Chapter 857 Ten consecutive victories and another ten consecutive victories
Judging from the schedule of the 12-13 season, the league's "care" for the Clippers is still obvious.

Although there were many home games in the early stage, the opponents they encountered were all tough. With the increase in away games later in the season, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble for the Clippers.

The defending champion!
The eyes of the entire league are focused on the Clippers, how could it be possible for them to play too easily.

After the ten-game winning streak at the beginning of the season, the Clippers continued their road trip, and their next opponent was the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Renewing Ibaka's contract and sending away James Harden are the final decisions of the OKC management. Erniu laughed at Paul as early as the beginning of the season: "This is the Thunder helping us build a dynasty."

Judging from the follow-up reports, as long as Lei Ting pays an extra 400 million yuan, he can grow a beard, but Detonator (Thunder Management), who has been hammered by thousands of people all the year round, finally chose to give up.

Even Er Niu complained about Westbrook in private. If he knew that the Thunder were so stingy, why did Westbrook give up the Ross clause and give up his due part of the money for the team lineup.

As the opponents of the Western Conference Finals last season, the Clippers VS Thunder game is quite interesting.

Both sides want to win this game, but the process of the game is unsatisfactory, or in other words, if it is purely from the perspective of viewing, the fluency of this game is too poor.

Kevin Durant claims to be a super giant with the skill of "50% shooting rate lock", but in tonight's game, he made 19 of 7 shots and his shooting rate was only a poor 36.8%, but he finally led the team to win the game It's Durant.

Because the giant tarantula activated the hidden passive skill "True * Arm Swing--Referee Assist" of the "Arm Swing" skill.

KD scored a total of 21 free throws and hit 19 of them. Kawhi Leonard and Bart Barnes, two forwards and defenders, all graduated with 6 fouls. Some of the foul statistics are due to Durant.

At 115:117, Thibodeau didn't say much in the press release after the game. He reported a set of statistics. The foul ratio between the Clippers and the Thunder was 27:24, while the free throw ratio between the two teams was 29:39.

Obviously only 3 fouls, but 10 free throws less than the opponent.

There is nothing wrong with making use of the rules and using the skills of "swinging the arms and looping" to win free throws. Competitive sports are originally for the pursuit of efficiency, but the huge bonus of home court advantage involves the concept of "fairness".

After a wave of ten consecutive victories, the Clippers finally ushered in the first loss of the 12-13 season, but they were not convinced by the loss.

Fortunately, the season is still long enough, and the two sides still have a chance to play against each other in the future, not to mention that the two teams may stage a life-and-death battle again in the playoffs.

The Clippers, who have played two consecutive away games, will continue to move forward. Their four consecutive away games will be from near to far, and the next stop will be from the central part of the United States to the east coast. Their opponent is the Brooklyn Nets.

Er Niu saw his big brother Jon Jonsen again. Since the next game of the Clippers is back-to-back, there is no time to rest, so Jon Jon Sen simply invited Er Niu to have a private meal before the game.

The two heroes of the Eagles recalled the scenes of fighting side by side in the past, getting along day and night for the past four years, and the relationship built up by the three championship trophies, which cannot be broken just by breaking it.

"Don't underestimate us, maybe we will rise in one or two seasons!" Jon Jonson was full of confidence when talking about his current team.

The current record of the Nets is not bad, and the results of 6 wins and 4 losses are not bad in the Eastern Conference, but judging from the tone of Ji Jisen, he clearly thinks that the Nets may become a championship-level team.

"It seems that the Mao Xiong boss is willing to pay and give you a guarantee?" Er Niu caught the point right away.

Jon Jonson nodded and said, "That's right, Mikhail has a lot of money in his hands, and he is willing to pay a luxury tax for his grades. Kraft, you are so smart, so I don't need to say more about it?"

Ruan Erniu laughed loudly and said, "No wonder you only asked me to come here alone. It seems that Pao is not in your boss's recruitment plan. That's right. After all, the Nets have Deron!"

After thinking about it for a while, Er Niu said: "To be honest, New York is indeed a city not inferior to Los Angeles, but I still prefer to stay in Los Angeles.

After all, there is a stable championship team there. To be honest, I don't agree with paying a huge luxury tax and putting together a bunch of stars to compete for the championship.

Joe, don't forget, how did we kill the Celtics?
If an effective championship system cannot be established, even if the Big Three are assembled, the Lakers this season are the best example, and it is useless to gather the Big Four. "

囧囧sen suddenly leaked a sweet smile: "Then what if we can make up the Big Five?"

Ruan Erniu shuddered inexplicably, and cursed in his heart: "Big dog!"

Although his current wealth is not at all inferior to that of the Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov who failed to run for the president of the bear, but when it comes to the heroism of throwing money, the brute who suddenly became rich has not raised yet. Become that part of the background.

After all, the Big Five are still there after all, and the Nets are still a team formed by Deron Williams, Joe Johnson, and Brook Lopez.

Especially Lopez, he beat Jordan tonight and scored 36 points.

Thibodeau simply hid Jordan in the fourth quarter, used Ruan Erniu to go to the fifth position to limit Lopez, and let Birdman and Green take turns at the 4th position. late game.

The Clippers' hero for winning this game must be Ray Allen. If it weren't for Junzi Lei's two three-pointers at the critical moment, it's really hard to say who can have the last laugh.

To be honest, if the Nets can really add matching giants under the current framework, maybe they will really become the top team in the league.

After that, the Clippers went to Atlanta. At the Philips Center Arena, Ruan Erniu once again received warm cheers from Atlanta fans.

As the team entered the rebuilding process and its record declined further, Atlanta fans increasingly missed the dynastic team that brought them infinite joy.

Hawks owner Tony Ressler did not appear in the arena tonight, because he knew very well that once he returned to the scene, he must be greeted with boos that filled the entire arena all day long.

Griffin is indeed a good player, but the behavior of using him to replace Kraft Nguyen, no matter from any angle, is extremely brain-dead.

Clippers fans even raised this issue several times on NBA forums, that is, the reason why the Clippers were able to go from a cursed team to an NBA championship so quickly, Hawks owner Tony is definitely an underestimated hero .

Er Niu and his former teammates Lunar Eclipse and Pachulia talked about the past during the warm-up.

The contradiction between Eclipse and Griffin is almost public. Even if there is no trade this season, one of these two people will definitely go next season.

The game itself doesn't change much.

The Eagles resisted for a quarter of the game, and were hit by a wave of three-pointers by the Clippers in the second quarter.

Er Niu, Redick, Ray Allen, and Leonard broke out at the same time, instantly widening the point difference between the two teams to 20+, and the game entered garbage time ahead of schedule.

At 135:104, Er Niu played a symbolic 2 minutes in the fourth quarter and left the game early to rest.

The Clippers slaughtered the home team, but the fans of the home team did not change their minds and scored 42 points and 21 rebounds. Ruan Erniu cheered "MVP".

Paul said to Er Niu in the locker room: "I really envy what you have achieved in Atlanta. I don't have such treatment in New Orleans."

Ruan Erniu said unceremoniously: "That's because I established a dynasty here, and before you met me, you didn't even touch the floor of the Western Conference Finals."

Clippers players: "..."

According to a Clippers player who did not disclose his name not far away, the short CP3 kicked over the chair Er Niu was sitting on at the time, and wrestled with the Chinese people not to be outdone.

Well, the internal affairs of the Clippers are not the point.

For a team with a goal, victory is their pursuit.

After ending this wave of four consecutive trips, the Clippers returned to Los Angeles. They will usher in the next three consecutive home games, and the first home opponent they will encounter is none other than Paul's past home team, the New Orleans Hornets.

Anthony Davis has not returned from injury, so he did not appear in the team's roster.

When people talk about this Kentucky No. 1 pick in the future, they will often give him two labels: 2. Talent overflowing; [-]. Injuries continue.

Needless to say, the talent is overflowing. Few of the fans who have watched Big Eyebrow play will doubt his strength. The constant injuries may have long been considered a lack of dominance in other teams, but not in New Orleans. relation.


Very simple!
Anyway, the Hornets rarely make it to the playoffs, and it is enough to reach 65+ games in a season!

Since Eric Gordon is also on the injured list, the core of the Hornets is actually Ryan Anderson.

Well, the result of a projection-type four who lacks confrontation ability encountering a bull is generally conceivable.

After a bloody massacre, the Clippers defeated the Hornets who came to challenge at home. After losing to the Thunder, they have won three consecutive victories.

The Clippers didn't mean to stop their winning streak. In the next two home games, the Timberwolves and Kings were undoubtedly the snacks that came to their door.

Picking up girls clocked out of get off work in three quarters, led the team to reap the game with ease, won the second five-game winning streak of the season, and also continued to maintain their unbeaten home record this season.

After playing this home game, the Clippers embark on a flight to Utah, where they will compete with the Jazz in Salt Lake City.

This is destined to be a fierce battle about revenge, because the Jazz has two members of the Clippers last season-Mo Williams and Randy Foye.

Mo was traded for Redick, and Randy Foye became a spectator for most of the late playoffs, freeing up enough space for Nick Young and Thomas Jr.

Before the game, Er Niu still gave them the championship rings of the 11-12 season. It is certainly a professional player's dream to get the rings, but getting them under such circumstances will definitely make them happy. Discount.

The game was extremely intense.

The inside line composed of Jefferson and Millsap has enough hardness, and the backcourt duo composed of Mo and Foye also played their lives in the game in order to prove their worth.

Attitude determines the game. Obviously the overall strength of the Clippers is stronger than the opponent, but the two sides have been entangled from the first quarter to the last quarter.

The two sides took the lead alternately many times, and every time each side got a chance to open up the score, the other side would usher in an explosion, dragging the game back to the see-saw state again.

Well, Jordan was blown up by Jefferson every day, so Er Niu's blowing up Millsap can only be regarded as a tie.

In this era when the league's centers are withering, there are actually only a handful of good centers. The reason why Jordan was criticized so badly was because he basically couldn't come up with decent statistics when he was facing up to those bitter players.

In the last 20 seconds of the game, the score between the two sides was 104:104. The two teams were tied, and the ball was still in the hands of the Jazz.

At the critical moment, Kawaii made a contribution!
When defending Xiao Mo in a misplaced position, he successfully judged the path of the ball, intercepted the opponent's pass at the edge of the free throw line, and immediately advanced the frontcourt with the ball.

An extremely sudden steal turned the game to the Clippers in an instant. Kawhi quickly took the ball to the opponent's half court, one step away from the free throw line, held the ball with one hand, and jumped high...


Shocking button, facial paralysis remains!

Kawhi scored 20+5+5 in this game, helping the team win the game in the last offensive and defensive transition.

After struggling to win this away game, the Clippers once again ushered in a wave of three consecutive home games. This is the third time they have won three consecutive home games this season.

Although they encountered many strong teams at the beginning of the season, and although they will inevitably encounter many fierce away games in the second half of the season, the Clippers' schedule at this time is undoubtedly sweet.

The Clippers' opponents in this three-game home game are the Mavericks, Suns and Raptors.

At this time, the Mavericks had no intention of fighting at all, Nowitzki was also injured, and the team's starting point guard Derek Fisher didn't want to stay in Dallas.

Lao Yu wants to go to a team that can win the championship, and strive to win another championship ring in his career.

Not long after, this also brought out a wave of farce.

In the end, the Mavericks bought out Fisher, and Fisher went to the Thunder, which he thought might win the championship.

From the perspective of historical records, it is not uncommon for Fisher to betray his old club.

As early as 2007 when he played for the Jazz, Fisher said that because his 11-month-old daughter suffered from cancer and needed surgery, he hoped that the Jazz would terminate his contract so that he could concentrate on taking care of his daughter. .

In order to leave the Jazz, Fisher once said that "life is more important to me than basketball", but after leaving Utah, the veteran quickly signed a three-year contract with the Lakers.

No wonder Mark Cuban feels upset, let's put aside the chairman's game skills, but this thing is really too dishonest.

Hehe, the people who eat melons are still too naive. In a few years, people will find that Chairman Yu's dishonesty is not only on the court.

Another wave of three consecutive victories, the Mavericks, the Suns, and the Raptors failed to cause substantial trouble to the defending champion. The second ten-game winning streak of the 12-13 season!
(End of this chapter)

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