Standing pretty old

Chapter 844 Finals Opponent Revealed

Chapter 844 Finals Opponent Revealed

The Thunder once again fell on the stage of the Western Conference Finals, but they are still a team with great prospects. After all, the Thunder's three juniors are in their prime, and they are far from reaching their peak.

Of course, Thunder is not without hidden dangers.

They need to renew Ibaka this summer, and Harden next summer.

After already having Durant and Westbrook two super players, OKC's salary space is actually quite narrow.

Oklahoma's comeback is not a big ball market. Whether the Thunder boss is willing to pay will become a crucial reason restricting the development of this team.

Looking at a championship-level team, the core of the playing year, aggressive rookies, and experienced veterans are all indispensable.

Take the Eagles Dynasty as an example, aside from the pervert Ruan Erniu, Jon Jonson, Moon Eclipse and others are all in their prime, Mike Bibby and Fan Crazy are all veterans of the league, plus Dragic Only with high-quality rookies can they be combined into a team with championship strength.

In this regard, the Thunder's performance in the future seems to be able to explain some problems. For the sake of profit, they can't always keep their core.

That is, in the summer of this year, after they chose to renew Ibaka, they traded James Harden to the Rockets.

Ruan Erniu, who was on vacation at the time, learned the news from the Internet. Manniu felt sorry for Westbrook. After all, he gave up Rose's clause to renew his contract for the team, and the personal sacrifice he made was not insignificant.

To be honest, it was a big failure for the Thunder to trade Harden away, even if because of Harden's trade, the Thunder got Steven Adams afterwards.

For the Clippers, this is great news.

You know, they are worried and troubled in the west where the powerful and powerful are everywhere.

The trouble is naturally that teams like the Spurs, Grizzlies, Mavericks, and Rockets will come out to make troubles from time to time; foresight is naturally the Golden State Warriors with a male logo; !
Until Harden was traded away, everyone in the Clippers, including Er Niu, breathed a sigh of relief.

The Thunder's momentum is so fierce, if they fight hard for another two years, it's really hard to say how much trouble it will bring to the Clippers.

From the perspective of bystanders, trading Harden is tantamount to proving that the Thunder lack the courage to fight for the championship.

Even a bastard like Sterling is willing to pay the luxury tax occasionally for the sake of the championship and long-term interests, but Thunder boss Aubrey McClendon is not willing.

Because he has always been a businessman who emphasizes safe operation.This can be seen from his determination to move the Thunder from Seattle to Oklahoma City, and he has never concealed his thoughts in front of the media.

"We bought the Sonics not to keep the team in Seattle, but to move it to Oklahoma." McClendon said, "Moving to Oklahoma City, which has a smaller market, the team may not There will be difficulties, but we just try to make ends meet."

Such a straightforward announcement of his intentions shows his business philosophy.

By the way, this remark angered Stern at the time, and the chairman directly issued a ticket of 25 yuan to McClendon.

There is no need to say much about the intention: take care of your stinking mouth, our NBA is open for business, and there are some things we can do but can't say.

Regarding Harden's transaction, Harden himself was probably the most injured. For the first time, he felt the ruthlessness of capital, so that after becoming the first brother of the Rockets a few years later, he couldn't let it go.

"It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and I got a call, and they only gave me an hour to consider whether to accept this contract," Harden recalled, "I thought, this is what I can earn in my life. It’s obviously not enough for you to give me this little time to think about the most money.”

That same night, Harden received a call from Thunder general manager Sam Presti informing him that he had been traded to the Rockets.

"Sam Presti told me, 'We love you, but we traded you to the Houston Rockets,'" Harden said. "It was a very, very sad night. I hung up and went home. , lay down on the bed, and then cried.

We had big plans, we wanted to win championships in the next few years, it all ended too quickly. "

For Harden, leaving the Thunder not only aborted their championship plans, but his parting from Durant and Westbrook also made him hard to let go.

In the field of fame and fortune, people can't help but gather and disperse.

Even the active No.1 like Erniu will inevitably be used as a bargaining chip by the new boss after a serious injury, let alone Harden who likes to go to nightclubs.

The only thing worth looking forward to is that Uchiha * Deng, who has opened the blood eye, will soon become the boss of the rocket.

The Western Conference championship ultimately belongs to the Los Angeles Clippers. In the fifth season of Er Niu's career, he lifted the division championship trophy for the fourth time.

Except for the season that was reimbursed due to injury, Ruan Erniu's team has never missed the division finals, and has never lost the championship trophy in the division finals.

Active No.1 cannot be supported by personal data alone. Even if Er Niu averages 50+20 per game like Chamberlain, if he is not accompanied by his Eagles dynasty, people will often just call him a brush or a cancer. Instead of giving him the present praise.

After talking about the Western Conference Finals, it is natural to turn our attention to the East.

The Western Conference finals are all over, but the Eastern Conference finals have just been halfway through. Yes, in the 7-game 4-win series, the Heat and the Celtics scored 2:2 in the first four games.

In other words, the two sides have returned to the same starting line.

Last season, with the help of D. Wade and Bosh, James has overcome the difficulty of the green card, and eliminated his opponent with a total score of 4:1 to enter the Eastern Conference finals, and finally lost to the Mavericks in the finals.

This season, the grievances between James and Green Kai continue.

It’s strange to say that Er Niu and James have been called mortal enemies by various media. Countless people are saying that the Celestials took James’s current No.1 position. It was the Celtics who advanced to the Cavaliers.

As the bulls run westward, Green Kai has become James' biggest obsession in the playoffs.

In this round of G1 in the Eastern Conference finals, the Miamis at home took the lead.

In this game, Chris Bosh, who was injured in the last round, did not return, and James went directly to the fourth position.

As a result, after a fierce battle, James, who was in the low position, ushered in an explosion. He scored 32 points and 13 rebounds. Played G23 in the Eastern Conference Finals.

The Chosen One became more and more aware of a player like Er Niu who was equally talented in athletics, and he was willing to fight in the paint.

No way, the efficiency of dislocation is really amazingly high.

Rondo, Pierce, and Ray Allen should be responsible for the G1 loss. Their inefficiency on the offensive end is the main reason for the team's loss.

Especially Ray Allen, he only made 7 of 1 shots in the game, and only scored 6 points with free throws. This is obviously not the performance that a giant should have.

Of course, compared with Rondo, who shot 20 shots in the game, and Ray Allen, who only got 7 shots, people have to turn their attention to the personal conflict between Ray Allen and Rondo.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation is better than the old.

Rondo wants to take the top position. What he most urgently surpasses is not Pierce, the only leader of the Green Kai, nor Garnett, who is related to his interests in the interior, but the gentleman who wants to be close.

In addition, Lei's personality is relatively withdrawn, which makes it easy for people to have bad associations.

If the Green Kai can win in the end, everything is fine, but once they lose this series, it is indeed time for the Big Three to disintegrate.

This group of people got together just for the championship, but encountered the bug of Kraft Ruan on the tail of the peak. It is the result of the management's patience to be able to get together for several years.

Green Army general manager Angie is also very clear that once they lose this series, they really have to rebuild.

G1 lost the game without Bosh on the other side, which undoubtedly made the Green Army feel a crisis.

Bosh, who had hoped to return to the court in G2, postponed his return time again.

In other words, since the teammates are so strong, if they can make it to the playoffs, that would be great!
Not to mention, Bosh doesn't need to be too anxious, because the Heat won again in G2.

The final winner of G2 is the Heat, but if you insist on choosing the best player, everyone who has watched the game will vote for Rondo.

In this game, the Giants made 24 of 16 shots, 2 of 2 three-pointers, 12 of 10 free throws, 44 points, 10 assists, and 8 rebounds.

In this way, Carry did not win the whole game. On the one hand, the other green players except the Big Three are too weak. On the other hand, among the Heat, James, Wade, and Chalmers all stood up at critical moments. After coming out, the three teamed up and scored 79 points to help the Heat make another victory at home.

Bosh didn't come back, and the Heat actually won two home games in a row. This undoubtedly made most of the media no longer optimistic about the Celtics, but the veteran of the Celtics was obviously unwilling to admit defeat easily.

G3 came to Boston, but Chris Bosh stayed in Miami, choosing to continue watching from the sidelines.

In fact, his injury has stabilized, although not enough to recover to a healthy period, but he has reached a state where he can play.

This is obviously to carry the lie win to the end, and the Green Army said that it will definitely make the Miami people pay the price.

As a result, Garnett, Pierce, and Rondo scored 20+ points in a single game at the same time. As for the Heat, except for James who continued to score 30+ points efficiently, Cheeks and Super Mario, who played well in the last game, performed relatively well. Oops.

The Green Army took advantage of the situation to pull back a game at the North Shore Garden Arena, and the Bostonians saw a turning point again.

The Heat management didn't want Bosh to come to Boston at first, but after G3, they also found that the Celtics were not easy to mess with.

After thinking twice, they still gritted their teeth and continued to maintain the original lineup.

G4 was the most tragic game in the series. From the moment the game started, the two sides never stopped physical confrontation beyond the foul margin.

The Celtics fouled 30+, and the Heat's numbers were roughly the same.

At the end of the game, the two sides still had no winner and could only enter overtime.

However, overtime is still a tragic physical confrontation.

The Heat made 8 of 1 shots and scored only two points in overtime, but the Celtics finally defeated their opponents with a mid-range shot by Rondo and a free throw each by him and Marquez Daniels.

2:2, when the whole world is not optimistic about the Celtics, these old guys used their tenacious performance to bring the game back to the original point.


To be on the safe side, after repeated discussions with the Heat's coaching staff, he was not put on the starting list in the end, but he appeared in the Heat's lineup as a substitute player.

Objectively speaking, the performance of the Celtics in G5 is actually not good. The shooting efficiency of the enveloping Pierce, Ray Allen and Rondo is not high, especially Rondo, who made a key goal in overtime in the last game. The field made a super undercover data of 15 of 3 shots.

With such a performance, in any case, the Green Army should not even think about retreating in Miami.

But when Michael Pietrus, the X-factor in the Green Army, stood up and scored 13 points efficiently, while the Heat, except James and Wei, played in general, and everyone else was inefficient, the result was reversed again.

That's right, the Celtics won their third consecutive game, and it was still at the Heat's home court where Bosh returned.

More importantly, the Green Army led the Heat 3:2 and got the match point ahead of schedule.

G6 will return to Boston, and the Celtics have a chance to play a 4:0 counterattack and win the series.

The Miami Heat, who have no retreat, are fighting, and the G6 battle can be described as another battle for James.

As a historical superstar, there must be more than one battle of the gods in his career, and the Eastern Conference Finals G11 in the 12-6 season is undoubtedly such a game.

James made 26 of 19 shots, including 4 of 2 three-pointers and 9 of 5 free throws. He scored 45 points, 15 rebounds and 5 assists.

Bosh still did not return to the Heat's starting roster in this game, but with James' superb performance alone, it was enough to help the team successfully win the extended G6 battle.

Rondo, who scored 21+10+4 in the field, tried his best, but the Big Three of the Green Army, who he once regarded as a strong shield, were all out of shape.

Especially Pierce, who was actually locked up by Caron Butler in the matchup. He made 18 of 4 shots, including 6 of 0 three-pointers, 2 of 1 free throws, and only scored 9 points.

Such an undercover performance deprived the Celtics of the best chance to end the series.

Rondo has really played out under the Big Three system, so it is not without reason that Angie wanted to rebuild the team with him as the core in the future.

It's a pity that Rondo, who left the Big Three, suffered a lot of injuries, and he never developed the shooting ability, which eventually made him far from the top superstars.

But there is one thing to say, this guy is really not as bad as some fans. It is not too much for Rondo at his peak to call the Green Army a giant.

The Celtics who missed the best opportunity finally paid a heavy price. The Heat who returned to Miami did not give their opponents any chance.

In Game 7 of Game 19, Bosh finally found the right feeling during the bench time. He scored 8 points and [-] rebounds, becoming the X factor of the Heat.

As for the Green Army, even if Rondo scored a triple-double of 22+14+10, due to the lack of strength of his teammates, it eventually turned into an empty cut.

The Heat defeated the Celtics with a total score of 4:3, won the Eastern Conference Championship, and successfully advanced to the finals!
(End of this chapter)

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