dead souls, imperial envoy

Chapter 31 Dead Souls

Chapter 31 Dead Souls (31)

Everyone knows that Chichikov really cared about his descendants.This is a very worrying question!If the question of "what will the children do in the future" has not always come up so naturally, some people may not be so desperate to fish.It is for this reason that the future head of the family, like a cautious and greedy cat, steals eyes to see if the owner is paying attention, and at the same time hastily appropriates everything that comes close: soap, Be it candles, fat meat, or canaries, in a word, no matter what falls under its claws, it will not let go of it.In spite of all our hero's whining and weeping, his mind does not stop; his mind is always on, waiting to make a plan.He restrained himself again, began to live a hard life again, restrained himself in every way, and fell from a clean and decent environment to a dirty and despicable life.When I was looking forward to a good future, I also worked as an agent.The profession of agents has not gained the status it deserves in our country, and is constantly being squeezed from all sides. Not only the clerks in the yamen, but even the clients themselves don't respect them very much. They often humbly bear their pressure in the hallway. Treat, etc.; but poverty can force a man to do anything.Among the entrustments he received was that he was asked to mediate and mortgage hundreds of serfs to the Guardianship Bureau for borrowing.The manor has fallen into disrepair.The cause of the ruin was mass deaths of cattle, fraudulent stewardship, bad years, epidemics that took away the best hands, and the landowner himself, in a moment of confusion, bought the most fashionable house in Moscow, and spent almost nothing. , I can’t even eat.In the end, he had to mortgage the remaining manor.Mortgaging debt from the public was still a novelty at the time, and people naturally felt a sense of fear when they decided to take this step.As an agent, Chichikov first opened up all the joints (you know, you can only get things done if you first open the joints to find out what's going on; for this, at least a bottle of Madeira was poured down each throat), so that in the After getting through all the joints that needed to be opened, he mentioned this situation by the way: half of the serfs are dead, so don't cause any trouble in the future... "Aren't they registered in the census of serfs?" The secretary asked him. "It has a name," Chichikov replied. "Then what are you afraid of?" the secretary said, "If some die, some will be added. As long as you are alive, you will make money."

It can be heard that the secretary's witty words rhyme with the wit.At this point our hero has one of the most inspiring ideas of all time. "Oh, my fool!" he said to himself, "I'm really what the saying goes, 'look around for gloves and hang them around your waist'! I'll go and buy those dead serfs who haven't been removed from the serf register , let’s say, buy a thousand of them, and let’s say, the Guardianship Bureau mortgages me two hundred rubles each: that’s 20 rubles! Now the time has come: there’s just been a plague, thank God, people don’t die The landowners gambled, drank, and squandered money, and all went to Petersburg to become officials; the estates were managed by whoever carelessly, and the taxes were hard to pay every year. They only had to pay poll taxes for dead serfs. Give it to me happily; maybe someone will give me some money back. Of course, there will be troubles, troubles, worries, and troubles if you are not careful. But since a person has a brain , you have to take risks to do things. The main advantage is that this kind of business is unimaginable, and no one will believe it. Of course, there is no land, and buying serfs and mortgaged serfs will not work. But I bought it and took it away, take it away; now Taft The land in Lita Province and Kherson Province is free, as long as they live. I will move them all there! Move to Kherson! Let them live there! The relocation procedures can be handled through the court. If people want Check the serfs, please, I have no objection, why not? I have a certificate signed by the county police officer. The village can be called Chichikov Village, or it can be named after my baptism. Pavel Village." The strange plot of this book is thus formed in our hero's mind. I don't know whether the reader will be grateful to him; but the author is very grateful to him, and his gratitude is beyond words.In any case, the novel would not have been possible if the idea had not entered Chichikov's head.

(End of this chapter)

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