Standing pretty old

Chapter 874 Continues to ferment, everyone betrays relatives

Chapter 874 Continues to ferment, everyone betrays relatives

The incident continued to ferment, and even alarmed Ao Guanhai, who was still visiting Southeast Asia.

Mr. President expressed his condemnation of racial discrimination and believed that the NBA can properly handle this matter.

As an outsider, the president himself has little influence on the matter. After all, the business alliance has its own set of operating procedures, and even the head of state of the United States has no right to interfere with the operation of the alliance.

But the tone of denouncing Sterling as politically correct was set.

Then came Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson, who are both famous. Jordan is the representative of the team owner, and Magic is the representative of the party and eager to become the team owner.

Magician" Johnson's original words are: "Sterling should no longer own a team! "

Michael Jordan said: "Sterling's comments make me sick."

Well, the wall is falling and everyone is pushing, and Sterling seems to be unable to pass this level.

Chris Paul then called Erniu, and CP3 officially took over the chairmanship of the league players union from Lao Yu in August 13, so the current Sanpao can also be directly called the Pao Chairman .

And Sanpao's call to Erniu was also made as the chairman of the labor union.

"The union has just held an emergency meeting and has decided to boycott Sterling, requesting the NBA to ban Sterling from participating in all the remaining playoffs of the season and impose the maximum punishment allowed by league regulations and the U.S. Constitution on him." Cannon The chairman's words were very firm, but Er Niu still heard a trace of doubt from it.

Er Niu smiled and said: "Mr. Chairman, the question now is whether the Sterling incident will affect the overall state of the Clippers."

Sanpao immediately changed the angle from the chairman's position and said: "We must stabilize the locker room. The actions of the team owner should not affect the team's long-distance transfer."

Ruan Erniu sneered: "It's like the New Orleans Hornets being dragged by the league? Then a group of players are not interested in fighting, and don't know where they will be tomorrow?"

Speaking of which, Paul knows the end of a team without a boss.

As long as he can see hope in New Orleans, why would he come to Los Angeles to bow his head and be the second in charge. It is said that the Clippers will not give a beautiful spring [-] girl with beautiful hair.

Man Niu continued: "I can't control the players' union, Pao, I just want to say that in addition to maintaining political correctness and conducting normal protests, it is best not to do more outrageous things, especially not to be robbed Make."

Sanpao was silent for a while, then said seriously, "You're right!"

There was something in Ruan Erniu's words, and Paul could naturally hear it. In fact, anyone with a little brain knew that Sterling was being fooled.

It wasn't the first day that Donald Sterling made racially discriminatory remarks. Didn't there be a stone hammer in the past?

Why did so many great gods suddenly jump out this time and shout to fight and kill?

It would be inconceivable if there were not one or even several black hands behind the scenes.

"The key is what should we do?" Ouyang Haotian has already arrived at Er Niu's mansion, and convened a team of brokers headed by Carlos Rodriguez to discuss the next step.

Er Niu asked: "Steven, from a professional point of view, once the league issues the final order, what kind of punishment will be imposed on Sterling?"

Ouyang Haotian said without any pause: "Lifetime ban, mandatory auction of the team!"

Ruan Erniu is still a little unbelievable, because in his understanding, the sanctity of private property is an item written into the US Constitution.

Can a mere "racial discrimination" really go online to this point?

Ouyang Haotian analyzed to him: "'Racial discrimination' is just an excuse, Kraft, have you read the Bible?"

"I'm not religious, but I'm interested in stories. Tell me more."

"Does King David know? The second king of Israel, before he died, he called the later King Solomon to his bedside and asked him to kill Joab and Shimei. And Donald Sterling is what Silver wants to kill Show every."

Afterwards, Ouyang Haotian briefly explained the backgrounds of Joab and Shimei.

First of all, Joab is an important minister of Israel who is both civil and military.

As long as David gave a hint in front of him, he would understand, (the killing of Uriah can be seen, Uriah’s wife Bathsheba was subsequently occupied by King David, and gave birth to the heir Solomon), and he could even actively guess David's heart (he found a wise woman to tell David a story).

But Joab had a fatal problem—he was unfaithful to his superiors. Even when David was alive, he dared to hide things from David and secretly killed Abner and Amasa.

He also dared to disobey the king's order and kill Absalom (Absalom was David's best heir, and was killed after rebelling).

But after all, David can still restrain him alive, because David is better than him in every way, Joab is a warrior, and David is an even stronger warrior (the shepherd can kill Goliath when he was a teenager).

There is also the relationship between David and God, David's literary talent, music, David's management ability, David's wisdom, David's influence, etc... all of them are superior to him.

But if David were dead, it would be very difficult for Solomon to get him to obey.

Joab is likely to become a dangerous person, and the country will fall into civil strife.

The Joab of the NBA is Jerry Buss, who just passed away of the Lakers. This is Joab who died before David Stern, so it can be considered a good death.

Shimei is also an influential figure.There were 1000 people around him. He was from the same tribe as Saul (the first king of Israel and the anointed before David), and he was also a person who was dissatisfied with David's family.

Of course, his greatest sin was cursing King David more than once.

Apparently, Donald Sterling did too.

The Clippers owner has had too many feats that made Stern almost vomit blood:
For example, Sterling forcibly relocated the Clippers to Los Angeles without the approval of the league in 1984, and was fined 2500 million. Sterling would suddenly attack Stern in public, shouting "I'm going to fire you".

History is always strikingly similar, Stern's name happens to be David, and he is also Jewish.

Born in troubled times, in order to stabilize the majority of people, Stern chose to tolerate and forgive, but when the alliance is transferred to the next chairman, it will be time to settle the final score.

However, Sterling is a guy who doesn't know how to restrain himself, and he can easily find a lot of black material to kill him.

Ruan Erniu rubbed his chin and said, "Cao Cao won't do anything, Cao Pi will kill Zhang Xiu according to his last order."

Ouyang Haotian said: "Sterling is far behind Zhang Xiu. If there is such a beautiful sister-in-law, Sterling will definitely enjoy it by himself. It will definitely not be David Stern's turn."

Speaking of this, Erniu and Ouyang Haotian laughed at the same time.

Rodriguez couldn't understand the allusions of "Three Kingdoms", so he directly focused on how to maximize the interests of the Erniu team.

Ouyang Haotian nodded, turned to Er Niu and said, "Three strategies, which one do you want to hear?"

Ruan Erniu laughed and said, "Are you entering the mode of military adviser? Then listen to the worst strategy first!"

"This is actually the most difficult path, which is to mobilize all our existing publicity resources to stand for Sterling and help him calm people's hearts. After success, Sterling will definitely treat you like his own son... ..."

Speaking of which, Sterling's own son did not end well, Scott Sterling left earlier than Old Bath.The reason was drug overdose, sudden death in the apartment, the standard rich second generation who played with himself to death.

Er Niu waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I don't want to have such a troubled father, say the middle way!"

"Stand still! The situation is unknown, we are not safe to do anything now, it is better to wait for things to change."

Er Niu had already guessed Ouyang Haotian's best strategy at this time, and said bluntly: "The best strategy is once Sterling collapses, we will buy the Clippers, right?"

"Isn't this the most ideal state? In fact, with your current worth, you can definitely start a team for fun." Ouyang Haotian said with a smile.

"The NBA has a clear rule that active players cannot hold shares in the team!" Er Niu did not hide his ambition, but he also raised practical difficulties.

Ouyang Haotian said: "How about Johnny coming to buy it? Anyway, you have a son with Mary, let Johnny sign an agreement, and after you retire, sell it to you at the market price!"

"Can you still operate like this?" Er Niu Mao said suddenly, "You haven't already told Johnny, have you?"

Ouyang Haotian's smile has already explained everything. After Hengyi Technology went public, Han Lei's worth has exceeded tens of billions of dollars. Although it is only less than a quarter of Er Niu's worth, it is absolutely impossible to buy an NBA team. stress free.

"Then I will leave it to you!" Ruan Erniu finally made up his mind.

As a bull who is destined to become a historical star and also bears the title of super rich, owning a team is only a matter of time.

The Sterling incident just advanced this process!

The incident continued to ferment, and the Clippers players also protested with their own actions. They wore their jerseys backwards during the game to express their attitude.

Ruan Erniu said in an interview after the game: "For us now, unity is the first.

The team is still No. [-] in the league. We strive to be free from outside interference, and our goal will not change.

No matter what the owner of the team does, we will strive to win the championship this season and establish a dynasty belonging to the Clippers. "

A few days later, Adam Silver announced the punishment results at a press conference gathered by CNN and other media. The league decided to impose a lifetime ban on Clippers owner Sterling and a fine of $250 million.

At the end of the press conference, Adam Silver also stated that he would do everything possible to force Sterling to sell the Clippers!
It is worth mentioning that most of the bosses in the league chose to support Xiao Hua's proposal!
Donald Sterling is finished, and it is understandable for everyone to push the wall down. After all, this rotten person has never been the kind of person that is popular, but the discordant words that came out of the Clippers directly refreshed people's perception of Sterling's "rotten" understanding.

The next one to stand up was Sterling's son-in-law, Eric Miller, the current director of operations of the Clippers. He also said in an interview that what his father-in-law did was stupid and racist.

"I think as the current boss of the Clippers, his (Sterling's) remarks and performance are sad and disgusting. There is no place for racism in the sports world or in society." Mi Le said.

Miller also said: "I fully support the Clippers players, coaches and front office.

I believe that league commissioner Adam Silver will make a severe judgment soon.

If my words cost me my job with the Clippers, then I think it's a small price to pay for fighting ignorance and racism. "

Sterling's daughter, Miller's wife, Joanna Sterling Miller, also expressed shock at her father's remarks: "I am shocked and saddened by the cruel and radical remarks expressed in the tape."

Sterling is such a rotten person, even his family does not help him, this guy has reached the point of betrayal.

However, then again, even if the team is forced to sell, it is not a matter of a day or two. During this period, there are still a lot of stories happening.

But to put it simply, Magic Johnson, who wanted to become the owner of an NBA team, formed a team to take down the Clippers, but Donald Sterling couldn't escape the fate of being forced out despite various incompatibilities.

Among them, Magic Johnson also tried his best to get the Clippers, ransacking Sterling and his family on various platforms, anyway, it is a face that the Clippers can only go to glory when they are in my hands.

Please, there are people like Erniu, Sanpao, and Kawaii. As long as the internal environment can be a little more stable, the rise of the Clippers is a certainty.

In fact, they are already on the road to the dynasty. If there is no such thing, the Clippers dynasty will have almost no suspense.

According to the logic of who benefits, who starts, Magic Johnson has been identified by many fans as one of the behind-the-scenes of this incident.

Compared with his SHOWTIME on the court, the magician's performance off the court is really eager for quick success, or in other words, he is unscrupulous, and his image looks extremely bad.

The water is getting more and more muddy. Interestingly, even Yao Ming, who has retired, has been involved. It is reported that he has also become one of the potential buyers of the Clippers.

Boss Yao was also in a daze, and had to stand up and clarify that he just wanted to buy a speedboat to surf with his family, and had no intention of buying the Clippers at all.

The Clippers continue their regular season journey under such unfavorable circumstances. There is a girl-picking combination to suppress the scene, and the Clippers players are relatively stable.

Ruan Erniu also said in the team meeting: "No matter who the boss is, your salary is determined by your performance on the court.

The team is indeed in trouble now, but I firmly believe that I can still withstand the pressure and win the championship! "

Time has entered March, and the Clippers still firmly occupy the league's first place.

(End of this chapter)

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