God please lie down

Chapter 1058 In time, there is still you

Chapter 1058 In time, there is still you

That's how he is. Now that he has made a decision, he won't go back.

Even if he can hit his head and bleed, in his eyes, it's the same. There's no reason to think about everything clearly.

He has thought about many things like this more than once.

But in many cases, he would rather stay at this moment, without having to think clearly.

So he may not be clear about Jiuhen's words, but whether he is clear or not is actually not very important.

"I know, you may have heard what I said today, but, you know, she won't let me do this either."

"Sometimes I am impulsive. When I am impulsive, I don't know what kind of things I will do, but I believe that all these things will stop at the moment. In the eyes of others, in fact, it doesn’t matter if you do these things. In the eyes of others, I think it’s quite indifferent.”

"I didn't think so much because of one person before, but she is different. She is all the beauty in my life. I can give up a lot of things, but for her, I don't want to let go this time."

"You're totally stuck."

Jiuhen didn't speak so aggressively, it wasn't that he didn't understand, but after thinking about it for a long time, he felt that he might be too aggressive.

The relationship between Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan is simply something that no outsider can interfere with.

They don't understand, the two of them have to face so many things along the way, knowing that it is so difficult, but still thinking about the person who wants to win, it is actually very sad.

But it's not like that, just fine.

It is precisely because they didn't think about it at the beginning, so up to now, they can only stay here.

A lot of words, when I haven't spoken, I am surprised that a long time has passed.

I'm afraid I can't think clearly, I'm afraid I don't understand.

What Xiao Muchen had to face was such a situation.

He would think about this person in his heart because he had thought clearly about it a long time ago.

If he wants to protect this person, he can give everything.

He can easily detect Xi Nuan's emotional ups and downs, perhaps because of this, so he searched for it, only to find that there is no need to miss this reason at all.

Or after finding it, I realized that the way of getting along between two people has not changed much.

Most of the time, you can just stay at the original location and put everything behind your head.

But he couldn't forget. After thinking about it for so long, he just felt that for them, they could only keep the words in their hearts before they waited or remembered them.

"Okay, it's nothing, so don't worry about it."

"I just said that casually, I know you have your own ideas, don't worry, I never think what to do, you know what to do, I don't need to worry about the rest of."

Jiu Hen can also be regarded as the person who knows Xiao Muchen the best, and if he were really in that situation, he probably wouldn't say these words.

After all, for him, many things can be done without thinking.

The past between others and him can only be seen after a long time.

It is better for Xiao Muchen to handle the rest of the matter by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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