Standing pretty old

Chapter 867 Feeling sorry for each other, I can't help it

Chapter 867 Feeling sorry for each other, I can't help it

The first victory did not make the Clippers take it lightly. Most of the game was played anxiously. If it weren't for the second quarter, Er Niu led the team to increase the score. It would not be so easy for the Clippers to reap G1.

The Spurs' team looks paralyzed regardless of whether they win or lose, so it is difficult for others to guess their true thoughts at this time.

Anyway, Popovich was quite calm at the press conference. It seems that losing G1 did not make the Spurs lose confidence.

On the Clippers side, Thibodeau didn't mean to raise his tail after the game.

After analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the defense, the first assistant coach said that he would continue to strengthen the team's defense in the next game.

G2 will be held in two days, and the Spurs will change first:

C Thiago Split
PF Tim Duncan
SF Danny Green
SG George Hill
PG Tony Parker
Starting with two point guards, the Spurs' transformation surprised many fans.

Before the game, even if most people thought that the Spurs would change their lineup, they mostly guessed that they would put Ginobili in the starting lineup. They never expected that Popovich would actually put two point guards on the court together.

The Clippers did not change their starting lineup, and continued to use their familiar lineup.

At the beginning of the first quarter of the game, the two teams fell into a hand-to-hand physical confrontation. The two defenses sent a total of 11 fouls in the first quarter, which were divided equally according to the head.

Especially Er Niu, who actually received two fouls in advance in the middle of the first quarter and ended up resting, which undoubtedly disrupted the normal rhythm of the Clippers' rotation.

At 14:15, after the ugly first quarter, the Clippers maintained a slight lead.

In the second quarter of the game, both sides accelerated their offense, and each had their own gains on the offensive end.

For the Clippers, the bad news is that Ruan Erniu got his third foul in this quarter, and the good news is that Deng Daida and Diao also got their second foul in this quarter. foul.

Thibodeau didn't dare to take risks, and only let the two bulls play for 4 minutes in the second quarter, and then left the court early to preserve their physical fitness, although the energetic Bulls didn't need to rest at all.

The score in a single quarter was 31:32, so at the end of the first half, the Clippers led their opponents with a 45:47, 2-point advantage.

In the third quarter that determined the direction of the game, Ruan Erniu successfully controlled his fouls. In this quarter, Ruan Erniu not only sent out three blocked shots in a single quarter, but also caused Duncan and Dior to score the third of the game. foul.

Thomas Jr., who came off the bench, also made contributions at critical moments. He succeeded in assaulting the basket many times and won the confrontation with Ginobili.

If it's Ginobili at his peak, the next time is for players from both sides to watch the show, and it's up to the demon knife and the little assassin to slash.

However, Manu is getting old after all, and it is easy to cut with a long knife once in a while, but it is difficult to maintain output for a long time.

Danny Green was the best player for the Spurs in this quarter. He made 3 of 3 three-pointers in this quarter and scored 9 points efficiently, helping the team continue to retain the possibility of winning.

Danny Green, who will be called Huang Ama in the future, is not the legendary Tielin. His season three-point shooting percentage reached 42%, which is already considered a top shooter. In the playoffs, Green's three-pointers The hit rate is as high as 48%, and he is the most threatening pitcher for the Spurs on the outside.

Leonard put more energy into assisting Tony Parker and George Hill in defense tonight, which really gave Danny Green a lot of shots.

30:33, this is the score scored by the two teams in the third quarter.

Before the start of the final quarter, the score of the two teams was 75:80, and the Clippers only led by 5 points, and there was no absolute certainty of winning.

In the last quarter of the game, the two sides still played extremely anxiously. At the critical moment, Duncan stood up as the core of the Spurs. He first made two strong mid-range shots on the head of Erniu, and then took advantage of the situation to cut to the basket. Jordan scored 2+1.

For the Clippers, Ruan Erniu saw that the score was overtaken, and he was also not to be outdone and went inside to score points. After passing Duncan, he completed a heavy dunk on Dior's head, also scoring 2+1.

The game was coming to an end, and the score of the two teams came to 102:102. As the two teams missed the lore, the game entered overtime.

In overtime, Man Niu and Deng Daida, who had five fouls at the same time, once again became the protagonists on the field.

The two seem to be addicted to competing in the middle distance. They shot each other continuously at the position of 15-17 feet, and the two teams took the lead alternately.

It was Kawhi Leonard who was in charge of stealing the scene at the last moment. The No. 15 pick that the Spurs tried to trade with George Hill was to get Kawhi, but the management was as smart as two bulls No matter how wrong he was, he finally saved the expected third position for the team.

The defensive end blocked Parker's layup, and the offensive end went straight to the basket to complete an alley catch behind Ginobili. When the speed was too fast and the dunk failed, he used his super long wingspan and palm to pass The basketball hits the hoop.

110:112, fierce battle in overtime, one-goal decisive victory!
The Clippers hugged each other excitedly. They haven't won the Western Conference Finals yet, but the home game is indeed quite difficult.

At the post-match press conference this time, Kawhi attended with Thibodeau. The boy with facial paralysis is obviously an All-Star player, but he is still not very good at accepting interviews.

Often the reporter asked a lot of questions, and he just replied "Oh!" or "Keep training!"

You know, superstars sometimes just want to say something coquettish, pretend to be aggressive or something.

Under normal circumstances, as long as you don't get fucked every time you turn around, you can basically do well.

Kawaii clearly has a long way to go when it comes to self-marketing.

G3 came to San Antonio. With the cheers of the Spurs fans and the help of the referee's home whistle, the Clippers fell behind by about 10 points from the beginning.

The Spurs played tough enough, while the Clippers suffered a lot of interference.

Ruan Erniu once again encountered a foul dilemma. This time, due to Thibodeau's slow response, Erniu encountered 4 fouls after only half a quarter.

The Bulls once again led the team to set off a counterattack frenzy, beating the Spurs 2:13 within 0 minutes, and once tied the score.

But in the last minute of the final quarter, Thibodeau, who didn't know what to do, failed to replace Kraft Nguyen in time, causing the Chinese to get the fifth foul of the game when defending Parker's layup.

Er Niu sat on the bench angrily and threw the towel.

Obviously the score was even, but without him, the Clippers were unable to cause offensive pressure inside for a long time in the final quarter.

The Clippers' offensive system is actually not difficult to disassemble.

One is the traditional inside and outside play with Er Niu inside and the shooter outside; the other is Er Niu pulling the inside line and being directly guided by Paul, or Er Niu acting as an axis support to perform air cuts and moves.

Without Ruan Erniu, the Clippers have become the Hornets of the past, only relying on Paul to support them.

Taking advantage of Er Niu's absence, Deng Dada once again showed the demeanor of the number one player in history. A burst of inside and outside shots helped the team pull the score to double digits.

When Er Niu returned to the court, the Clippers tried to launch a final counterattack, but the referee was determined to give the home team an advantage.

In a misplaced defense, Er Niu and George Hill had a normal physical confrontation.

Hill took a step back in the collision, and the referee's whistle sounded directly. Ruan Erniu, who had just played for less than 43 seconds, received his sixth foul of the game and was expelled.

The angry Thibodeau yelled at the referee, and was added a technical foul. If it wasn't for the calm Er Niu and Steve Kerr to hug Thibodeau, it is estimated that the fat man could rush to the field and hug the referee.

Although the score was behind, the tenacious Clippers fought to the last moment.

Paul has repeatedly led the team to bite the score at critical moments, showing what an MVP-level player should do.

From the point of view of the second leader alone, Paul's talent is somewhat squandered, and Sanpao is indeed a natural leader.

At 91:93, if Gary Neal hadn't made two free throws at the last moment, G3 would have entered overtime.

In any case, the Spurs finally stopped the decline on their home court and won their first win in the series.

Er Niu did not comment too much on the Spurs' home court advantage after the game, he said with a smile: "I will better control my fouls in the next game.

Don't forget, we are still the leading team, and the victory will eventually belong to the stronger side. "


In a box in the hotel where the Clippers stayed, the team coaching staff is doing emergency consultations.

"What if the Spurs continue to gain such a big bias in the next game?" Tyronn Lue said worriedly, "Or should we preserve our strength when the situation is unfavorable and try to solve the problem at home?"

Steve Kerr immediately shook his head and said: "No, doing this will make our players lose their sharpness in confrontation. There is no playoff game that can be easily given up. Unless the score is too far behind, otherwise I am firmly opposed to doing this .”

Thibodeau said: "I support Steve's opinion. We will do everything possible to bring Match Point back to Los Angeles."

Natalie Nakase detailed the video analysis of the last few games and concluded: "We can't let up on Duncan's defense.

The first core of this team is indeed Tony Parker, but this does not mean that Duncan can be ignored.

He has always been the league's best top insider in the past ten years. "

Ruan Erniu thought for a while and said: "In these two games, the Spurs used Hill and Parker as double point guards. Splitter's playing time was limited. In fact, Duncan played the center position for a long time.

Tom (Thibodeau)'s solution is to reduce the playing time of DJ (Jordan Jr.) and put me in the center position to directly match TD..."

Speaking of this, Er Niu suddenly stopped, touched his chin, and thought: "Can you give Birdman more playing time and let him limit TD?"

CP3, who participated in the discussion with the coaching staff, laughed and said, "So are you afraid of directly facing Mr. Great Basic Skills?"

Er Niu immediately threw a sanitation ball to San Pao, and said with a curled mouth, "I'm doing this to better unleash my offensive firepower!"

Game 4 is still going on at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, and this is another game that neither side can afford to lose.

If the Spurs lose, they will hand over their hands to give the defending champion a match point, and if the Clippers lose, they will return to the starting point, and the advantage they have finally established at home will disappear.

The rhythm of the game is more or less similar to G2 and G3, the same emphasis on confrontation, and the same non-stop whistle.

It's just that tonight the referee's whistleblowing scale is no longer biased towards the home team like in G3, Er Niu laughed in his heart.

That's right, the league doesn't want the Spurs to enter the Finals more than the Clippers.

Because their style of play is really a poison to the ratings, the Clippers are also a city of lobs, and two more dunks are better than the Spurs' floor flow anyway.

Without the deliberate favoritism of the home whistle, Er Niu's firepower output suddenly became extremely fierce.

In the case of a little calm in the first quarter, Er Niu ushered in an explosion in the second quarter.

Bulls made 9 of 8 shots in the second quarter, including 4 of 3 three-pointers and 2 of 1 free throws. They scored 20 points and 14 rebounds in a double-double. double digits.

In the third quarter, Er Niu's performance on the offensive end was even more difficult to control, and continued to bleed the Spurs in the low post and mid-range.

After three quarters, the Clippers have extended the score to 20+. In the last quarter of the game, the San Antonio people who had no way out made a gambling shot.

Ginobili hit two or three consecutive three-pointers and a serpentine layup, which once gave the Spurs the hope of catching up with the score, but Ray Allen and JJ* Redick made contributions one after another and helped the Spurs with cold-blooded three-pointers. The Clippers kept their score advantage.

3:1, the Clippers won G4 and won the match point!
Ruan Erniu, who scored 69 points and 24 rebounds, is naturally a well-deserved MVP. He alone accounted for 55% of the team's points. Such an output must be the MVP!

Popovich said with a wry smile after the game: "We did everything we could, but there was a guy who was 'often' possessed by God on the opposite side.

We still will not give up hope and will fight for everything possible to bring the game back home. "

Popovich didn't say whether he could beat the Clippers, and in fact he didn't need to.

At this point in the game, the chances of winning are slim to none.

Instead of talking about winning all three games and reversing to advance, it is better to set a small goal first and drag the game until the sixth or even seventh game.

But in the face of a guy who just broke his own record for scoring in a single game in the playoffs, the Spurs really don't have any chance of winning this time.

Sure enough, after the two teams moved to Los Angeles, the momentum of the Spurs was not as good as in the previous four games, and the Clippers also successfully won the opponent at home with a big score, thus winning the Western Conference championship.

After the game, even Grant Hill, who won the whole game, no longer had the gentleness, and cheered wildly with his teammates.

It doesn't matter if the sense of existence is weak, the ring that is about to be obtained is the most real existence.

"Thank you for giving me the game. This league used to belong to you, but now it belongs to me!" Er Niu went to the locker room to find Daidai, and sent a 2.0 version of "The future is yours".

As a result, he was expressionless on the field, and when he turned his face, he was furious and immediately took GDP to prepare to beat up the people of the Celestial Dynasty together.

Fortunately, the Clippers security arrived in time, separated the passionate Spurs, and finally prevented a murder from happening.

The Clippers got tickets to the finals, and the Eastern Conference finally decided the winner a few days later.

The Heat eliminated the Pacers with a total score of 4:3 and advanced to the finals. LeBron James and Paul George staged a classic sympathy.

That's right, to put it more simply - the two of them cherish each other, and they can't help it!

Hibbert really lived up to his nickname of Black Yao in this round of the series. He played a super center stat of 22+10 and almost led the team to comeback with Pickle.

There is no difference between the opponents in the finals of the 12-13 season and the 11-12 season.

Ruan Erniu and James once again stood in the center of the duel stage!
 Thanks to the book friends for the correction. I have corrected the number of Jordan’s MVPs in the previous chapter. It is indeed 5 times. I misremembered it.

  In addition, during my elementary school mathematics enlightenment period, it was indeed taught by the physical education teacher, but this is not the reason why I have been miscalculating the data. I have to apologize to many outstanding teachers who taught me mathematics. The students have shamed you.
(End of this chapter)

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