God please lie down

Chapter 106 Insufficient summary, chatting at the dinner table

Chapter 106 Insufficient summary, chatting at the dinner table

Except for Jiuhen, it was the first time for them to have such close contact with Muchen.

I used to hear about him from other people's mouths, but now I saw it with my own eyes, so I know it's not for nothing.

At least, they saw a person who could cooperate with Luo Yan so tacitly, he didn't look like a newcomer at all.

In other words, even though it was a passerby game, he was still deeply impressed by Mu Chen's skills.

I really don't know where Xie Yuan dug him here, it's like adding wings to a tiger.


Luo Yan consulted the opinions of the next few people, and there was basically no problem.

"Strike while the iron is hot and practice your touch. When we were short of players two days ago, we couldn't even play five platoons. The main reason was that we couldn't rotate positions. It really brought a lot of trouble, and we couldn't practice tacit understanding in solo platoon. "

So when Xie Yuan was busy recruiting people, they took several days off with peace of mind, no, their hands started to feel rusty.

"Come on, let's continue. Before lunch, let's play a few more, so as not to feel bad in the afternoon."

So the five of them started a few more rounds, and Mu Chen used Han Xin, Pei Qinhu and Xuan Ce respectively.

He has tried all the stronger heroes in this version.

When doing live broadcasts in the past, the style of play is slightly different from now.

He pays more attention to the development of the economy, and in the passerby game, because his teammates and himself are not very familiar with each other, there is little communication with each other.

If you meet someone who is conscious, it will be better to cooperate.

If he meets that kind of actor, he will also have a headache.

So, Mu Chen is not omnipotent, how much his skills can be brought out depends on his teammates.

It is not difficult for him to become the king, it is rare to play a hearty game.

In Xiao Muchen's subconscious mind, having teammates and not having teammates really cannot be treated the same.

Taking advantage of the few rounds they played before the meal was pretty good, at least judging from the current situation, their running-in is not bad.

While eating, he was still chatting and laughing about what he had gained this morning.

Xiao Muchen has always been very quiet, that's how he is, he hides all his thoughts in his solitude.

On the contrary, Jiu Hen had a good time talking with them.

After a long while, he pushed Xiao Muchen, "You don't have any ideas, so tell me and listen."

"I think we still need to get used to it. After all, there are not many shortcomings that can be seen in the passerby game. You will know after the afternoon's game."

Xiao Muchen felt that there was still a gap between the passers-by and the professional teams. In terms of cooperation, there was a world of difference after all.

"I think Muchen is right."

Luo Yan then echoed, they still have to pay attention to the training match in the afternoon.

Yu Cheng raised his head from a pile of delicacies, "During the meal, why do you talk about such a terrible topic, anyway, I will summarize it later, and you can't let me take it easy for half an hour of eating time. Have a meal."

"Stop it, the output of your ADC is not as high as that of a jungler, are you embarrassed to eat?"

Luo Yan looked at Yu Cheng, and moved his favorite dish away from him.

"What you said is wrong. It's clear that you told me to take care of myself. In view of this situation, I'm a little bit more wretched. Is there anything wrong?"

Yu Cheng has a baby face and speaks in a childish voice.

It's the kind where you can't get mad no matter what he says.

The TW team is used to the fights and fights on weekdays. They won't get really angry, and they won't have big differences just because of one match.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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