Standing pretty old

Chapter 852 The Peak of Life

Chapter 852 The Peak of Life
The entire Staples Center fell into a sea of ​​joy, and countless colorful fireworks fell from the sky. Due to the existence of Erniu, in the past few seasons, Kobe Bryant led his team to the finals but failed to win the championship. The NBA championship finally came to the Puth Center, but this time the protagonist became the Clippers.

The Heat's generals persisted until the last moment, but they encountered BUG-level Kraft Ruan.

Tonight's Ruan Erniu scored 43 points, 41 rebounds, and 5 assists, breaking the record of 50 rebounds in a single game of the NBA Finals created by Bill Russell for nearly 40 years.

At the same time, during the entire finals, Ruan Erniu himself also refreshed the new single-game and scoring average data of the NBA Finals. He averaged 51.5 points, 24 rebounds, and 4.3 assists per game, becoming the dominant presence in the entire series .

It is almost certain to say that Ruan Erniu will definitely win the MVP and FMVP trophies after the 08-09 and 09-10 seasons. This is the third time Erniu has achieved such a feat, ranking in front of Erniu There are only four times left to complete such a feat of basketball No.1 - Michael Jordan.

However, this is only the fifth season of Er Niu's career. Countless people believe that sooner or later he will be on the same level as Michael Jordan, or even surpass the trapeze, and the rest is only a matter of time.

At this time, on the other side of the court, another LeBron James, who was hailed as the next Jordan before joining the league, was suffering the biggest setback in his career.

After forming the Big Three, James failed in the finals for two consecutive seasons, which is undoubtedly the biggest irony for the Chosen One.

Staying in Cleveland, he can at least gain a reputation for loyalty, and it is not heinous to choose a team for the championship, but even if he brought his talent to the South Coast, he still failed to reach the top of the NBA.

The Chinese people on the opposite side are too terrifying. When a player can really shoulder the burden of the team and establish a dominant order on both ends of the offense and defense, even James, who is as powerful as James, has to bow his head.

No one is blind. Anyone who has watched the game knows that Kraft Nguyen beat LeBron James!
Is James, who averaged 26.6 points, 11.2 rebounds and 9.4 assists per game, really bad?

If a player who can average 0.6+ triple-doubles per game with a difference of 25 assists in a series is considered bad, then there may be no star players in the league.

It's not that I didn't work hard, but the enemy opened Gundam!
At the end of the game, for a team that has played less than 2 games in the regular season, there is no grievance that cannot be resolved.

What's more, Paul and James have the best personal relationship in the league, and the relationship between Er Niu and James is not bad.

Players from both sides hugged and saluted one by one. James also sent blessings to the two friends. At least on the bright side, he did not lose his demeanor. The mood of the ball, that's another story.

For the Heat, which has gathered the top three giants, not winning the championship is the biggest failure. What's more serious is that the Clippers are healthier than them in terms of salary structure and player allocation.

Ruan Erniu is younger than the three of Zhan Weibo, and Kawhi and Thomas are still rookies in the first grade. That is to say, this championship team still has a huge room for improvement. God knows how amazing they will grow in the future point!
This is undoubtedly a desperate thing for the Miami Heat who want to compete for the O'Brien Cup.

Unless the Clippers, like in previous seasons, suddenly fell into chaos and dismantled the championship lineup, or the team suffered force majeure injuries during the season, it would be difficult for the Heat to realize their dream of winning the championship together.

D. Wade is okay, after all, the gang has a championship, and whether the history of James and Bosh is up or down, I am afraid that we will see the outcome in the next two seasons.

The Heat exited the court, and the stage now belongs to the Los Angeles Clippers in their championship T-shirts and championship hats.

Han Meimei came to the scene with her son in her arms and her daughter. Er Niu directly pressed the winning hat on her daughter's head, and took the sleeping glutinous rice balls from Dr. Han.

This kid Ruan Chongwu is born with a big heart, regardless of the mountains and tsunami outside, I will not move, if I want to sleep, I will sleep in the dark, anyway, from mother to father's hands, I don't have any intention of waking up and celebrating together .

CP4 on the side was much more lively, singing and dancing with Eddie.

After hugging his wife and son, Paul finally couldn't hide his tears of excitement, crying and hugging Erniu together.

They are both NBA superstars. One was at the peak of his career, but suffered an injury that could almost destroy his career. As a historical feat of the team, he was traded cheaply, becoming the first player in the history of the league to win MVP was traded players.

The other was also known as the league's No. [-] point guard early on, and he also climbed out of injuries, but was faced with a chaotic team under trusteeship. He had the opportunity to join forces with the league's No. At the moment when it happened, he encountered a deal rejection and had to switch to the Clippers to find a turning point in his career.

Fate brought the two Taurus together. The two sides experienced various suspicions and power struggles, but they finally understood and compromised with each other and became the best duo in the league. They led the team all the way to the finals and won 4:2. The total score wins the championship.

The past season has been a fantastic season. Don't look at Er Niu's confidence in front of Donald Sterling. In fact, he himself is still worried about being able to win the championship.

It's just that he didn't expect happiness to come so quickly, and he also didn't expect that he would play the best season of his career.

"We did it! We did it!" Paul put his arms around Erniu's neck with unspeakable excitement.

Ruan Erniu, who has won the championship for the fourth time, said calmly: "Pao, don't get too excited. This is just the beginning. When we build a dynasty, you can cry slowly!"

Then Ruan Erniu hugged the players in the team one by one. There are excited rookies, scorers who have been cleared out of the team as if they were entertained by the team, and guys who have been depressed in the past few seasons. The championship dreams of a veteran who is working hard and persevering.

Especially Sean Battier, even if he is as strong as Ruan Erniu, he has to admit that the team's ability to advance to the Western Conference Finals so smoothly and beat the Heat at a critical moment in the finals is nothing compared to Battier's cold-blooded three Inseparable from the relationship.

Last summer, Battier was only a player signed by the Clippers as a spare tire because of the salary space missed by Caron Butler, but in just one season, Battier proved his value with his performance.

In addition to the Clippers players, Erniu also embraced his coach Tiantuan one by one. They were formed by Erniu. Without their support, there would be no MVP+COY feat for the first time in Ruan Erniu's history.

In many cases, it is they who make suggestions off the field and help the two bulls who are fighting on the field to complete the command work.

It should be said that it is the approval of Erniu himself to say that the teaching assistant team is in fact.

Prior to this, Thibodeau was a head coach who was kicked out by the Celtics; Steve Kerr was a failed team general manager; As for Natalie Nakase, everyone thinks that she just took advantage of being a fellow UCLA alumnus to take the position of assistant coach, and there are even some malicious guys who think she has an affair with a bull.

But all of the above has become a passing moment in front of the championship!

Winners don't need to be blamed, this is the rule of the competitive world.

Before David Stern stepped onto the stage, as usual in previous years, after some opening remarks, amidst the impatient boos of the audience, the chairman announced: "The NBA championship of the 11-12 season belongs to-Los Angeles Clippers!"

Afterwards, Ruan Erniu took over the O'Brien Cup from Stern for the fourth time in his career and raised the trophy above his head. The audience gave out the most enthusiastic cheers.

The O'Brien Cup was then passed on, and the Clippers players took over the trophies one by one. Many guys who got the trophy for the first time couldn't wait to kiss and touch them. It seemed that this technique was practiced when they were looking for chicks in nightclubs.

Of course, after the championship is awarded, there is another highlight, that is, the FMVP trophy of this season-the Bill Russell Cup will be awarded.

Stern didn't continue to whet the appetite of the fans. Amidst the cheers of "MVP" that shook the audience, David Stern, as expected, announced Ruan Erniu's name.

Mr. Bill Russell picked up the trophy from the podium and handed it to Er Niu. The two shook hands and hugged each other.

Russell pretended to joke: "If you come to win this trophy next time, I won't come. I hate seeing people who break my record."

Ruan Erniu's response was: "Bill, I really hate having a dusty record in front of me. Next time I will definitely break the record of the guy who broke your record and avenge you!"

Russell froze for a moment, then quickly came to his senses, and patted Er Niu on the back of the head with a smile.

When Er Niu lifted the FMVP trophy again, the entire Staples Center once again fell into a sea of ​​joy.


Three days later, the Los Angeles Clippers will be the protagonist of the parade in the city of Los Angeles for the first time, celebrating their championship.

Donald Sterling was also on the float, feeling for the first time the joy of his team's success.

Sterling is still a bad guy, and his racial discrimination has not been curbed much, but as the owner of a championship team, he is indeed a successful man.

At least after winning the championship, whether it is the ticket income or various peripherals, the commercial income brought by enveloping Er Niu is enough to make him a fortune. Compared with his luxury tax of several million yuan, it is also worthless. It's nothing.

It should be said that he undoubtedly made a good deal!

In contrast, Jerry Buss, who had to hand over his work to his younger son because of cancer, was a sure loser.

He no longer has enough energy to continue to manage the Lakers, and Jim Buss is obviously a rich second generation with little ability. Even with Kupchak's loyal assistance, the decline of the Lakers is obvious.

Jim Bass, who is determined to make a difference, is planning a big move, but later on, it turns out that high-mindedness and low-handedness are obviously not good news for a rich second generation and family.

The idiom NO-ZUO-NO-DIE, I believe that American fans who follow the Lakers will be able to easily guess the meaning in the next few years.


"Are you sure you don't want to go to Nasdaq to ring the bell?" Ouyang Haotian was busy with the roadshow of Hengyi Technology's listing recently, and didn't even have time to pay attention to the fact that Er Niu won the championship.

In fact, his high school friend Carlos Rodriguez is now mainly responsible for the work of Er Niu's agent.

"I'm just an investor. You and Johnny (Han Lei) can do things like ring the bell!" Er Niu said with a smile.

However, for Er Niu himself, no matter whether he goes or not, according to Ouyang Haotian's estimation, he will become the top 50 richest people in the world when the company is likely to be listed.

This only includes Hengyi Mobile, Whatsapp, Dropbox, and game studios under Hengyi, and does not include INS, which is undergoing a second round of financing, as well as domestic Weibo, WeChat, and some shares of Rice, etc.

Even if the shares held by Er Niu are diluted to close to single digits, it is still a huge wealth. What Er Niu did not expect is that only two years later, he became the well-deserved richest man in the world.

This is the charm of the Internet. For the emerging bourgeoisie, this is an opportunity to reshuffle capital. Er Niu is undoubtedly the beneficiary of this wave. Even though he is not proficient in computers and the Internet, he has excellent vision Working with an excellent partner still brought him to a broader world.

The eldest cousin who accepted Erniu's sponsorship once said bluntly: "He has a good figure, is handsome, and has such a rich boyfriend, why should I give up?"

In fact, just a few weeks later, Er Niu's wealth swelled enough to buy the entire NBA.

Once the news got out, it couldn't be held anymore. People were amazed. They never thought that in such a sports circle as the NBA, there would be a giant Internet crocodile hidden.

It is conceivable that in the 12-13 season, perhaps the first thought of every player who played against Er Niu is not how to fight against the Chinese, but how to make friends with Er Niu so that the capitalists in front of him can help him .

Come on, in a commercial society as developed as the United States, most people will not understand the truth of "local tyrants, be friends with me".

James later said bluntly: "If I can achieve such great success in business, I might give up playing!"

Well, A KING has never given up flaunting his businessman attributes. Unfortunately, whether it is on the court or off the court, he has gradually become an existence that is crushed by two bulls.

The lifelong ideal in the eyes of others is a matter of course for Ruan Erniu himself. Except for some daily email replies and gym exercises, Erniu stayed at home more after winning the championship and became a dad.

He will definitely not go to the London Olympics, so Er Niu's attention is on the 12 NBA Draft.

(End of this chapter)

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