God please lie down

Chapter 1060 Still believe, this is me

Chapter 1060 Still believe, this is me

Of course, Ghost City has its own way.

For example, Xiao Muchen would only play ranked with others when he was in a bad mood.

When he was in a good mood, he basically played in solo queue. After so many years, this habit has not changed.

Therefore, when he saw Xiao Muchen pulling himself into the room in the ghost city, he sensed bad news.

But this is not the scariest thing, if Xiao Muchen gets angry, then he will be dragged to pk, this is the most cruel.

Thinking of their professional mid laners, they were wiped out by a professional jungler during pk.

Thinking about it, I feel quite scary, mainly because there is no place to put my face.

This story tells them that when they have nothing to do, they should not provoke Xiao Muchen, anyone can be provoked, and he, the big boss, can't be provoked.

Otherwise, it is purely to make trouble for yourself.

To talk about these many things, the ghost town has not been studied for a long time.

But all the habits related to Xiao Muchen back then are still in mind.

Just because I knew that he would definitely come back.

Knowing him for so long, I know that he is a person who will not give up easily.

No amount of reasons could stop him.

Only when he thinks about it will he know that all the reasons are all excuses he made for himself.

After thinking about it, he still felt that in the face of so many things, he hadn't thought about them at all.

After that, he will understand that there is a big difference between these people's thinking and his own.

Guicheng knew that Xiao Muchen didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made his words so obvious.

Before Jiuhen could finish his words, the game had already started.

He only had a bunch of commas left to express his helplessness, but when he met Xiao Muchen, that was really helpless.

In front of him, even if you have an idea, you can't say it.

What's more, when Xiao Muchen decides not to give you a chance, you can't even see what your answer will be like.

Xiao Muchen never told him what he wanted, and after many thoughts, he could see it. In his heart, it was already very clear.

Only when you find the answer can you realize that when all this begins to happen, you can know that the answer that originally belonged to you is still there.

But it's not clear whether this kind of thing is there. Obviously, there are still many people who don't understand these things.

Inside and outside the words, they can all be found.

At the beginning, I could still see their attachments, and when I simply thought about it, I found out that those words that belonged to the past had a great connection with these people.

Those who are not sure don't know at all that in the next time, only the last thing is left to see, this is not what they want.

There seemed to be nothing they could do but wait.

Generally speaking, in order to find the original memory, it is inevitable that you have to think for a long time.

Since this is the case, one should realize that from that moment on, one can realize that no matter whether it is the past or the past, it is meaningless.

Talking too much is nothing more than giving yourself an excuse and reason.

He is sure that many of these things will become reality one day.

(End of this chapter)

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