Chapter 1071 Jungle rhythm, dominate the field

Xi Nuan rarely saw Xiao Muchen play Baili Xuance, this hero played well, and he was still very good in qualifying.

But during the regular season, it really didn't come out much.

Therefore, no one knows what the effect will be.

The MQ team was not surprised at all, it seemed that Xiao Muchen's choice of any hero would not have much impact.

At that time, they hardly expected that this Baili Xuance would become their nightmare.

What is different from usual is that the hero chosen by Jiu Hen is more stable, Wu Zetian is chosen.

Wu Zetian's words actually consume a lot of mana, and the cooldown of the ultimate move is relatively long.

In this hero lineup, the TW team does not have any advantage.

So it mainly depends on Baili Xuance's performance. If he plays well, this game will be finished.

If you don't play well, it's gone.

At the beginning of the second level, the jungler of the TW team cooperated with the support and went directly to the bottom lane to catch people.

Maybe the opponent didn't expect that they didn't invade the wild area, but they still fought so fiercely. When they didn't have time to react, they were directly blooded by the TW team.

Indeed, Xiao Muchen's style of play has always been that fierce style.

Anyone who knows him knows that it has always been his choice not to retreat.

In front of these things, he still has a lot to do.

So in many cases, it is somewhat impossible for you to limit.

Then, at 10 minutes, there was a wave of firefights in the middle.

Although it was said that it was three for three, it was Xiao Muchen who won the head of the TW team.

We all know that the hero Baili Xuance needs equipment and manipulation.

Xiao Muchen's Baili Xuance walked in and out of the crowd several times, as if entering a land without people, avoiding a lot of control, which really gave the opponent a headache.

After all, his hand speed is a bit fast, and his reaction is also very fast.

It seems that before the battle, he had thought about when to enter and when to retreat.

Just because I think very clearly, it gives people a feeling of fear.

You simply don't know when he will appear, or after he appears, what skills you should pay to avoid it.

This may be a game on the psychological level. If you lose, it is equivalent to losing a lot of time in the future.

In the arena two years ago, when the hero Baili Xuance hadn't appeared yet, Xiao Muchen relied on his skill of Li Bai to lead the team all the way up.

Considered a dark horse, even when he lost the game in the end, he still gave people a deep impression.

Before the match, he should have studied Xiao Muchen.

But one thing that was clearly seen today is that even if Xiao Muchen took out a hero that he hadn't used for a long time, he was still so proficient, as if he had already practiced thousands of times on this arena.

It's not that I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect the effect to be like this.

When He Ji was doing bp, there was actually an element of gambling in it.

His trust in Xiao Muchen has always been there.

So that is to say, in terms of hard power, Xiao Muchen is definitely stronger than the opponent.

The rhythm is naturally driven by him.

The most important thing in playing games is the rhythm of a jungler.

Only when the rhythm of the jungler is up, can he dominate the game.

(End of this chapter)

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