Standing pretty old

Chapter 850 The Battle of Los Angeles

Chapter 850 The Battle of Los Angeles
"Victory Escape"

"The future of the Heat is uncertain, and the victory of the Clippers is in sight"

"Hold the match point, the champion is in front of you"

"The Eastern Tyrant Returns Strongly, The Chosen Son May Become a Historical Background Board"


The Clippers, who returned to Los Angeles with a big score of 3:2, are almost unanimously favored by everyone. The strong rebound in G4 and the winning shot in G5 make people feel that this team is indeed more skilled than the Heat one chip.

In fact, from the perspective of player configuration, they are indeed better than the Heat.

Needless to say, Erniu's strength, Sanpao's performance is also remarkable. In the past G5, Paul sent 22 assists in a single game, breaking Magic Johnson's record of 1984 assists in a single game in the 21 Finals. assists record, and one of them contributed 12 of them for Paul.

It was fate that Stockton met Malone. From this point of view, the relationship between Paul and Er Niu on the court is the same. As for the off-court, it will take time to test.

Yi Jianlian's success in entanglement with Bosh also contributed a lot. In the finals, Alian averaged 12.2 points, 5.6 rebounds, 2 assists, and his shooting percentage reached 47.4%. time bench for the resulting data.

There is no harm without comparison. Since meeting Allen in the matchup, Bosh, who has been deprived of most of the ball by James and D. Wade, has seen a significant decline in statistics.

His scoring average fell directly to 13.2 points per game, and his shooting percentage also dropped to 44.2%. Fortunately, Bosh still has an average of 8.4 rebounds per game as a basis, and he has not completely fallen into the embarrassing period of "one rebound per game".

In fact, it may not be fair to say that Allen completely lives in Bosh. Any giant player who does not have the ball in his hands and expects him to average 20+10 per game is just playing tricks.

The young Kawhi must also be praised. His personal data is not worth mentioning. D. Wade, who is in charge of his defense, averaged 25.6 points per game, the third highest score of the two teams, second only to the finals Ruan Erniu, who averaged 50+ per game, and James, who averaged 26.8 points per game, but D. Wade's shooting percentage was only 43.5%.

Well, but the cheekbones have a 51% hit rate...

Well, Kaka's defense is actually not that good. At this point, he was indeed blown away by D. Wade.

There are many fans who like to brag about Kawhi's death entanglement. Judging from some highlights or single-game performance, such boasting is not a problem, but it is not difficult to find out after looking at the entire series. In fact, Kawhi's defense is really good. so god.

For example, in a certain time and space, Kawhi, who was in the Spurs, was fighting the Heat. At that time, Kawhi was in charge of defending James, and with his outstanding performance, he was the most likely to win the FMVP. Then the problem came. What about the data?
He averaged 28.2 points, 7.8 rebounds, and 4.0 assists per game. The total shooting percentage reached a terrifying 57.1%, and the three-point shooting percentage reached 51.9%. Can this performance be regarded as being guarded?

The reason why super giants are super giants is that this group of people is almost impossible to be completely guarded. The only role Kawaii plays to D. Wade is to constantly consume him on the defensive end, thereby helping the team win ball.

In fact, even Erniu is the same for James. Don't look at Erniu's offensive end, which completely blows James, but when it comes to the Heat's offensive end, James' shooting percentage is also 45%+, and the true shooting percentage is also 50%. More than [-]%.

The Clippers are not invulnerable, but in terms of overall strength and team chemistry, they are indeed better than the Heat.

When Ruan Erniu returned home, he was greeted by a warm hug from Doctor Han and Eddie. When Xiao Tangyuan saw his father, he also smiled happily, which comforted the tired Erniu.

Family is a man's real harbor.

"G6, I'm going to take Lip to the Staples Center to watch your game." Dr. Han said while hugging Philip Ruan.

Er Niu made an exaggerated expression to make Xiao Tangyuan laugh, and asked: "Chongwu is still so young, will he not get used to going to the scene, the noise there is not small."

Han Meimei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will stay in the box stand during the game, and I will take my son to the players' tunnel when the awards are presented."

Ruan Erniu nodded, and said confidently: "Since you have said so, we will not let the game be dragged to the tie-break. In G6, we will definitely win the O'Brien Cup!"

The two bulls who made the promise were full of energy. Before the finals G6, it was impossible to engage in hell-style training, but in the three days between G5 and G6, the Clippers also could not relax in daily training.

Finally, the time came to June 2012, 6, and the Staples Center was brightly lit that night.

The eyes of basketball fans all over the world are focused on this place, and Chaotingtai naturally dispatched his camera crew early to explain the game on the spot.

In fact, Yu Jia and Zhang Lili have come to Staples since G1, and even rushed to Miami directly in G3-G5, and followed the game with Er Niu and A Lian, the two Chinese players.

During the warm-up commentary, Yu Jia said sincerely: "It is indeed not easy. In the past few games, the Clippers have fallen behind 2:1, and they have pulled back two consecutive away games.

To our delight, Allen replaced Jordan as the starter, and Er Niu has always been the mainstay of the Clippers. Although it has been said countless times in the broadcast, I still have to say it again. No one in the history of the NBA Finals With an average of 50+ points per game, Er Niu is still making history! "

Zhang Lili on the side continued to explain: "Yes, the key to Allen being able to replace Jordan is that his defensive end can keep up with Bosh's rhythm, especially those balls that need to be thrown to defend. Jordan is more active in assisting. On the offensive end, Allen also has an advantage in shooting range, and Erniu and Paul are also willing to pass the ball to him.

As for Ruan Erniu, I don’t need to say more, fans all over the country love him. The game has not started yet, but we have seen that even when Erniu is warming up, some fans have already started shouting 'MVP' ! "

The host of Chaoting TV cleverly avoided the question of the Olympic Games. The topic of public opinion on whether Ruan Erniu should quit the national team has never stopped. The men's basketball game does not seem to have any interest,

Since you can't be dubious, it's natural to focus more on A Lian's praise.

Yu Jia continued: "We also had the opportunity to interview Ruan Erniu before the game. According to domestic opinion, now we should call Erniu Ruan the director!

When talking about Yi Jianlian becoming the starter, he told us, 'This summer, we are likely to lose Alian, because we really don't have the salary space to give Alian a top middle class'! "

Zhang Lili continued: "That's right, in these finals, Allen has received more affirmation. His current annual salary is only 47 yuan before tax. I believe that by this summer, this number will at least increase by more than ten times. This is really incredible!"


After the Chinese fans listened to a lot of nonsense and watched a lot of commercials, at the Staples Center, the performances and pre-match warm-ups were all over.

In front of James, Er Niu once again staged the classic magnesium powder show.

Now this movement is shared by Ruan and Zhan. Relatively speaking, Er Niu uses it more.

Because he hasn't called his friends to play brother basketball so far, he is a well-deserved team leader no matter in the Hawks or the Clippers.

Allen took the lead on the jump ball with Bosh, and the ball went to Redick.

Chalmers took the initiative to raise the defensive position, and Redick simply held the ball and advanced into the half court. After half court, he sent the ball back to Paul.

Paul holds the ball in a high position and observes the situation on the court. Kawhi uses Allen to pick and roll to slip to the bottom line, and JJ* Redick uses Erniu to block people from another position, trying to slip out and seek open flanks.

CP3 sent a NOLOOKPASS, which was neither Kawhi nor Redick. Yi Jianlian received the basketball 19 feet from the flank, and raised his hand to make an extremely decisive mid-range shot.


Go in!

Allen really feels comfortable playing in the Clippers. As long as there is space, Sanpao and Erniu can comfortably send the ball to him. This is something he has never had before in the Kings and 76ers. treatment.

Alian Biao scored two points, and Bosh also got a mid-range shot in almost the same position.


Come in too!

A pass from James in the low post.

On the offensive end of the Clippers, Paul transferred the ball to Er Niu in the low post, and Er Niu played James with the ball behind his back.

After taking a big step away from James, Erniu made a fake move of raising his hand to shoot. James didn't hesitate, but Erniu still made a big stride, passed James, and threw the ball into the basket with his low hand.

Typical eyes can keep up, body can't.

To paraphrase the famous SD center Jun Uosumi's famous saying: "Akagi's scoring instinct at the basket is innate, but I hardly have it!"

Ruan Erniu's scoring instinct at the basket is almost natural, but James is really mediocre in terms of core strength in the back.

There is no harm without comparison. At first glance, James' post-up attack has made great progress compared to last season, but against a talented guy like Ruan Erniu, James' post-up attack is still not worth mentioning.

In G5, James' backside was defended by Thomas Jr., and he could be made into a moving picture with the embarrassing scene of him being defended by JJ* Barea last season, and then selected as the top ten embarrassing GIFs of James' career.

Unwilling to be teased, James made a strong fadeaway jumper in the Heat's subsequent offensive round.

James is indeed the player with the strongest personal ability besides Er Niu in active service. His only tragedy is that at the peak of his career, he encountered the BUG-level Bull Demon King from the Celestial Dynasty.

The two sides played very lively in the first quarter. Amidst the cheers of Los Angeles fans, Nick Young scored two consecutive three-pointers in the last minute, helping the home team lead by 1 points at 29:35 to end the first quarter. A section of scramble.

Thibodeau said in an interview during the quarter: "I am still not satisfied with the team's performance on the defensive end. We need to become more focused."

There is no problem with Thibodeau's attitude. The more you lead your opponent, the more calm you must be.

When leading 2:1, the Heat seemed to want to win the cup directly in Miami, but the game returned to Los Angeles after all, and now it is LAC that takes the lead to get the match point.

During the intermission, Ruan Erniu pointed to the tactical board and said: "When James singles me, he must not double-team and pay attention to cutting off his passing route. James is the core of the Heat's tactics, and the Heat will definitely insist on using him as an offense. Initiation point.

As for D. Wade, Kawhi, remember what I said?There's no way he's going to kill us from 15 feet away.


The title COACH-R is not just a casual talk. During the period of Thibodeau's interview, Erniu has successfully fulfilled his duties as the head coach of his team.

Erniu, the best coach (COY), may have less moisture than Rivers. After all, someone is sitting on Kim Terry and Tom Thibodeau, but he still lost to the Eagles of Erniu and Jiongsen hand.

Even if it's chicken soup, He Docs may not necessarily be better than Man Niu. After all, the head coach still speaks with results.

If you can always lead the team to win, even if you are drinking red wine and eating steak on the sidelines, there will still be people who will praise you. On the other hand, no matter how brilliant your past resume is, as long as you never let the team see hope , will also encounter the crisis of getting out of class.

To put it more simply, you can even pretend to be a fake fan. If you can't lead the team to win, what do you want?
The second quarter started amid the cheers of the audience.

Nick Young continued his excellent touch in the first quarter. As soon as he came on the court, he hit a three-pointer against James Jones' defense.

But turning around, the Heat came off the bench, and veteran Mike Miller also paid off. He scored a three-pointer against Jordan's defense, and once again narrowed the gap between the two teams.

During the entire finals, the value was most affected than Jordan.

On the offensive end, he couldn't break through the inside defense set up by Bosh and James anyway. Since he had no shooting range, he could only score by picking up leaks at the basket and catching the ball with a combination of girls. But in the finals where the defense was cruel, Opportunities like this are few and far between.

Fortunately, Jordan himself has a good mentality. Anyway, he signed a big contract last summer, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't perform well for a while.

It's okay to receive a little criticism, anyway, it won't affect his income, and judging from the current situation, it will basically not affect his winning the first championship ring in his career.

If you have a good mentality, your state will not easily fluctuate.

The defensive end was not good enough, but after entering the rotation, Jordan got a lot of opportunities on the offensive end.

Thomas dribbled the ball halfway, and Jordan Jr. quickly went down after the high post and his pick-and-roll. Then Thomas sent a second pass, and Jordan jumped high, facing Haslem's supplementary defense.



The goal is scored, the whistle sounds, 2+1!

It may be too much to say that Jordan is about to lie down and win the championship, but after not being directly abused by Bosh, he can really enjoy basketball.

(End of this chapter)

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