God please lie down

Chapter 1044 If You Need Me, I Will Be Here

Chapter 1044 If You Need Me, I Will Be Here

Xi Nuan feels that he rarely sits down and talks with others like this.

Because in the past, I would not encounter problems that I could not solve.

Now it is because after having Xiao Muchen, he put all his thoughts on him, so when thinking about things, it is inevitable that there will be omissions.

It's not her fault, but after all, when it's related to Xiao Muchen, she always thinks very seriously.

Naturally, some time will be wasted, but Xi Nuan is not afraid.

After agreeing to walk together, she will never leave first.

Whether the road is black or white, it only counts if you accompany Xiao Muchen to the end.

Even if something happened and they were no longer together, at least, it was still a good memory between the two of them, wasn't it?
In the past, I actually thought of it, but I didn't know where to start.

I really thought of it suddenly when I got an answer. It turns out that the story inside will not be understood in a short time.

That's okay, if that's the case, I feel better in my heart.

Gu Yao and Xi Nuan went back to the hotel together, for no reason, Xi Nuan really wanted to call Xiao Muchen.

When Xiao Muchen received Xi Nuan's call, he seemed very surprised.Because Xi Nuan said that he was afraid that he was busy with training, so he seldom took the initiative to call him.

So when he picked it up, he said directly, "What's the matter, what happened?"

Xiao Muchen was playing ranking at that time, and when he received the call, he hung up right there.

"No, I just want to hear your voice."

Xi Nuan's tone was very light, and he sent it over the phone.

Xiao Muchen's heart was numb, Xi Nuan was different to him after all.

Apart from the competition, she was the only one left, and it was reasonable to not want to give up.

"it is good."

Xiao Muchen's unconditional pampering seemed to be more obvious in front of Xi Nuan.

He felt that he didn't take good care of Xi Nuan, so he indulged her in many things.If she has any ideas, as long as she tells herself, Xiao Muchen will definitely try her best to do it.

After all, in his eyes, there are actually no reasons for many things.

What's more, at the very beginning, I didn't think so much.

In the past, Xiao Muchen would not have such thoughts because of a single person, but now at a completely different time, he found that those reasons were irrelevant to him.

He just wanted to watch Xi Nuan get better and better, and also wanted to walk slowly with her.

Going all the way to the end of time, is there any problem with this?

No, it's just that they don't like to express very much most of the time, so they may have a relatively ordinary life with each other.

But there is no way for the two of them to be separated like this. Although they never said it, they both remember this friendship.

"I'm so lucky to have you by my side all the time."

Then Xiao Muchen discovered that Xi Nuan was a little abnormal today.

How should I put it, she seems to be very sad.

He wasn't sure if his feeling was an illusion, but Xi Nuan never said these words before.

Just today, I really feel that her emotions have reached the extreme.

"Don't worry, I will always be with you, as long as you still need me."

Ignoring the other people in the room, Xiao Muchen didn't blush when he talked about love.

(End of this chapter)

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