God please lie down

Chapter 1042 Time is the proof, I love you very much

Chapter 1042 Time is the proof, I love you very much

From Gu Yao's point of view, once loved vigorously, they may not necessarily be together.

Just like her first love, in the end, it also came to a stranger.

Now, that person has already married and established a business, but she is still on the road.

It seemed like a world of difference, and it didn't give her any room for repentance, and it made her feel that these many things, she hadn't thought it through at all, and it was over.

It's just that that person never knew that he also wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

It's a pity that good luck and tricks have become a thing of the past.

When I think about it again, there are not even memories left.

Speaking of it, I still have some regrets. I always feel like I have been searching for so many years, but I have never found a specific answer.

Gu Yao was a person walking on the road, but found that something was already broken.

And it is the kind that can never be found again, maybe since then, she has discovered that she is getting farther and farther away in the world of love.

For her, this journey is like a process of chasing dreams. No matter how difficult the process is, she never chooses to give up.

But no one was waiting for her anymore, even when she was tired, she curled up by herself, found a deserted corner, and licked her wound alone.

These, no one will know.

They don't want to, let alone think that at that moment, they know that this is what they want.

When Gu Yao thought about it, she still felt a little regretful.

"Sister Yao, you will meet too."

"It's just a matter of time, you should look forward."

"We shouldn't stay at this moment. If we think about it, we should think about it in the long run."

Xi Nuan is not very good at comforting people. After all, from birth to now, she has encountered relatively few things.

So she is not very good at comforting people.

I am afraid that if I say something, it will hurt people, and I don't know what Gu Yao is thinking in my heart, so I am afraid that I will say the wrong thing and make her unhappy.

"Don't worry, I'm several years older than you. If I can't even figure out these things, how can I get along until now?"

Gu Yao stretched out her hand to touch Xi Nuan's head, and laughed, "I'm past that age, I know what I should do."

"I just had no idea at the beginning, that's why I encountered so many things, but I have already seen it."

"For things like feelings, just let it happen, don't force it, because even if you force it, it's useless."

Gu Yao's gaze was light, as if she had already seen through everything.

After leaving the original person, she may feel that everything is bad, but at least, she has what she wants to do.

The decision that was made at a certain moment should be understood, and that is the love you want to meet.

Experienced is the best.

For Xi Nuan, what she lacks may be such a process.

But after understanding, she will be able to discover that there are so many pasts that she may not be able to understand alone.

It just so happened that because Xiao Muchen was by his side, it was very easy.

Xiao Muchen's way of looking at things is different from theirs.

So understand, more thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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