God please lie down

Chapter 1046 It's Rare to Be So Sober

Chapter 1046 It's Rare to Be So Sober

Both of them are very sober people, especially when facing feelings, they know what to do and what not to do.

At the very beginning, Xiao Muchen noticed that Xi Nuan's mood fluctuated slightly.

He wanted to see her because he wanted to comfort her and hoped that she could take good care of herself.

Perhaps it was because Xi Nuan understood him so well that sometimes there was no need to say a lot of things between the two of them.

Having said that, it is redundant.

As if they were supposed to be like this, and never had to worry about such things.

"Nuannuan, do you know? I have never met a girl like you, who obviously needs me, but still thinks of me. Sometimes, I would rather you are like them, as long as you Just open my mouth, and I can tell myself that I can be impulsive for you once."

"No, I don't need your impulsiveness. I may just think a little more today, but you are different. You have your own dreams. I don't want to hinder you on the way to pursue your dreams because of my relationship. "

"I'm not with you because of this, so I don't want to bring you any burden because of my existence. I hope that I can be with you, and even we can go far, but not now .”

"You have your way, I can't be a stumbling block on your way, I know you will understand me, right?"

"Yes, I understand you very well, but just because I understand you, you always have to give me some chances to do something for you, don't you?"

Xiao Muchen's words had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

Indeed, Xi Nuan is someone he likes.

It was the girl he wanted to protect all his life, but she never demanded of himself.

At the beginning, she was the one who helped him stand on the field, but for a moment, he suddenly didn't know what else he could do for her.

It felt like she was doing more for herself. He didn't know how to describe that feeling.

But the two of them have known each other for several months, and their affection has not diminished. This is one thing they both understand.

He thought he had already felt it a long time ago, but now, he suddenly realized that there was no such thing as the past, but it was only for himself.

He is not a selfish person, but he always feels that Xi Nuan's thoughts are not considered when considering things.

What did she want, did she really give it?
In the world of love, isn't it mutual?

So what's the matter, he used to think that what he said was very clear, but at this time, he realized in a daze that there was no reason at all.

Xi Nuan has done so many things for him, but she couldn't even satisfy a single wish of hers.

I really don't deserve to be her boyfriend, relying on Xi Nuan's qualifications, what do I want?

Why is it just me, but I haven't been able to treat her well.

At that moment, Xiao Muchen suddenly began to doubt himself, what has he done in the past few months?

No, he didn't even have time to play games with Xi Nuan.

This realization made him feel a little depressed.

It shouldn't be like this, but I don't know what it should look like.

It seemed that he had thought of everything, but he didn't expect this one.

(End of this chapter)

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