Standing pretty old

Chapter 855 The Olympics keeps laughing, and there is a lot to look forward to in the new season

Chapter 855 The Olympics keeps laughing, and there is a lot to look forward to in the new season

The NBA's trading market is surging this summer, but this does not prevent the Dream Team [-] from making a big splash at the London Olympics. Krzyzewski finally led the American men's basketball team to the highest stage of international basketball.

In fact, in 08 and 10, the U.S. men's basketball team also had a chance to win the championship. It's a pity that the Chinese men's basketball team led by Er Niu and Dayao repeatedly stood up and ruined the good deeds of the U.S. men's basketball team, which fully delayed their return to the top of the world. time of year.

Regardless of whether the Tianchao men's basketball team took advantage of the home field advantage in 08, or whether Mengjiu was too young in 10 years, losing is losing. In the competitive arena, there are only winners and losers, there are no flukes and possibilities.

In the same way, when Dayao retired and Er Niu withdrew, the Tianchao men's basketball team directly fell into the sand in the group stage, which became an unexpected result.

Allen's performance is still eye-catching. In the group stage and Spain, he scored 30+12. Even if he took turns against Pau Gasol and Serge Ibaka, he didn't mean to be at the bottom.

It can be said that Allen has also been at the peak of his career in the past two years, and being able to interact with Bosh in the finals is definitely not a kind of happiness.

Alian's real problem is actually his mentality. Once he can adjust his emotions and give full play to his talent, even if he gets a tens of millions of contracts in the NBA, it is not a dream.

After Er Niu watched the first game of the men's basketball team on TV, he never paid attention to the subsequent games, because he knew very well that it was impossible for the men's basketball team to break out of the group stage.

The reason is not Yi Jianlian, who is at the peak, but the collective decline of the outside line of the Tianchao men's basketball team. The competitive standards of Liu Wei, Sun Yue, Zhu Fangyu and others have all declined to varying degrees.

Especially Sun Yue, when he returned to Aoshen from the NBA, he has not conducted systematic training for a long time, and now he is completely out of the state he was in the 10-year World Championships.

Basketball has never been a two-player sport. It is as strong as the two players. It also needs a second master at the level of CP3 and Jon Jonson, as well as a cast of strong role players to win the championship.

The outside level of the Tianchao men's basketball team has declined collectively, which has announced that the 08 golden generation will gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

Even if Er Niu and Dayao return to this team, it may be difficult to lead the team to rebuild its glory. This is the cruel reality.

Competitive sports are so full of uncertainty and variables.

This is the same for the Dream Ten team. Although they defeated the Spaniard by double digits in the final, fans who have watched the game know that the Dream Ten team was forced into a bit of embarrassment.

In the group stage, the powerful Dream Ten even almost lost to the Lithuanian team, narrowly beating their opponents by only 5 points.

It is true that the Americans have returned to the top of the world, but it has become quite difficult to sweep the world like Meng [-] and Meng [-].

Old K has indeed suffered a lot, but it is also because the US Basketball Association is willing to support him, otherwise there will be no miracle of finally leading the team to win the championship again after several years.

However, many senior fans in the United States did not buy it.

In their view, the U.S. men's basketball team was only lucky enough to overwhelm the aging Argentina, Greece and China to regain the championship.

Even with an ordinary coach, Dream Ten of 12 years can still win the championship. Old K's performance in the international arena is not worthy of his label of famous coach.

The most important thing is that the old K has accepted the American men's basketball team since 06, and he did not win the championship until 12. During these 6 years, he changed the general coach and failed to win the championship three times (one Olympic Games, two World Championships). was fired.It is really puzzling that the old K sits firmly on the coaching bench and has not been replaced.

Because there is a special translation post on a certain forum, a Tianchao fan commented: "From this point of view, the four words 'someone above' are common to both Chinese and foreign."

Of course, the biggest focus of the London Olympics is by no means the US men's basketball team winning the championship, because in the eyes of some Chinese media, this is definitely "the worst Olympic Games in history".

For example, the torch representing the Olympic torch was extinguished N times, the singers at the opening ceremony stopped singing, the torchbearer disappeared inexplicably, the security personnel could not be in place, the driver of the athlete's bus got lost, etc. Ray bet:
1. UFO will come to the opening ceremony; (the result is that the queen jumped out of the sky)

2. Athletes from the rotten country were photographed eating BIG-MAC in the park; (Hamburger Big Mac)
3. The 15 small raincoats in the Olympic Village were not enough in the end;
4. The [-]-meter trapeze competition was forced to be postponed due to traffic jams and the players could not be in place; (this is very London)

5. The Mayor of London's hair was lit by a torch; (What hatred? What resentment?)

6. It will rain every day during the Olympic Games; (what are the businessmen in China waiting for?)

7. The Olympic torch was extinguished by the last torchbearer; (This bet was nothing, but the odds fell from 1 to 100 to 1 to 21, inexplicably wanting to laugh)
8. The main torch failed to light at the end; (Is this a gambling or a serious joke?)
9. The number of medals is not correct, and the number of gold medals is not enough in the end; (I am unable to complain)

10. The countdown card was finally found to be one hour longer; (May God bless the corrupt country!)
Well, the above are the betting predictions of the rotten country, but the story after the fact, compared to those who have a little knowledge of sports, the people of the rotten country are really not stupid, they really make all kinds of mistakes.

Of course, for Chinese sports fans, the biggest highlight of this Olympic Games is still China's side.

Liu Xiang withdrew from the competition again, this time he struggled to complete the whole dance, but some people still say that he is acting, it doesn’t matter, after a few years, people will understand that China may not be able to wait for the next Liu Xiang in the next 50 years .

The irony is that Liu Xiang, who was said to have cheated the two Olympic Games, became the target of public criticism, while the Athletics Association, which forced him to participate in the Olympic Games with injuries, was easily let go. Is this a certain characteristic?

Why did Liu Xiang attract so much attention after his divorce? Is it because his ex-wife, Ms. Ge, acted as a thunder in the crotch?

If it is said that Liu Xiang retired unexpectedly in 08 and was succeeded by conspiracy theorists, and the blame could still be blamed on the lack of smooth information, then Liu Xiang broke his Achilles tendon on the field with injuries in 12 and was scolded too much. Ridiculous.

I don’t want to say too much about the extra words, please those guys who said Liu Xiang’s performance, please act out a scene where the Achilles tendon ruptures.

In addition to Liu Xiang, there are also two sports that are determined not to give any negative emotions to the people of the Celestial Dynasty-table tennis and football.

Well, one won the championship smoothly, and the other was eliminated early in the group stage, without causing any trouble to the fans. After all, they are all teams that "no one can win". It depends on how everyone understands it.

Finally, when it comes to "the worst Olympic Games in history", the people of the corrupt country can justly say to sports fans all over the world four years later: "Too-young, too-simple, sometimes-native!"

That's right, the Samba people will tell the world how there is no bottom line for rotten things.

Ruan Erniu watched several Olympic games through the Internet intermittently. During this period, he also went back and forth between China and the United States, and inspected the Internet companies under his name. His life was not rushed.

When the time came to late September, Er Niu began to return to the Clippers' training camp early, and he needed to prepare for next season in advance.

In the training camp, Er Niu also saw several guys who came to training early, such as Hassan Whiteside and Draymond Green who just joined the team, as well as second-year Kawhi Leonard and Isaiah Thomas.

Whether a player can be successful depends on his training attitude.

Especially Drummond Green, this rookie at first glance looks like a typical black man with a big mouth, but after getting along for a while, Er Niu found that this guy is quite smart.

He is always very clear about his staged goals and works hard to achieve them.

Er Niu intercepted him from the Warriors, originally he just wanted to disgust the Warriors, but after watching the trial training video edited by Natalie Nakase, the Bulls felt that this guy has the possibility of becoming a defensive leader, and it is worth looking forward to guy.

Ruan Erniu said to Green like this: "Drummond, what is your goal in entering the NBA?"

Green said: "Now I just want to survive in the team, but one day, I hope I can become the team's starting insider!"

Er Niu suddenly pointed to his nose, and said with a sinister smile, "What about me?"

Green said calmly: "You can go to the No. 07 position. I always think you are more suitable as a point guard. After Mike Bibby was injured in the finals of the 08-1 season, I think you can go to the No. [-] position." The performance is the best."

Ruan Erniu laughed loudly, patted Green on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Don't let Pao hear this, you can inquire about it, CP3 is the most strict one in team training, be careful that he retaliates against you!"

Green, who has played in the NCAA for four years, is mature enough to get a peek at his level of flattery.

In Er Niu's view, he can be competent as the Clippers' substitute at the fourth position in a relatively short period of time, which is even more reliable than Whiteside, who has been in the league for two years.

As for Whiteside, who is called the "white edge" by Tianchaoqiu, in the short term, he can only continue to hone his skills in the development league, and there is no way to become the team's immediate combat power.

Leonard's growth rate is very fast. Although he successfully consumed D. Wade in the finals, his offensive efficiency is not bad, and next season, everything will be different.

The environment often affects fate. Among the Clippers, a team with a lot of shooters, Leonard's shooting skills have made great progress. Er Niu is very optimistic about his stronger offensive talent in the new season.

In fact, this is also the Clippers' plan last season.

Er Niu himself is also very clear that his performance in the 11-12 season is already the peak of his personal ability, and for a long-term team, it is absolutely unreliable to rely on one person's super firepower.

In the 12-13 season, Er Niu will focus more on organizing the offense, so that the Clippers can become stronger.

As the preseason approached, the Clippers players also completed their reports one after another.

After training for about a week or so, the team embarked on a flight to China, where they will compete in two preseason games against last year's Finals opponent, the Miami Heat.

Both sides played very lively, but it is a pity that the preseason is a preseason after all, even if both sides regard their opponent as an enemy that must be defeated, but in the preseason match, the playing time of the main players of both sides is quite limited.

James had just fulfilled his dream of becoming a champion in the Olympics, and he joked with Mr. Ruan Erniu, the richest man in the NBA, with a little ease: "Why didn't you join the Golden State Warriors? Aren't you from the IT circle?"

Ruan Erniu responded with a smile: "That's because you don't understand the Internet at all. Distance is never a problem."

The communication between the two was completely out of the scope of basketball. To put it simply, the two top NBA superstars used the period before the start of the game to exchange business experience. Well, James played the role of a student.

In the new season, Ruan Erniu is naturally superior to others in the league. The reason must be his worth and wealth.

Well, well, this is also inseparable from the distorted values ​​of capitalism.

Going back to the preseason scene, even if the Chinese fans crazily shouted the names of Er Niu, Paul, James, and Wade, neither Thibodeau nor Woodson gave them more than two quarters of playing time.

Both sides had their own reservations. As a result, in the two matches between Imperial City and Shanghai, both sides won a victory, and at the last moment, it was the substitute players of the two teams that decided the outcome.

The preseason is the best time to prepare for the new season. The teams are originally used to train and adjust the lineup. What's more, the Tianchao game has a certain degree of performance, so the two teams have to think about the health of the main players.

After returning to the United States, the Clippers also did not put in too much effort in the remaining preseason games. After 8 preseason games, the Clippers handed over a record of 4 wins and 4 losses, and their performance was not bad.

However, the same Los Angeles team, the performance of the Lakers is surprising.

Since the 03-04 season, the Lakers, who once again gathered F4, completed an 8-game losing streak in the preseason, and they did not win a game.

It's unbelievable that the Lakers, with so many superstars, lost like this.

In interviews with various media, the Lakers gave the following answer:

"It's just the preseason right now, that's all," Howard said.

Ci Shiping's answer is even more interesting: "0 wins and 8 losses are a sign of infinity. This is to let the Lakers fans know that our love for them is infinite."

Well, Lakers fans are a bit party!
Let’s not talk about Kobe, who has a black face all the time, and finally look at the team’s head coach Mike Brown: “We did it on purpose!”

Well, the confident words of Black Bread make people speechless!

Anyway, the preseason games will not be included in the regular season record. In the regular season, it will be clear whether it is a mule or a horse, and it will be clear after taking it out for a walk.

The regular season of the 12-13 season will officially start on October 10, US time, and in the opening game, the opponent of the defending champion Los Angeles Clippers is none other than the Los Angeles Lakers who gathered in F30 in the summer.

There is no better test target than this. The eyes of all Mimi fans instantly focused on Los Angeles. After a summer of exciting big deals, everyone is looking forward to a new season with unlimited possibilities.

 Thank you book friends for your indifferent rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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