dead souls, imperial envoy

Chapter 35 Dead Souls

Chapter 35 Dead Souls (35)
In the end, he didn't go to the scene at all, and he completely let go of the trial and punishment. He stayed at home all day, and he didn't want to hear about the boss.Before, a few people who lived nearby came to chat with him.One was a retired lieutenant of hussars who smelled of pipe, and the other was a colonel of a burning ship who was good at talking about all kinds of subjects.Their visits gradually bored him.He found their conversation too shallow; their contemptuous glances at him, slaps on his knees and other presumptuous gestures began to strike him as too vulgar.He made up his mind not to associate with them any more, and his approach can be said to be quite shameless.That's roughly how things went.One day, Colonel Vishne Pokromov, who is best at chattering and setting fire, came to visit and wanted to discuss politics, philosophy, literature, morality and the financial situation of Britain with him, but he asked people to come out and say that he Not at home, and he himself showed his feet while watching from the window.The eyes of the guest and the host met by chance.One of them, of course, cursed bitterly, "Beast!" The other also responded with a word like "stupid pig".In this way, the two broke off contact.And after that, no one came to see him.The house became deserted.The master put on his dressing-gown, and stayed at home all day, his body useless, while his head was conceiving a masterpiece on the Russian question.Readers must already know about this article.The days slipped by like this day after day.He woke up slowly from his sleep.Whenever a postman brings newspapers, new books and magazines, and he sees that old classmates he used to be familiar with are getting promoted step by step or making due contributions to science and world education, he will have a feeling in his heart. A touch of melancholy.I can't help but feel a kind of indescribable sadness about my own good and lack of achievements.At this time, he will be tired of his life.The former student days would always vividly appear before his eyes, and the old principal Alexander Petrovich would suddenly appear vividly before his eyes... He burst into tears, and could cry bitterly for almost a whole day.What does this crying represent?It may be that the painful heart has found the pathetic focus of his illness——this cause is that when the great ideal first appeared in him, it was cut off before it had time to thrive; it is that he did not experience setbacks when he was young. Hard work, but also failed to reach the state of being indifferent in the face of difficulties and dangers; even though the great feelings hidden in him were burned red like iron, but they did not pass the final beating, so now he has no toughness, fragile It is unbearable; it is too early for that great teacher to leave him. In today's world, there is no one who can strengthen the willpower that is constantly weakened by shaking and the weak will that has no toughness, and can shout to his heart like thunder. The man who uttered the heartening word "forward" that Russians of all places, classes, ranks, and walks of life have longed to hear.Where is the man who can call out to us the great word "forward" in a language that can be felt dear to the Russian heart, who knows our natural strength, characteristics, and whole mind, and who can raise his arms and let us rise up for a great life Woolen cloth?What kind of words and what kind of affection would a grateful Russian repay him!But time has passed century after century, half a million idiots and sleepy gods are still asleep, and there are so few great men in Russia who can utter this omnipotent word.One event almost woke Tentetnikov from his trance, almost changed his character.This thing is roughly like love.But in the end he still hasn't changed

.A general lived ten versts from his village.The general didn't have a very good opinion of Tentetnikov, we already know that.The general still retains the air of a general after he lives at home. He is generous and hospitable. He likes to be complimented by neighbors, but he never visits others. He speaks hoarsely and likes to read.He has a daughter.The girl was a strange creature like no one had ever seen before.Rather than saying that she is a lady, it is better to say that she is a phantom living in a dream.Sometimes a person will see a scene in a dream, and he will never forget it until he dies. He will always see this scene before his eyes, and the reality will no longer exist in his mind. This kind of person will become useless.Her name is Ulinka.Her education was somewhat peculiar.She had been educated by an English governess, and she could not speak a word of Russian.Urinka lost her mother in childhood.Her father had no time to restrain her.However, he loved his daughter to death, but he only spoiled her.It's hard to picture her.She is as lively as life itself, more charming than a fairy, smarter than a talented woman, and more graceful than a classical beauty.It is difficult to tell which country left her mark on her body, because her appearance will never be found in other places except on ancient Greek and Roman stone carvings.Like all children who grow up pampered, she is very headstrong.If anyone saw her bursting into rage, suddenly forming severe wrinkles on her smooth forehead, and arguing violently with her father, he would think that she was a very rebellious person.But she only gets angry when she hears about something injustice or someone being treated cruelly.And as long as she sees the pity of the person who made her angry, her anger will dissipate immediately.Even if that person makes her angry, as long as she asks her for help, she will throw the wallet to him without hesitation, no matter whether it is so smart or stupid; if the person is injured, she will immediately tear off the wallet. Come and bandage him!She always seems to be chasing something.As long as she speaks, everything about her—the demeanor, the expressions, the gestures—seems to be chasing after her train of thought; even the folds of her clothes are wrinkled in that direction, as if she herself is chasing after her own words.Everything about her is unabashed.She is outspoken in front of everyone; if she wants to talk, nothing can silence her.Her walking gait is particularly graceful, and that indomitable look will make everyone can't help but make way for her.In front of her, a hypocritical person will feel ashamed and become dumb; and a kind person, even the most shy person, will not feel restrained when talking with her. After talking for a few minutes, he will feel—strange illusion! ——like when and where I saw her, it was a happy night in the distant childhood, when a group of children were playing games with great interest in a house in their hometown. She was beside the group of children , was seen by him; he had felt so dull among sane adults for a long time after that.Tentetnikov could never explain exactly what happened: from the first day he saw her, he felt as if he had known her all his life.At first a new and incomprehensible emotion filled his heart.Instantly his boring life was illuminated.The pajamas were temporarily put away.He didn't dawdle like that in bed anymore.Mikhailo didn't have to stand at the door with a washbasin waiting for him for so long.The windows of the room are often opened, and he often takes long walks in the shade of the garden, and the charming scenery from the top makes him often forget to return.At first, the general's visit to Tentetnikov was very cordial, but in the end they did not become close friends.Their small talk often ended in an argument, which was somewhat unpleasant for both parties.The general loves respect and docility from others, though he often likes to say things he knows nothing about.As for Tentetnikov, Ben was a picky person.Of course, because of his daughter, he ignored many of his father's problems, and they maintained a harmonious relationship until the two relatives from the general's house came.These two relatives were the Countess Bodreva and the Princess Yujakina, a widow and an old maid, both served as ladies in the former palace, and they were both gossips, and they were not very cute, but in Peter But there are quite a few connections in the castle, and the general is quite flattering to them.Tentetnikov felt that their arrival made the general feel cold towards him, and he could no longer be seen in his eyes, and he was regarded as the lowest low-level official who was recruited to copy and write, or a dispensable people.In a conversation, he actually called "you".This finally pissed him off.Although he was full of anger and his face was livid, he still gritted his teeth, suppressed his anger, and said in a very soft tone: "General, thank you for your kindness. You want to use the word 'you' to keep us close, order me 'Thou' to you too. But allow me to remind you that I think there is a difference in our ages which prevents us from being so casual."

The general was very embarrassed.He immediately searched for words, excused himself, and stammered that he didn't use the word "you" out of position, and that it was sometimes permissible for an old man to call a young man "you" (for his rank , he never mentioned).

Needless to say, this put an end to their intercourse, and the love was over as soon as it had begun.The light flickered for a moment before being extinguished, and the darkness that followed was even deeper.The slob put on pajamas again, and lay around all day, doing nothing.The house is messy and messy.Floor brushes and trash sit in the middle of the house all day.Pants are sometimes put in the living room.On the elegant end table in front of the sofa was a dirty suspenders, as if intended for hospitality.His life has always been so ordinary, not only the servants began to disrespect him, even the hen at home almost bit him.He took a pen and drew wooden yokes, houses, farmhouses, four-wheeled carriages, and three-set carriages on the paper casually, for hours and hours, or repeatedly wrote "Dear Sir" in different fonts and brushwork.

When the master is fascinated by the painting, the pen will occasionally draw a petite girl on its own initiative. The beautiful face, the slightly raised hair falling from the hairpin, and the delicate arms exposed are all beautiful. It gives people the feeling of flying, and the owner will be surprised to find that the painted face of the girl cannot be drawn by any painter.Therefore, he is even more melancholy, feeling that there is no happiness in the world, so he will be depressed and silent all day long.Such was the case with Tentetnikov.One day, as usual, he went to the window with his pipe in one hand and his teacup in the other, when he suddenly saw a disturbance in the yard.The kitchen servants and the sweeping maids raced to open the gate.At the gate three horses appear, as modeled or painted on the Arc de Triomphe: a horse's head on the right, a horse's head on the left, and a horse's head in the middle.Behind the three horse heads, there is a coachman sitting high on the coachman's seat, followed by a follower.The valet wore a baggy old frock coat with a bandanna pinned around his waist.Behind the coachman and his entourage sat a gentleman in a cap, a lapel-collared cloak, and a colorful scarf round his neck.After the car turned the steps, it was clear that what came was a buggy with a spring chassis.This handsome gentleman jumped from the car to the steps with such agility and agility that he was almost on the verge of a soldier.Tentetnikov was taken aback.He took the visitor for a government official.It needs to be explained here that when he was young, he almost got involved in an unwise incident.At that time some hussar-born philosophers, a young man who had never graduated from the university, and a bankrupt gambler organized a charitable society, and the place of top director was given to an old swindler.The old crook was a Masonic, a gambler and a drunkard, and an eloquent speaker.Their purpose is the long-term happiness of all mankind from the Thames to Kamchatka.The funds needed were great; large sums were raised from generous members.Where all these donations have gone - only the top host knows.Tentetnikov was also involved in the Charity Society, and his two friends were good people with temples and rivers and lakes in their hearts, but they often toasted science, education and progress, and finally became down-to-earth drunkards.Tentetnikov soon realized that something was wrong and left the group.But the Charity Association has already done many embarrassing activities for the nobles at this time, and the police station came to the door soon... Therefore, although Tentetnikov has cut off contact with these philanthropists, he is not at ease in his heart. This is not surprising.He was always a little petty in his heart.Now seeing someone pushing the door and coming in, he was still panicking.The guest's head was slightly tilted to one side, and his panic dissipated only after he bowed very smartly in a gentle and elegant posture.The visitor briefly explained that in his early years he was driven by worldly affairs and curiosity to all parts of Russia; He was very envious of the scenery of his village; he said that if it wasn't for the sudden trouble with the carriage and he needed to find a blacksmith and carpenter to repair it, even if the place was picturesque, he would never dare to come here to bother him; said that even so, if there was nothing wrong with his carriage , he also had to come to listen to Yajiao.After the guest finished speaking, he tapped his heels gracefully, and jumped back lightly. Although he was plump, he jumped as lightly as a rubber ball.

Tentetnikov, who had calmed down, believed that the visitor must be a diligent professor, and his purpose of traveling around Russia might be to collect plant or mineral specimens.Tentetnikov immediately offered his assistance, had his own craftsmen, wheelwrights, and blacksmiths help him fix the car, was as informal in his own home as he was in his own, and let the polite guest to a high-backed After sitting on the armchair in the deep seat, I was ready to listen to his high-spirited talks.He is undoubtedly going to discuss the problems of nature.But what the guests talk about most is the inner world.He said that his fate was ill-fated, that he was like a solitary boat in the vast ocean, constantly being pursued by the evil wind from all directions; he mentioned that he had been forced to change jobs many times, was persecuted repeatedly for being honest and upright, and even his life was at stake. He has been nearly killed by the enemy many times; he talked endlessly and talked about many things. From these words, it can be seen that he is very much like an official figure.When he had finished speaking, he took out a white linen handkerchief and blew his nose very loudly, which Tentetnikov had never heard before.There are such horns in some bands. Sometimes when you come to it, the sound is not like being in a band, but like blowing out of your ears.It was such a crash that resounded in the waking rooms of the sleepy manor house; The linen handkerchief was unintentionally scattered.

As the reader may have already imagined, the visitor was none other than our long-lost and honorable Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.He is a little aged; it appears that he has not been spared the stormy sea during his absence from the reader.The frock coat he was wearing was also a little worn; the carriage, coachman, valet, horses, and harness seemed all worn out and worn out.Even the economic situation, it seems, is not enviable.But the expression, demeanor and manner of dealing with people are still the same.His demeanor, with his crossed legs, was even more endearing; he was sitting in an armchair.His tone of voice became softer and sweeter, his embellishments more prudent and appropriate, he was more in control of himself, and in every way more presentable.His collar and bra are as clean as snow. Although he was on the road just now, his tuxedo is so clean and tidy that he would be impeccable even if he went to the name day banquet now!His cheeks and chin were so clean-shaven that only a blind man could fail to appreciate the roundness of his lovely face and chin.

(End of this chapter)

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