God please lie down

Chapter 1069 I will accompany you, I will wait for you

Chapter 1069 I will accompany you, I will wait for you

Guicheng thought for a while, then suddenly said, "No matter when it comes, I believe in you."

"In my heart, you are the strongest player. At any time, you will not let yourself have any gap with others. Whether you are studying or playing professionally, you are always like this."

Guicheng thought of his own life, which was completely different from Xiao Muchen's.

He is the kind of person who can't compare to Xiao Muchen from birth to the future.

There is indeed a big difference between the two of them.

Ghost Town has been working for several years, and he still has some savings.

Life will not become so difficult, even in the future, he will still be able to do live broadcasts when he is no longer on the field.

When playing professionally, the popularity he has accumulated is enough for him to do what he likes.

This road has already been clearly arranged.

They are very clear about these issues.

Ghost City's attitude towards life has always been very good.

In his eyes, as long as he can live on, it is not a loss.

His thinking has always been so simple, and one thing you need to know is that at this moment, the problems that have happened before can be understood so clearly without trying to understand them.

Occasionally, there are many times, in my heart, I don't need to think so thoroughly.

Naturally, he has always cared about the past friendship.

"Do not worry."

After Xiao Muchen finished chatting with Guicheng, he hung up the call directly.

Then I chatted with Xi Nuan for a while, in fact, after Xi Nuan finished calling Xiao Muchen that day, he also felt a little impulsive.

She shouldn't be making this call at this time.

I have always said that I am empathetic, but why am I so impulsive in this matter?

She really didn't think about it, and she would say those things out, isn't it just a joke?

I just hope that Xiao Muchen will not be affected by her, otherwise, many more things may happen.

When Xiao Muchen chatted with Xi Nuan, Xi Nuan's tone was no different from usual.

The two of them tacitly never mentioned what happened yesterday. In her opinion, that was indeed the case. There are some things that need not be thought about.

Don't worry about the past.

Caring too much, on the contrary, caused a difference between the two of them.

That was a situation neither of them wanted to see, so the page was turned.

"Tomorrow's game, I will watch it, you have to work hard."

Xi Nuan's tone was very light, but Xiao Muchen heard incomparable trust from her words.

Xi Nuan is like a force supporting him, both of them will know that when they think of this, their hearts will be warm.

There is a person who will accompany him.

After going through thousands of mountains and rivers, I can accompany him to pursue this dream.

Even at the end of the dream, there is nothing.

As long as you think it's worth it, you won't let go.

This is their life. Originally, he had to bear it all by himself. He really didn't think about it.
"I'm waiting for you."

When Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan called, it was already very late.

So after a brief chat, I didn't say anything more.

Let Xi Nuan rest early, and don't continue to pester her.

Xi Nuan is not in Liangcheng at the moment, she has a bus ticket for tomorrow morning, and will arrive around noon, and then go to watch the game with Cheng Yuan and Xi Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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