God please lie down

Chapter 1000 Accompanying the dream, moving forward bravely

Chapter 1000 Accompanying the dream, moving forward bravely
Xiao Muchen let go of all the pressure and returned to the arena.

For him, there is actually nothing that can be difficult for him.

He has always been a person who follows his own temperament, basically always wants to do what he wants to do for a hundred years, and he doesn't know how to greet people.

Even if there was any doubt in the past, when you saw him and saw the clarity in his eyes, you would know that he was serious.

Xiao Muchen, who became serious, had a feeling that he was different from others.

You can't say it, but it will make people feel the same.

Why does Yu Cheng feel that he is not working hard enough? It is because he has never been able to think clearly about what this person wants.

He feels too gentle.

It seems that he doesn't care about anything, but no one can stop what he wants to do.

Thinking about it, that's the reason, so when he came back, he would put pressure on people.

Xiao Muchen didn't know this at that time, but it was obviously wrong to change his mind because of some people.

Xiao Muchen also thought about it, but he was not sure yet.

Ling Xia walked by, and when he went down, brought them a few bottles of water, and looked at them, they seemed to be playing games.

I feel like I'm just idle and fine, and I've become a different kind in the team, which feels weird no matter how I look at it.

But he is the kind of person who prefers to let nature take its course.

Train when it's time to train, and rest when it's time to rest.

He will definitely not make himself so tired. For him, he still likes to do things he is interested in.After all, he was an extremely regular man.

He will not be affected by the outside world, and naturally he will not be affected by any rhythm.

When the Internet is so developed, it is indeed not easy to maintain the purest self.

And he did it.

You know, it's not that Xiao Muchen can't see these voices, but he is someone who can ignore them.

He is very different from others because, until now, many things don't need to be thought about.

Only later will I see that I have encountered so many things, just because, when I think about it, there are not many aftermaths.

It's more like that so many things have been expected to happen since the beginning of the morning.

Perhaps in many cases, you will never know how many things you will encounter in the next so much time.

Maybe it's only at this time that people can't see many differences.

The reason why Xiao Muchen is unique is that when he thinks about everything, there is always a touch of tenderness hidden deep in his heart.

He is different from many people, and he never thought that when he returned to the arena, there would be so many people who would support him as always.

At that time, I couldn't tell whether I was moved or what.

Even if it will make Xiao Muchen realize that it is nothing more than that, and he will still develop in the direction he thinks.

It's not because of how many changes have been made since then, but because people who have already made decisions in their hearts.

I don't know who can do this step.

It might come to mind, but not necessarily.

Time may change everything, but it definitely won't change him.

(End of this chapter)

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