Chapter 877

The Clippers were the first team in the first round of the Western Conference to advance, while the other three series were extremely tight.

The game that ended first was the Blazers VS Rockets. As a result, the Blazers defeated their opponents 4:2 and became the second team in the West to advance to the second round.

Aldridge is in the prime of his career.

He averaged 29.8 points and 11.2 rebounds per game in the series. His performance close to 30+10 almost allowed Locomotive to compete for the league's strongest fourth position.

Allen was beaten, and his playing time was greatly restricted. Facing a strong but stable No. [-] like Adelaide, Space Yi's weaknesses on the defensive end were completely exposed.

Another disappointing player for the Rockets is Jeremy Lin. Due to the overlap with Harden, his average playing time was reduced to 29.3 minutes per game, and he could only contribute 11.3 points, 3.7 rebounds and 4.3 assists.

Of course, there is someone who performed worse than him, and that is Patrick Beverly.

His average playing time is still higher than that of Jeremy Lin. He can reach 33.7 minutes, but he can only score 8.7 points, 4.2 rebounds, and 1.2 assists, and his shooting percentage is only about 38%, which can be called a team cancer.

However, since we are talking about Hebei, we must talk about defense.

As the No. [-] position, the Blazers No. [-] position in charge of Beverly's main defense is naturally Lillard. So was ROY restricted last season?
He averaged 44.7 minutes per game, shot 46.7% from the field, and hit a terrifying 48.9% from three-pointers. He also averaged 25.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, and 6.7 assists per game.

In other words, instead of being guarded, Lillard took care of all the Rockets' No. [-] positions by himself.

Of course, James Harden should be most responsible for the Rockets' loss.

Howard can contribute 26+13.7 per game, and he has gone all out. As the inside gate, Warcraft has fulfilled his duties.

Although James Harden is slightly better on the defensive end than in the regular season, but in the Uchiha family, he is used to sharing sharingan, and sometimes his body reacts a little slower.

On the offensive end, although Hakishi averaged 26.8 points per game, he averaged 37.6 points per game, but his shooting percentage was only [-]%.

Well, Uchihaden's shooting percentage should always be calculated as true shooting percentage. Counting the average number of free throws per game, Harden's true shooting percentage is still over 5%.

No way, Harden is the leader. From the perspective of series data, Harden's performance is not too bad.

But as a leader, if he can't lead the team to advance, then he should be criticized.

As the only team that beat the Clippers twice this season, the Blazers were able to meet the Clippers again in the second round of the playoffs, which naturally made the Western Conference semifinals full of topics.

However, before that, in the lower half of the Western Conference, in the first round of the series, the two groups of teams actually had a tiebreaker at the same time.

Let's take a look at the Spurs VS Grizzlies game first.

The problem of the Grizzlies is definitely not on the defensive end. The reason why they can't finally win every time they encounter a strong enemy can only be the lack of offensive talent.

In the 13-14 season, the Grizzlies management finally understood the importance of offensive and defensive balance, so they signed Courtney Lee and Mike Miller in the summer to increase the team's offensive firepower.

Unfortunately, what they encountered was the San Antonio Spurs, which were stronger on both offense and defense.

Interestingly, the average data of the three GDP players is around 18 points per game, with Parker slightly more, followed by Ginobili and Duncan.

As for the Grizzlies, only the black and white bears on the inside have reached this level. The data of Mike Conley, Tony Allen, and Courtney Lee are still slightly inferior.

It should be pointed out that Zach Randolph's data once again beat Deng Daidai by a small margin.

With the strong performance of the Grizzlies in recent years, Randolph's reputation as a drug dealer in the league has gradually turned around.

But no matter what, the team failed to defeat the opponent in the end, and he has never been praised and recognized by the mainstream media.

A player like Randolph who has averaged 20+10 per game many times in his career, but has only been an All-Star substitute twice, is indeed seriously underestimated.

If you have to find a reason for the Grizzlies to lose to their opponents, it can only be that Tyshawn Prince is getting old.

The former Pistons No. 16.1 has come to the end of his career. He averaged 3.0 minutes per game in the series, but only scored 1.4 points, 0.9 rebounds, and [-] assists.

Objectively speaking, if Gay is still in the Grizzlies, maybe the ending of the series will be very different!
Here, the Spurs entered the second round with a thrilling tiebreaker, and the Thunder finally defeated the Warriors and successfully advanced to the second round.

Westbrook, who has returned from injury, seems unstoppable. Although his shooting percentage is only 38.6%, but with free throws, his true shooting percentage is still over 5%.

Westbrook, who averaged 25.6 points per game, and Durant, who averaged nearly 30 points per game, constitute the most stable output point for the Thunder on the offensive end.

The output of the Warriors also depends on the outside line. The Splash Brothers who are on the road of practice contributed 25.4 points and 20.8 points per game respectively.

If it weren't for the excellent performance of the Warriors' role players, maybe the game would not have dragged to the tiebreaker at all.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Thunder are equally obvious. Except for the second player, they always lack a third player who can stand up and stabilize the morale of the army.

Ibaka's offensive ability is really limited, and Reggie Jackson is still worse than Harden.

In this way, the two promotion teams in the lower half of the Western Conference are determined.The Spurs and Thunder will meet again to qualify for the Western Conference Finals.

At the same time, the first-round contests in the East also came to the results one by one.

As the only team in the league that swept their opponents in the first round, the Heat eliminated the Charlotte Bobcats in the fastest time and became the first team to advance to the second round of the Eastern Conference, waiting for another opponent in the second half to appear .

The second team to advance to the second round was the Washington Wizards in the upper half. They defeated the Chicago Bulls with a total score of 4:1 and successfully entered the next round.

Like the West, the East also has two teams entering the tiebreaker.

The Pacers and Eagles played the tiebreaker in the upper half.

The reconstructed Eagles looked extremely strong. They almost completed the black eight at the last moment, defeating the mighty Pacers in one fell swoop.

The inside combination of Griffin and Millsap gave Atlanta fans hope for a resurgence, and the performances of Teague and Korver were also remarkable.

Tony Ressler gradually dared to appear in the Philips Arena, at least his reconstruction work during this period was fruitful.

The reason why the top spot in the Eastern Conference fell into a hard fight was entirely due to the rapid decline of the starting center Roy Hibbert and directly became "Gao Yuanyuan".

Hibbert, who averaged only 5.3+3.7 per game in the series, is completely different from Hei Yaoming, who was able to score 20+10 against the Heat last season.

Why did the man who beat Bosh fall to this point?
After having a threesome with Pickled Pepper, there was a conflict, so he gave up on himself?
Or the team management gave up the old captain Danny Granger, which caused Hibbert to be very dissatisfied, so he played negatively?
Or is it simply the Pacers coaching staff who forced him to gain weight, only to make him lose his dominance?
In any case, judging from Yuanyuan's current performance, the former "Hei Yao Ming" is now really in the name of Hei Yao!
In the lower half of the East and West, the other team to win in the tiebreaker was the Brooklyn Nets.

They narrowly escaped by one point in G7, and finally did not let this luxurious team fall in the first round of the playoffs.

They are also one of the few teams in the series where Xiao Ke played.

囧囧sen is worthy of the title of real thigh. If he hadn't performed strongly in the last quarter several times, maybe the Nets would have been killed by the rising Torontonians.

No one is going to discuss whether the Nets can reach the finals and the possibility of the Clippers competing for the championship.

Judging from the current situation, they will definitely not be able to pass the heat.

Turning back to the west, after the first round, this round of fierce battles will soon begin.

The Blazers were full of confidence before the start of the series. They believed that since they could beat the mighty Clippers twice in the regular season, they would naturally hope to beat their opponents in the playoffs.

On May 2014, 5, US time, the Clippers ushered in a challenge from the Trail Blazers at home. The Clippers played a suffocating defense since the first quarter of the game.

In the case of only allowing the opponent to score 16 points in a single quarter, with a disparity of 16:33, the opponent reached 17 points.

This almost declared that G1 entered garbage time in the first quarter.

Ade was completely overwhelmed by Erniu. Opposite Locomotive, who made 3 of 0 shots in a single quarter, was Ruan Erniu who scored 13 points and 11 rebounds in the first quarter.

The Brute Bull, who lost twice in the regular season, finally showed his true form in the playoffs.

But Aldridge, who killed all sides in the first round, couldn't find the rhythm of the game at all in front of the bull.

It should be said that not only did Er Niu not find any advantage, but even the Clippers' substitute Dream Chaser Green prevented Adelaide from losing his temper.

Strength and weakness can only be known through comparison.

Facing Yi Jianlian and Terrence Jones, Ade is naturally a peerless soldier who blocks and kills people, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha, but when his defenders become Er Niu and Green, he immediately encounters the offensive end. Waterloo.

In the next three quarters, the Blazers wanted to launch a counterattack more than once, but they were all suppressed by the powerful Clippers in the end.

1:0, the Los Angeles Clippers took the lead to win the next game.

G2 continued in Los Angeles. The rhythm of the game was roughly the same as the previous game. The Clippers established a lead of more than 15+ in the first quarter. It was found that instead of shrinking, the score continued to expand.

Aldridge played the worst game since entering the playoffs. He only made 23 of 6 shots in the game, and his shooting percentage was as low as 26.1%.

Every time he fights a tough battle, Adelaide will always be questioned, because his performance at critical moments really cannot be regarded as the leader of a team fighting for the championship.

There are specific reasons for Adelaide's rise. Physical talent naturally comes first, but the injuries of Roy and Oden actually gave Adelaide more possession of the ball invisibly.

But this does not mean that he is really an excellent team leader!
2:0, the Clippers made another victory and successfully won the next round of G2.

The G3 teams will move to Portland for the match.

Before the game, everyone was looking forward to the bottoming out of the Blazers. Even the Clippers, who had just won two home games, seemed quite low-key before the game.

But when it was time for the game, the progress of the first quarter of the game returned to the original track again.

The Clippers once again played a strong attack wave in the first quarter, instantly widening the score gap to double digits.

Many Portland fans left the stadium after halftime. The poor performance of the home team made them extremely disappointed. This is not the mental outlook that a team that wants to advance to the Western Conference Finals should have.

Also upset is the Blazers' team owner-Paul Allen, who was the richest man in the NBA before Er Niu's wealth was announced.

The old man's famous saying is: "If I am more stingy, the richest man in the world will have nothing to do with Bill (Gates)!"

He was a co-founder of Microsoft, but eventually parted ways with Gates.Although suffering from lymphoma, Allen can still be called a winner in life.

Allen, who was watching the game on the spot, almost watched Ruan Erniu lead the team to push the Blazers into the abyss step by step.

In particular, Adelaide's back-to-back attack several times, almost in an unreasonable way, extinguished the last glimmer of hope for the Blazers.

3:0, with Allen's livid expression, the Clippers successfully won the second round match point.

Unlike the Mavericks who rebounded strongly and were unwilling to give up, the Clippers played more easily in the second round.

The young Blazers are indeed not a tough team.

After the end of G3, the two teams will rest for two days, and then compete for G4.

In the final battle, the pioneers who fought for dignity finally burst out their full potential.

After changing the decline of the previous few games, the Blazers played extremely proactively in the first quarter.

Although Adelaide didn't get too much advantage from Er Niu, his performance of 5 of 3 shots in a single quarter still proved that the locomotive ushered in a recovery.

24:29, this is actually the first time the Blazers have taken a single quarter lead in the series.

During the rotation time of the second quarter, Ray Allen of the Clippers stepped forward. With his rain of three-pointers, the Clippers quickly overtook the score.

After halftime, the score of the two teams had reached 56:50, and the Clippers led by 6 points.

The Trail Blazers entering the third quarter ushered in another explosion. This time, Lillard, Aldridge, Batum, Robin Lopez and others blossomed more and divided the score again.

82:85, the Blazers played a convincing game and once again overtook the score.

In the critical fourth quarter, the scores of the two sides rose alternately. It was not until the last moment for the Clippers that Leonard hit a decisive three-pointer, which ended the series.

4:0, the Los Angeles Clippers defeated their opponents and became the first team to advance to the Western Conference Finals.

Ruan Erniu overwhelmed the 40+20 Aldridge with an average performance of 20+9 per game.

The two losses in the regular season did not prove any problems. In the playoffs, Er Niu still easily taught Ade to be a man.

Er Niu did not make more verbal ridicules to Adelaide after the game.

The future is definitely not Adelaide's, because the locomotive joined the NBA a year earlier than Erniu, but the Tianchao people are already No. keep.
(End of this chapter)

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