Standing pretty old

Chapter 835 The first round of fierce battles, frequent situations

Chapter 835 The first round of fierce battles, frequent situations
The Clippers played easily enough in the first round to successfully sweep the Jazz to advance to the second round of the playoffs, but the first-round matchups in other series this season have been different.

The east is too far away, so let's focus on the west first.

Except for the Clippers, the Oklahoma City Thunder in the lower half of the Western Conference probably played the easiest in the first round. OKC defeated DEN with a total score of 4:1.

Regardless of the disparity in the total score, the Nuggets actually played quite tenaciously.

Because in these 5 games, at least four of them went to the last 3 minutes of the last quarter, which also included an overtime game.

Needless to say, George Karl is indeed the kind of unlucky head coach.

Being able to bring a team that seems to be unable to make the playoffs at all to the sixth position in the Western Conference, and to play like this with the young and energetic OKC is enough to prove his ability.

It is worth mentioning that James Harden's competitive state is very good. In terms of offensive efficiency alone, he is better than the other two players of the Thunder.

It seems that Ci Shiping's elbow at the end of the season did not have much impact on the bearded man, but since Shiping swung his elbow, it is impossible for it to have no effect.

Looking back after a few years, people think that it is very likely that Ci Shiping's elbow made Harden awaken Sharingan, and in the future, he will become a descendant of the Uchiha clan.

It was expected by most people that the Thunder would kill the Nuggets in the second half, but in the battle of the bulls and horses in the same second half, it is hard to tell who will be able to advance in the end.

When the two top teams in Texas meet, logically speaking, neither of them is sure of winning.

But the actual result was surprising. SAS defeated DAL with a disparate score of 4:1. In fact, the real game was far more cruel than the score on the books.

In the five fierce battles between the Bulls and Horses, at least four of them had a final score of less than 5 points.

It can be said that both sides are fighting for every inch of land.

Why did the Mavericks only fight for the next game?


That's right, since these veterans won the championship last year, their desire for the championship has not been as good as before.

And Cuban did not retain the championship lineup for various reasons, coupled with the fact that the suspension season did not receive sufficient training, it made the team's veterans completely lose the possibility of the last fight.

Dirk Nowitzki still completely exploded Tim Duncan in the matchup. There is a saying that among the famous power forwards in the NBA, the offensive ability of Deutsche Chariot has always been in a class of its own, even if it is Duncan, Garnett, Gasol and others are all inferior to him.

The Mavericks lost to other players, the old Kidd was overwhelmed by Parker, George Hill also overwhelmed Jason Terry, Ginobili's performance in the first round was quite average, but the almost forgotten UFO - Vince Carter also failed to find a career turnaround with the Mavericks.

From generation to generation, talented people come out, and new generations replace old ones.

Many NBA fans like to say that they grew up watching so-and-so's ball, but in fact, the real NBA arena is more cruel than people imagined.

Players come and go every year. According to official statistics, the average career of a player in the NBA is just 3-4 years.

So that on the forum, such type of ridicule often appears:
"Who is playing well! Which team is he in now?"

"It's gone!"


"I mean not in the NBA anymore!"

"Why didn't he fight anymore?"

"Just hit it and it will disappear."


Therefore, those superstars who have occupied the stage for a long time are really rare.For most players, the first thing to consider is survival.

In other words, why can Yi Jianlian accept the basic salary offered by the Clippers?

In fact, if he returns to East Guangdong, he will definitely get a higher salary. Apart from his own persistence and desire, nothing can explain all of this.

You know, being able to survive in the NBA is not an easy task in itself, especially for international players.

The second-round roster for the lower half of the West was released first. Even though the process was slightly twisted, there were generally no unexpected results.

However, when the eyes turned back to the upper half of the west, the situation of Xia Ke Shang appeared.

The Grizzlies finally reversed the Lakers with a total score of 4:3 and advanced to the second round of the playoffs. Their next opponent will be the Los Angeles Clippers led by Erniu.

Zach Randolph suffered serious injuries this season, and his competitive state has declined sharply compared to last season.

As usual, this should have been an opportunity for the Lakers to seize. Unfortunately, Pau Gasol was in even worse form.

Sister-in-law Jia did not suffer from serious injuries, but the transfer rumors last summer have always made him worry about it, which is similar to the problem with the Mavericks. A player or a team, without that spirit, basically has no wins ball possible.

Mike Conley blasted Ramon Sessions, and Rudy Gay faced Metta World Peace's defense, and did what a team's top scorer should do, and let Metta World Peace on the defensive end The hit rate plummeted, which directly became a cancer for the Lakers.

Marc Gasol is about the same as Bynum in terms of statistics, but anyone who has watched the game knows that Gasol is far more important in the Grizzlies' offensive system than the opponent is in the Lakers' system.

Finally, I have to mention, of course, the Black Mamba-Kobe Bryant.

There must be something wrong with the dark volute, because this round of the series the volute is guarded!
That's right, the series averaged less than 42% from the field and less than 33% from three-pointers. The average shot reached 24.6 times per game, but they also scored the highest average of 27.8 points per game for both teams.

It may be too much to say that such a Kobe is a cancer of the team, but it must be said that Kobe alone shoulders the heavy responsibility of the team, and his teammates are all CBA, and it definitely needs some inexplicable courage like Comey.

Well, from another point of view, you can't blame Kobe for all the responsibility. After all, it is Tony Allen who is responsible for defending him.

"I don't know how to attack, but you don't want to understand either!"

This is really eloquent. With this defensive skill, Tony Allen is qualified to survive in this league.

Some people always say that defense does not require technology, which is definitely not true.

There are specialties in the art industry, and a true defensive expert also needs excellent defensive skills and enough defensive experience.

There are very few players like Er Niu and James who can maintain super dominance on both ends of the offense and defense for a long time. Kobe at his peak is naturally among them, but this period is still much shorter than the previous two.

In general, Kobe's era is about to pass. With Mamba's personality, even if the Lakers find another super center for him, they may not be able to get along well and help the team rise again.

Regardless of whether O'Neal reported Wade's thigh, but he now has four rings, and Kobe, who left O'Neal, failed several times in the finals and still only has three rings.

Well, it's not that the boss doesn't work hard, it's just that Er Niu is too BT.

Part of Comey said Benzema was to blame for the loss.


The situation in the West is still calm. In contrast, the first round of the Eastern Conference series is more interesting.

The Bulls lost to the 2ers 4:76, yes, black eight!

Strange to say, black eights and black sevens, which have always been rare, seem to have become more frequent in recent seasons.

In fact, even if the Bulls can win the first round, no one will be optimistic that they can go on in the second round. Split, directly reimbursed for the season.

In fact, this season, Windy City Rose suffered serious injuries as early as the regular season.

Throughout the 11-12 season, Rose only played a total of 39 games. According to the ratio of 66 regular season games in the shrinking season, the MVP's attendance rate was less than 60%.

But this is also one of the important reasons why the Bulls were able to stabilize their position and win two games against the 76ers after losing Rose.

There is no way, they are used to how to win without the boss around.

Larry Drew's coaching ability was celebrated during the regular season, as the Bulls were the No. [-] team in the East even without Rose.

The first assistant coach of the Clippers, Tom Thibodeau, said disdainfully: "Give me the Chicago Bulls, and I can also lead the team to achieve the same results."

In Thibodeau's view, the defensive lineup composed of Noah, Boozer, Gibson, Ruhr Deng and others is already dominant in the Eastern Conference, not to mention the insignificant development of the Heat in the regular season, and the Eagles are also in a state of rebuilding scandals. Down.

In the desperate playoffs, the lack of depth in the Bulls' lineup was exposed in an instant.

The 76ers' Black Eight wins on the whole, or in other words, it can only win on the whole.

When the team leader Andre Iguodala's scoring average is ranked behind Jrue Holiday, Richard Hamilton and even Lou Williams, you really can't tell whether the team's Who is the leader.

If you look at the regular season data alone, the team's highest scoring player is actually Louis Williams who hasn't even started a game.

Lu Wei averaged 14.9 per game, which is actually the highest scoring player in the 76ers.

If it weren't for James Harden this season, and the Thunder's record is even better, Lu Wei is definitely qualified to compete for the position of SMOY (the best sixth man).

I don’t know, I’m scared.

The 76ers were able to reach the Eastern Conference playoffs with a record of 35 wins and 31 losses, relying entirely on their strength on the defensive end. Anyway, they really couldn't score goals on the offensive end.

The wonderful 76ers reached the second round of the playoffs, but like the Bulls, no one is optimistic that they can go further.

Because the other matchup teams in the upper half of the East are too strong, the Celtics, ranked fourth in the East, encountered their old enemy, the Atlanta Hawks, ranked fifth in the East.

It should be noted that the Celtics' regular season record is only 39 wins and 27 losses, while the Hawks' record is 41 wins and 25 losses. Then the question arises, why is the Celtics ranked ahead of the Hawks?

The reason lies in the NBA's unique competition system. According to the regulations, Green Kai, as the top player in the Atlantic Division, will automatically get a place in the top four playoffs in the Eastern Conference, even if their regular season record is not as good as the Hawks.

The Hawks and the Heat belong to the Southeast Division. When the Heat's record is second in the Eastern Conference, the Hawks can only rank fifth in the Eastern Conference.

As the stumbling blocks that once prevented the Big Three of the Green Army from hitting the championship, these two teams can be said to be new and old, and they are on the verge of breaking out.

In the end, the Green Army had the last laugh with their tighter defense. The Green Army, which had been recuperating in the regular season, began to exert its energy in the playoffs.

Kevin Garnett has exploded with extremely strong combat power. Facing the young and strong Griffin, he can still contribute 18+10 data per game efficiently, making great contributions to the team on both offensive and defensive ends .

Griffin was majestic in the regular season, but lost the chain in the most critical playoffs. Facing the tight defense of the Celtics, the Griffin, who can contribute close to 20+10 in the regular season, only played in the first round of the series. Got 16+8 data.

Both the offensive efficiency and the number of shots are lower than the performance of the regular season.

The performance of superstars still depends on the playoffs. At this point, Griffin still has a long way to go.

Joe Johnson's performance is also not as good as before. He is more or less affected by the transfer, but more importantly, as the team's first offensive point, he still has not shown enough dominance.

It should be said that some people are naturally more suitable to be the second-in-command. With the help of the second-handed bull, Jiong-sen can definitely be called the contemporary Pippen. contemporary Jordan.

The lunar eclipse at the third position has completely become a cancer of the team. Mike Woodson and Jon Jonson still limit his three-point long-range shots, but the lunar eclipse's mid-range shooting attributes are enough to bury the team at critical moments .

Dragic also appears tepid under Rondo's defense. He lacks the ball, and the team will basically not give him an ideal salary this summer.

For a team that is about to rebuild, being able to reach the tiebreaker with the Celtics is already the best affirmation of their basketball talent.

Heartbroken, the Atlanta Hawks, who were eliminated in the first round, officially announced the complete collapse of the former Eagles dynasty.

If last season they could use the excuse that Griffin had just arrived and hadn't adapted to the team, then the early farewell this season can only prove that the team's construction has taken a detour.

Hawks owner Tony Ressler was naturally the least popular guy at Philips Center.

If he hadn't insisted on replacing Griffin with the second bull, maybe the Eagles could build another three-consecutive dynasty, but now, the people of Atlanta can only watch the birth of a new league powerhouse in the City of Angels, even a championship.

They originally had a super giant not inferior to Michael Jordan, but they were traded by the new boss.

The game in the lower half of the Eastern Conference is relatively normal, and the high-ranked teams take it for granted to beat the low-ranked teams.

The Heat defeated New York 4:1. If New York didn't solve their defensive problems for a day, they couldn't expect them to be one step closer to the playoffs.

The Pacers' 4:1 victory over the Magic may seem a bit unexpected, but you must know that it is not the Magic who ranked third in the Eastern Conference this season.

It is an indisputable fact that Walking Horse (another translation of Pacers) is on the rise, but more importantly, the Magic lost their momentum to win as early as in the transfer transaction with the Sparks.

The hearty ones defeated the heartless ones, this is the true portrayal of the first round of the playoffs of the 11-12 season.

 Thanks again for the reward from book friend PINEAPPLE!
(End of this chapter)

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