God please lie down

Chapter 1031 If you haven't fallen, you will fight again

Chapter 1031 If you haven't fallen, you will fight again

The opponent who spent so long studying it seems to have become completely different overnight.

It seems a little strange, and I feel that if it is impossible to guard against, it is nothing more than that.

But Xiao Muchen's words suddenly gave them confidence.

Who said they were bound to lose?

No, as long as you are tough enough to show your own level, it will be fine.

There is no need to pursue a result in so many things, isn't it?

If it is always as it was at the beginning, then who would dare to play the game.

I didn't dare to think about it before, it was because their strength was not enough.

Now, their rhythm is also brought to the flying situation. Losing once in the regular season does not mean that this team is invincible.

How can there be a psychological shadow?

It was fine during the fight, but now, when I face it again, it feels like the aftereffects have come out.

But Xiao Muchen's words pulled them back from the edge of the cliff.

Fortunately, it didn't fall.

If it really falls, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out for a while.

They are very clear in their hearts, but no one has ever pointed it out.

Now, on the contrary, we have to start to understand from a long time ago, after all, they have experienced many things together.

"Then listen to Brother Chen, don't even think about it."

Jiu Hen interjected from the side, "If you think about it this way, you will be gone first."

Jiu Hen walked over and patted them on the shoulder, "I'm the same as you, but in fact, even if you lose, it's still experience."

"There is never anything to be afraid of losing. We agreed to fight to the end."

"I'm just talking casually, it's okay."

Yu Cheng stood up and hugged their shoulders, "As long as we stay together and work hard together, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"We all know it, but it's just all over again."

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

There was silence in the training room, as if he suddenly didn't know what to say.

The images of those who have struggled together are actually faintly visible in everyone's heart.

People who can think about it don't know how much the future will change.

I can't tell what kind of feeling that is.

When you can't find it, you will think about it, what will happen after this, and then you will be able to remember what it is all about.

When I just knew it, and now, it is a different feeling.

In those unexpected times, I was not sure at all whether there would be any difference.

"Even if we know the result, there is actually no difference, but we still shouldn't give up."

That's all for these words.

In fact, when the opponent came out of the competition, he already understood that what should come will always come.

Even if you hide, you can't hide.

I already knew that I was going to face it, so it doesn't matter who I said these words to.

Since there are always many things to face, it is useless to be afraid.

If shrinking back could solve the problem, then they wouldn't have made it all the way to the present.

Even in the most difficult situation, I still feel that it is my own path.

It won't be a dead end, as long as there is still a way to find it, that's good.

(End of this chapter)

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