that is determined to win the championship.

In addition, the second-round pick that Er Niu wanted with all his heart was also successfully obtained, and Osher proved his value with practical actions.

The last deal of the trade deadline appeared between the Lakers and the Rockets.

The Rockets got Derek Fisher and the Mavericks' 2012 first-round pick in the Lamar Odom trade, and the Lakers got Jordan Hill.

But in fact, Fisher did not report to the Rockets at all.

The key to why Fisher didn't want to go to the Rockets was that the championship point guard didn't like the Rockets' lineup at all. He wanted to go to a team that had the hope of winning the championship.

Osher called Erniu directly and asked him if he needed to contact Chairman Yu. Ruan Erniu said firmly: "Do you want us to be completely blown up in the first position? Derek is too old Now, he can hold the ball and break through O'Neal's grandma."

 Thanks to the book club for giving away the fish, pglin, and calling me Big Pao!
(End of this chapter)

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