God please lie down

Chapter 1019 It's Not Far From You

Chapter 1019 It's Not Far From You

Xiao Muchen didn't say anything else, he wouldn't blame Jiu Hen just because he said a few more words.

In fact, they all know that many things are not simple in the first place.

Then on the road, you can see what you cherish behind the clarity of those things.

It's not necessarily the best to say every word, some, they don't want to know.

Just don't tell them, just remember it all the time, that's fine.

After staying in the house for a while, Jiu Hen went out, looking for something and water to drink.

After talking too much with Xiao Muchen, I felt that I also became cold.

Maybe it's because he thought a little too much. At this moment, he could see that he didn't want to think about anything by himself.

Just like in the past, without knowing anything, he made a lot of things for himself.

When I think about it occasionally, I still feel that the past is the past.

After Jiuhen went out, Xiao Muchen called Xi Nuan, but he didn't talk about anything else, he just asked her a few questions.

In fact, it was because Xiao Muchen himself couldn't figure it out clearly. He still remembered that it was at the beginning, although he had thought it over a long time ago, there was no reason to just let it go.

But at the end, I suddenly felt that after all, I remembered it, and it was the same as before. It is not enough to keep all the words in my heart.

Everything he thought, he let himself know at a certain moment, and it was still the same as before.

Facing Xiao Muchen's question, Xi Nuan thought for a long time, but in the end, he still gave his own answer.

She didn't know what happened, but she believed in Xiao Muchen.

She won't think about something because of someone she doesn't know, but she hopes that Xiao Muchen will be happy forever.

Regardless of what happened before, at the very least, when I think about it, I still feel that many times in the past are about to become meaningful.

After Xiao Muchen put down the phone, his whole expression improved a lot.

He was always the only one thinking about it, and he didn't think about asking others for their opinions.

But since she met Xi Nuan, she discovered how happy it is to have someone to help you share all this when you can't figure it out.

I haven't thought about these at all, so I feel that too many surprises are waiting for me.

Slowly discovering these, it feels like getting a treasure.

If anyone came here and could see through Xiao Muchen, he would have lived in vain.

After staying for a while, Xiao Muchen was no longer in his dormitory.

I went to the training room to rank with them, and when I'm free, I like to help Xi Nuan get higher points.

Xiao Muchen still thinks it's pretty good. In his spare time, he can find something for himself to do.

Otherwise, the long time is indeed quite boring.

Not to mention him, even if there are a few more people, they probably all have the same idea.

Xiao Muchen didn't forget what he did when he came back, so even if he put in more effort than others, it's still okay.

At least, not for nothing.

If you want to talk about what's in your heart, if you don't say it, no one will know what's going on.

If you want to be clear about this, unless you pay attention from the beginning.

Obviously, Xiao Muchen is impossible.

He is good at everything, but even things that have nothing to do with him, he will put them behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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