dead souls, imperial envoy

Chapter 46 Dead Souls

Chapter 46 Dead Souls (46)
Khlobuyev was intimidated by his new role.After all, he came from a noble and famous family that was once prominent in ancient times, and now he has to pick up the collection book to collect donations for the church, and he has to ride around in a carriage!But he couldn't shirk it: this is charity. "Have you figured it out?" said Murazov. "This is a wonderful thing: to serve God and to serve me."

"How can I serve you?"

"This is what I'm going to do for you. Where you're going, I haven't been there. You can find out how the people live there, where they are rich and where they are poor, and how they are in general. Tell the truth, I love the common people, perhaps because I came from among the common people. Now the common people are making trouble in many places. There are secessionists and all kinds of vagabonds bewitching them, encouraging them to make trouble and oppose the government and order. Suppression is easy to resist. If a person is really bullied, it is not difficult to be instigated by others. The problem is that you should not suppress from below. Once you do it, it will be chaotic: it will not benefit, only thieves will get rich. You are a Smart people, you should investigate and see where the troubles are caused by people bullying others, where the people are simply restless, and tell me all after you come back. I will bring you some money, and if you see innocent victims Send it to them. You should also explain them carefully: God wants people to endure everything without complaint, and when they encounter misfortune, they should pray and not take revenge. In a word, tell them that no one should encourage anyone to oppose anyone, Let everyone interact in harmony. No matter who you see has resentment against whom, you should do your best to eliminate it."

"Afanasy Vasilyevich! You have entrusted me with a sacred job," said Khlobuev, "but you should know to whom you have entrusted it. It can be handed over to someone who is almost like a saint. He needs to know how to forgive others first."

"I'm not saying that you can do all of this, you just have to do your best. You will always come back to the situation in those places, you will have an understanding of the situation in that area. Officials will never get in touch with ordinary people , the common people are not willing to tell them the truth. When collecting donations for the church, you can go to all kinds of people-you can go to the small townspeople, you can also go to businessmen, you will have the opportunity to ask all kinds of people about the situation. I and You say this because there is a particular lack of this kind of talent in the Governor General right now. You can get a position like this without going through the ranks, and it will be a life-changing benefit for you."

"I'm going to do my best," Khlobuyev said.There was a sense of excitement in his voice, his back was straightened, and his head was raised, like a person who has seen the light of hope. "I can see that God has given you wisdom, and you understand things much better than us short-sighted people."

"Now I want to know," said Murazov, "what's the matter with Chichikov? What's the matter?"

"About Chichikov, I'm going to tell you something unheard of. The kind of thing he did... Afanasy Vasilyevich, do you know that the will is a forgery? Really. The will has been found, and the entire estate belongs to the adopted daughter."

"What do you say? Who forged this false will?"

"It's the most despicable thing! It is said that it was made by Chichikov. It was signed by a woman who pretended to be an old woman after the death of the old woman. In short, this thing is very tempting. It is said that it was sent from all over the country. Thousands of applications have been filed. Now quite a number of proposals are being made to Marya Yeremeyevna, and the two officials are fighting over it. That's how it is, Afanasy Vasily Jevich!"

"I haven't heard of this, it's not innocent. Frankly speaking, I feel that Chichikov is a very difficult mystery," said Murazov. "I also submitted an application , to remind people that there is another heir who is a close relative..."

Khlobuyev thought as he came out: "Let them argue. Afanasy Vasilyevich is not stupid. He must have given me this task after a lot of thought. It has to be done, There is nothing to say." He was already thinking about the road, and Murazov was still repeating in his heart: "I think Chichikov is an enigma! Such tenacious perseverance and perseverance How great it would be to do good deeds!"

At this time, the court did receive applications one by one.Relatives who no one had ever heard of showed up.Like birds eating a dead body, people came to eat the innumerable fortunes left behind by the old woman: suits against Chichikov also appeared, accusing the last will of being false, and others accusing the first will of being false. False, and evidence of theft and hidden money.In the end, there were even evidences accusing Chichikov of buying dead serfs and participating in smuggling during customs.Everything was tossed out, and his original experience was pryed out.God knows where this all came from.There were now incriminating evidence of things which Chichikov believed no one but himself and the four walls knew.But these were the secrets of the court for the time being, and had not yet reached his ears, although he soon received a credible note from the legal counsel, which made him feel that things were going badly.The note was brief: "I have an urgent message: Trouble is about to happen, and under no circumstances should you panic. The key is to stay calm. Everything will be fine." The note completely reassured him. "This man really has great powers," Chichikov said.To add to the joy, the tailor delivered the clothes just at this time.Chichikov was eager to see what he would look like in a Navarino fireworks tuxedo.He put on his trousers, which clung to him so tightly that he looked so good that he could have been a model.The thighs and calves are well hooped, and all the tiny places on the body are tightly wrapped, making them more elastic.He tightened the buckles on his back, his belly looking like a drum.He patted it with a brush and said, "Look at this stupid man! But overall, he's a handsome man!" The jacket looked better sewn than the trousers: it didn't wrinkle at all, and the ribs The band is tight, and the waist is bowed, revealing all the lines of the body.Although the right armpit is a bit thin, but this makes the waist more visible.The tailor on one side said with great satisfaction: "Don't worry, you can't make this look anywhere except Petersburg." ".

He hates jokes very much. He wants to use the names of two cities to sew the mouths of other tailors at once, so that no one of them will write on the plaque that they are from these two cities. If they want to write, they can write where they come from." Carl Seiro" or "Copenhall" or something like that.Chichikov generously paid the tailor, and stayed alone in the room, feeling the beauty and eagerness like an actor, admiring himself in the mirror when he had nothing to do.It turns out that the whole body is better than before: the face is more interesting, the chin is more attractive, the white collar matches the face, the blue satin tie matches the collar, the new-style ruffles on the bra match the tie, gorgeous A velvet waistcoat with bra, a Navarino pyrotechnic tuxedo that shone like brocade and went with everything.Turn right - nice!Turn left - beautiful!The lines of the body were exactly the same as those of the high-ranking page of the palace, and they were not comparable to those of the gentleman who spoke French fluently, and the gentleman who spoke French would make the French feel ashamed. He can't even speak a word of Russian when he is angry and curses, and he can't use Russian when he curses. The gesture of respect: simply beautiful.Painter, pick up your pen and paint!

While he was proud, he made another light dance move that seemed to be kicking with his feet hanging in the air.As a result, the chest of drawers shook and the perfume bottle rolled to the floor, but this did not scare the owner into any psychopathy.He justly scolded the stupid glass bottle as an asshole, and then thought: "Who should we visit first? It's better..."

At this moment, the sound of spurs suddenly came from the hallway, and a gendarmerie in full body armor came in with a murderous look on his face: "The governor wants to see you right away." Chichikov was stunned.In front of him was a burly man with a beard, a ponytail on his head, an armed belt on one shoulder, an armed belt on the other shoulder, and a big saber on his waist.Chichikov felt that there was a pistol on the other side, and something else: it seemed that he had all the weapons of the three armies on his body!
Just as he was about to open his mouth to defend himself, the evil spirit said sternly: "The governor orders you to go immediately!"

Chichikov glanced into the hall through the crack of the door, and there was also a fierce figure there; he glanced out the window, and there was a big carriage parked there, what could be done?I had no choice but to wear this Navarino pyrotechnic tuxedo, trembling all over, and get in the car to visit the Governor.The military police kept him with him until he entered the antechamber and did not allow him to stop for a while.The officer on duty immediately said to him: "Go in! The Duke has been waiting for you." He walked through the front hall in a daze, saw several couriers receiving mail, and walked through the hall again, muttering in his heart: "I will catch you directly." Get up, and send them directly to Siberia without trial and without any formalities!"

His heart jumped nervously, even the heart of his infatuated lover couldn't beat so fast.Finally he opened a door: an office full of briefcases, filing cabinets, and books, and an angry Duke. "It's over, it's over!" thought Chichikov, "he'll kill me. He'll tear me up like a wolf tears up a lamb."

"You deserved to go to jail last time. I forgave you and let you stay in this city, but now you're dishonoring yourself with the most shameless deception. No one has ever done such an act!" The Duke's lips trembled with anger up.

"Excuse me, my lord, have I defiled myself with some deceit?" asked Chichikov, trembling all over.

"That woman," said the prince, approaching Chichikov's eyes, "the woman you instigated to sign the will has been caught, and she wants to confront you."

Chichikov immediately turned pale, like white sackcloth. "My lord! I confess all. I am guilty; I am guilty; but it is not so great: the enemy is fabricating my guilt."

"No one can invent your crimes, because your crimes are several times greater than those of the greatest liars. I don't think you have done anything serious in your life. Every kopeck you got , obtained in the most disgraceful ways, and after certain thefts and shameless deeds are uncovered, the criminals are flogged and sent to Siberia! Come on, that's enough for now! Then to the prison, where you You'll be waiting with the biggest villains and robbers. That's doing you a favor, and you're much worse than them: they wear pea coats and bare fur coats, but you..."

He glanced at Navarino's pyrotechnic tuxedo and rang the bell. "My lord," cried Chichikov, "have mercy! You have children too. Don't pity me, pity my old mother!"

"You lie!" cried the Duke angrily. "Last time you begged me to pity your children and your family, which you never had. Now you tell me to pity your mother!"

"Your Excellency! I'm mean, I'm the worst villain," cried Chichikov, "I'm talking nonsense, I really have neither children nor family; but, God behold, I've always wanted a wife to bear the burden." The duty of a man and a citizen, and the real respect of his citizens and his magistrates afterwards... What a misfortune! My lord, blood is shed in order to get food. At every step there will be temptations and bewitchments... Someone is hostile, Some framed, some stole. The whole of life is like a boat at the mercy of a violent whirlwind or stormy sea. My lord, I am alone!"

Tears flowed from his eyes suddenly like a spring river.Kneeling at the duke's feet, he no longer cared about his brand-new Navarino pyrotechnic tailcoat, velvet waistcoat, satin tie, new trousers, and hairdo that smelled of the finest perfume. "Go away! Guards, let someone take him away!" the Duke shouted to those who entered. "Your Excellency!" cried Chichikov, taking the prince's foot in his arms.The Duke was already trembling all over.

"Go away!" he shouted, trying to free his foot from Chichikov's grasp.

"Your Excellency! I will never leave without your forgiveness." Chichikov refused to let go of the prince's foot. He hugged the foot and lay on the floor begging, ignoring the Navarino fireworks. Tuxedo.

"Go away!" cried the Duke, feeling as disgusted as a man who sees a nasty worm and does not bother to crush it with his foot.He kicked his foot vigorously, and Chichikov felt his nose, lips and round chin touch the leather boots, but he did not let go, but hugged him even tighter.Two strong gendarmes dragged him up effortlessly, and walked out with arms crossed.His face was pale and lost, just like a person facing imminent death. We are born to hate the terrible thing of death...

At the top of the stairs, Murazov was seen head-on.It was as if a ray of life had suddenly emerged.In an instant, Chichikov broke free from the grasp of the two gendarmes like a Hercules, and fell at the feet of the astonished old man. "My God, Pavel Ivanovitch! What's the matter with you!"

"Help me! They're going to send me to prison and kill me! . . . "

Two gendarmes came up and arrested him and took him away without letting him hear the old man's
It was a stuffy, damp cabin, reeking of garrison boots and foot-bindings, with an unpainted table, two broken chairs on the floor, iron bars on the windows, and a crumbling fireplace cut from bricks. Smoking from the cracks, not warm at all—this is the new quarters for our hero who has begun to savor life, wears a tailcoat of neo-Navarino pyrotechnics, and attracts the attention of his compatriots.He was not allowed to bring some necessary things, and he was not allowed to bring the little mahogany box, which contained money.The documents and the purchase deeds of the dead serfs are now in the hands of the officials!He fell to the ground, despair burrowing in his heart like a vicious maggot.The maggot gnawed at his helpless heart more and more vigorously.If this continues, Chichikov may die in a day or two.But an unknown hand to save all sentient beings did not ignore Chichikov.An hour later, the cell door opened and Murazov entered.A man who drank clear spring water when he was thirsty and his throat was parched would not be so excited as poor Chichikov was at this time.

"My great savior!" Chichikov said, took Muratov's hand, kissed it quickly, and drew it to his breast. "God bless you for coming to see an unfortunate man!" he burst into tears.The old man looked at him sadly, and said only one thing: "Oh, Pavel Ivanovich, Pavel Ivanovich! What a thing you have done!"

"I'm a bastard... I've committed a crime... But you see, how could they do this to me? I'm a nobleman. No trial, no investigation, just thrown in prison and everything I have is seized: stuff, little The mahogany chest...there's the money, all my property, I've earned it with blood, Afanasy Vasilyevich, it's all there..."

A burst of sadness flooded his heart again, and he couldn't restrain himself, sobbing loudly, the cry passed through the cell wall, and faintly spread to a distance.He tore off the satin tie, grabbed the side of the collar with one hand, and tore away the Navarino pyrotechnic tuxedo from his body.

"Pavel Ivanovich, you will have to give up your property and everything in the world anyway. You have committed an inflexible law, not anyone's right."

"I deserved it, I know—didn't wash my hands in time. But why such a terrible punishment, Afanasy Vasilyevich? Am I a robber? Have I hurt anyone? Have I let someone Misfortune? My money was earned by sweat and hard work. Why should I make money? To spend a good old age, to leave something for the children,--for allegiance Motherland, I've always wanted to have children. I've done crooked ways, I admit, I've done crooked ways... but what can I do? I just see that honesty doesn't work, that crooked ways can get more than good I am a crooked man. I am diligent and thoughtful. These scoundrels, they steal the treasury by the thousands, rob the poor, and defraud the poor of their last penny!  … Vasilyevich! I have never had a whore, and I have not drunk too much! I have worked hard and endured with a will of steel! Every penny I have is earned by suffering! Let anyone suffer what I have suffered! What is my whole life, a desperate effort, a lone boat in a raging sea. All that was gained by such a struggle is lost, Afanasy Va Sirievich..."

(End of this chapter)

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