dead souls, imperial envoy

Chapter 64 Outerwear

Chapter 64 Outerwear (3)
The whole thing about making new coats was on his mind all the time, and he was almost fascinated.One day, when he was copying the documents, he almost made a mistake, but luckily he found out right away, and almost blurted out an exclamation.He visited the tailor's house at least once a month to discuss what to do with his new coat.They discussed where to buy the woolen cloth, and how to determine the specific price and color.Akakiy Akakiyevich thought that as long as the cloth was ready, a new coat would be ready just around the corner.So even though he felt uneasy every time he went back, he was satisfied every time he came back.He didn't expect that the follow-up development of this matter would be like this.It was a pleasant surprise that he received a bounty of 60 rubles during the holidays instead of 40 or 45 as he had thought.Either it was pure coincidence, or the leadership was wise enough to sense his need for a new overcoat early on.All in all, Akakiy Akakiyevich received an extra twenty rubles for this.The matter was about to be completed, and Akakiy Akakiyevich actually collected about eighty rubles.One must know that the price he paid for this was two or three months of hard work and a little bit of hunger.His heartbeat was always very peaceful, but suddenly there was a burst of wild beating.

On this day, he asked Petrovich to accompany him to the cloth shop and bought a piece of good quality woolen cloth.In the past six months, the two of them have discussed countless times about buying fabrics, and they have to ask the price almost every month.Buying this piece of fabric so quickly is actually the result of careful consideration.Petrovich even asserted that this was already the best woolen cloth.Then, they chose another piece of fine-grained and very thick cotton cloth to make the lining.Petrovich said that it is better to use this lining than silk lining, and it is also shiny and very beautiful when you look at it.However, because the price of mink fur was too high, they did not buy mink collars.They bought a piece of cat skin, because the quality of this cat skin is very good. From a distance, it looks very similar to mink fur.

Because of the delay in quilting, it was two weeks later when Petrovich finally finished the new coat.He said that the new coat was all made of silk thread, and he had stitched it back and forth in two rows, which was very delicate.After sewing, he bit each row of stitches one by one with his teeth, biting out various patterns.In view of the above points, Petrovich insisted on setting his manual fee at twelve rubles, leaving no room for bargaining.On this day, the specific date is unclear, but Petrovich finally delivered the new coat, and this will most likely become the most exciting day in Akaky Akakiyevich's life.It was early in the morning when Petrovitch came, and Akaky Akakiyevitch was about to start off to work in the office.At this time, it is already a world of ice and snow outside, and there is a tendency to continue to get colder. It can be said that the arrival of this new coat is really a timely help.As a tailor, Petrovich was pretty good, and he made this new coat so quickly.His expression looked very deep, and Akaky Akakiyevich looked at him with a strange feeling.The tailor seemed to have a clear understanding of the important event he had just completed. He had a pair of wonderful hands and was able to completely sew a new dress.This is completely incomparable to those tailors who only know how to mend holes and replace linings.He had just brought back from the washerwoman a large, clean handkerchief with which to wrap the new overcoat.At this moment, he opened the handkerchief, took out the coat from it, then folded the handkerchief neatly, and put it back in his pocket.He held up the new overcoat with both hands, looked at it with pride, and threw it over Akaky Akakievitch's shoulders.He tugged here and there, and at last Kaky Akakievitch put the new coat on his upper body.Akaky Akakiyevich wanted to put his hand into the sleeve to see if it would fit—it seemed to be a gesture of old people—and Petrovich helped him put the sleeve on, and it was just right.The new overcoat fits really well, neither too big nor too small.At this time, Petrovich impatiently defended himself, saying that the price he offered was already very low. Kievitch is already very familiar, and this price is already a friendly price.You know, if such a dress is made in a tailor shop on Neva Boulevard, the manual fee will be 75 rubles, which is absolutely impossible.Akakiy Akakiyevich knew that it was useless to haggle with Petrovich at this moment, and besides, he really didn't want to be frightened by the tailor's exaggerated prices.So he quickly handed over the money to the tailor, thanked him, and immediately put on a new coat and rushed to the Yamen.Petrovitch followed closely behind him, and went out of the house with him.The tailor was at the other end of the road, looking at the new coat from a distance, and after a while, he crossed a winding alley and came to the street in front. From a different angle, he continued to look at the new coat he personally made coat.

On the way from home to the Yamen, Akaky Akakiyevitch felt nothing but joy as he walked.The good feeling of wearing a new coat lingered in his heart all the time, making him so happy that he couldn't help laughing out a few times.This new coat is not only beautiful, but also very warm, which is really good.He walked confidently like this, and soon arrived at the Yamen.

When he arrived at the reception room, he took off his coat, examined it carefully, and handed it over to the guard, and told him to be extra careful while taking care of it.Akakiy Akakievitch's old smock was gone, and he had come today in a new overcoat.For some reason, the news spread throughout the Yamen at once.People rushed to the reception room eagerly to see Akaky Akakievitch's new overcoat, and congratulated him incessantly.At the beginning, he was able to thank everyone for their kindness with a smile, but later, he was made very shy by everyone and was at a loss.Colleagues gathered around him, discussing that the new overcoat can't be worn for nothing, and what's the matter should treat everyone to a meal.Akaky Akakiyevich didn't know what to do, and after a few minutes, blushing, he finally came up with this childish excuse, saying that it wasn't a new coat, In fact, it was old at all, but looked new.

In the end, a deputy chief finally came out to help him smooth things over. Of course, the purpose of the deputy chief may be to prove that he is very close to the people, so he said: "How about this, let me hold a dinner tonight, On the one hand, it’s to celebrate Akaky Akakiyevich’s new coat, and on the other hand, it’s also to celebrate my name day, how about inviting everyone to my house for a drink?” The deputy chief immediately closed There was congratulations and promises from colleagues in unison.Akaky Akakyevich originally wanted to find an excuse to reject the banquet, but his colleagues kept persuading him that such behavior was very rude and would make him lose face.After hearing such words, he could no longer refuse.Then it occurred to him that if he went to a dinner party he would be able to show off his new overcoat.When I think about it this way, I feel much happier.

For Akaky Akakiyevich, today was like a very grand festival.When he got home, he felt that he was still immersed in the joyful atmosphere, and it was difficult to get out.He took off his coat, hung it carefully on the wall, and then looked at the surface and lining of the woolen cloth again.Then, he took out the old smock that was in a mess, and compared the two, he couldn't help laughing, it's a world of difference!Until lunchtime, whenever the image of the old smock appeared in his mind, he still couldn't help snickering.He happily enjoyed his lunch, and then lay leisurely on the bed until night fell.During this period, he did not transcribe any documents, and indeed there were no documents assigned to him to transcribe.

Immediately after dark, he was fully dressed, put on his new overcoat, and went out to dinner.Who can tell the exact address of the deputy chief's home tonight?People's memory is always so bad. The large and small buildings and streets in Petersburg, as well as various other places, are all in a mess, and it is impossible to find the slightest order.However, one thing is certain, the location of the deputy chief's house must be in the most advantageous area of ​​the city, and it should be far away from Akaky Akakyevich's house.To reach the official's house, Akaky Akakiyevich first had to pass through several dark and deserted streets, and then gradually entered the busy city, with more and more passers-by, and the light became brighter.There is a constant stream of pedestrians on the street, ladies in rich clothes and gentlemen with beaver fur sewn on their collars can be seen everywhere.Here, it is rare to see the kind of cart driver driving a horse-drawn sled, with gilded copper nails on the sled, and a wooden fence installed.The most common sight here is this: a driver with a proud face and a dark red velvet hat on his head is driving a sleigh, which is painted and covered with bearskin blankets. .In addition, the brand-new carriages drove by in the street now and then, their wheels racing over the snow on the ground.All these were new things to Akaky Akakyevich.After all, he hadn't gone out at night for so many years.He stopped in front of the bright window of the department store and stared at a portrait of a beautiful woman.The beauty in the portrait has just taken off her shoes, exposing a beautiful slender foot, and a man is peeping furtively behind her. He has sideburns and a mustache under his lips.Akaky Akakyevich shook his head and smiled, and walked on.Why is he laughing?Could it be that he has noticed the kind of common perception that has always been very far away to him, but as long as he is a human being?Could it be that he also had the same idea as his colleagues: "The French are all like this! As long as these guys have that kind of idea, they will definitely do it..." However, after all, we have no way to go deep into his In his heart, he dug out all his thoughts, so it is possible that he did not have such thoughts.

Finally, he finally arrived at the deputy chief's house.The deputy chief lived on the second floor, and there were still lanterns on the stairs. From the looks of it, the deputy chief lived a pretty good life.After entering the vestibule, Akaky Akakiyevich's eyes first caught sight of the rows of galoshes on the floor.In the center of these galoshes, that is, in the middle of the hall, a samovar was steaming and purring.Coats and cloaks almost hid the walls, many of them with beaver fur or velvet sewn into the collar.A burst of noisy voices came from the other side of the wall.The door of the room opened immediately, and a servant came out from the inside, holding a tray in his hand. The tray was full of many empty glasses, empty cheese bottles, and small baskets that had once placed slices of bread.The moment the door opened, the noisy human voice became clear in an instant.The colleagues arrived early in the morning, and the first cup of tea has already been drunk.Akaky Akakyevitch hung up his overcoat and went in the door.The lights, the colleagues, the pipe, and the game of cards were all crowded in front of his eyes at once, and the eager voices from all around, and the noise made by the dragging of chairs, all rushed to his ears at once.He paused in embarrassment in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do next.The colleagues had already noticed his arrival at this time, and came to greet him one after another, and gave him warm cheers.Immediately after that, they all ran to the antechamber, and once again began to seriously admire his new overcoat.Although this made Akaky Akakiyevitch feel ashamed, the honest man could not help but be filled with joy at seeing all the compliments on his new overcoat.After appreciating, everyone returned to the table to continue playing cards.Akaky Akakyevich saw the bustling crowd and the constant noise around him, and couldn't help feeling absurd.In such an environment, he didn't know how to deal with himself, and he was extremely embarrassed.Later, he sat next to those colleagues playing cards and became a spectator of the game.He kept looking at the expressions of the people around him, and after a short while he lost interest and kept yawning.You know, if it was in the past, he would have already gone to bed at this time.He wanted to leave here, but was retained by his colleagues.They said he had to drink a glass of champagne to celebrate the happy event of his new coat.

Dinner finally started an hour later, cold dishes, pies, desserts, and champagne were put on the table one by one.Akaky Akakyevich was forced to pour two glasses of wine into his belly, which made him very emotional.However, it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and it would be impossible not to go home.He always kept this in mind, but he couldn't refuse everyone's kindness, so he had to sneak into the front hall.At this time, he found that his new coat had fallen to the ground at some point.He picked it up, shook off the dust, and pinched the sticky crumbs to throw away.Then, he put his coat on and walked down the stairs.

When I walked into the street, the lights were still on.Some small entertainment venues are exclusively open to customers such as servants, and the doors are still open at this time.Although the doors of the other shops were closed, it was obvious that there were still people inside, which could be seen from the light shining through the cracks in the doors.There may have been a few maids or servants gathered inside, who sneaked here without telling the owner, muttering and talking.Akaky Akakyevich walked forward excitedly, when a woman's figure suddenly passed by him.He saw that the woman was extremely charming from head to toe, so he couldn't help running to chase her.But his footsteps stopped immediately, and he continued to maintain his previous slow walking speed.He was very strange, how could he suddenly become so energetic in the moment just passed?

Soon, he came to those empty streets.Even in broad daylight, there were not many people to be seen here, and at night, it was even more deserted.There was silence all around, most of the street lamps were extinguished, only a few were still on—the government must be short of lamp oil.He passed many huts and fences, and saw only gleaming snow all over the ground, and a few huts with closed doors, already asleep.There was no one around, which made him feel that the surrounding light was dim and the scenery was lonely.When he came to the wide square, the sight in front of him made him feel even more flustered. Except for the blurred shadows of the houses opposite, there was almost nothing within the range of sight.

Akaky Akakyevich saw a starlight shining from a sentry box as far away as the ends of the earth.By the time he got here, most of his excitement was gone.He seemed to have some ominous premonition, and when he walked into the square, he suddenly felt panic.He looked back, and then in all directions.He felt as if he was in the boundless sea.He thought to himself: "Don't look at it, don't look at it." Thinking like this, he closed his eyes and walked on.After walking for a while, he wanted to see if he had reached the other side of the square, so he opened his eyes.This time, I happened to see a few bearded men standing in front of my eyes, almost touching the tip of my nose.Akaky Akakiyevich could not see for a moment what they were coming from.His heart beat faster and he was dizzy.Suddenly, one of them uttered a deafening cry: "How did my coat get to you!" As he spoke, he grabbed his collar in his hand.Akaky Akakyevich wanted to shout, but another bearded man put his fist in front of his face and threatened, "Shout if you have the guts!" Akaky Akaky also Wei Qi saw that the fist was as big as his own head, and then he felt his coat was taken off and he was kicked.He suddenly lay in the snow and lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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