God please lie down

Chapter 1073 Self-contained system, irreplaceable

Chapter 1073 Self-contained system, irreplaceable

As soon as the lineup came out, it directly aroused cheers from the scene.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that they are going to be tough.

Xi Feng got a headache from the noise from the people behind, and said leisurely there, "Is it really that good-looking? Why don't I think so, but why are they so excited?"

Hearing this, Xi Nuan turned around and glanced at Xi Feng, and said lightly, "Fool."

"Did you talk like that? I'm your brother. Before you speak, can you pay attention, do I want to lose face?"

No one will listen to what he says, and now he is busy doing his own things, so there is no time to care about him.

There is a lot of thought in each other's hearts, all eyes are on the game, and they don't care what Xi Feng said next to them.

"You don't look like a brother either."

"You should be quiet and watch."

After Cheng Yuan's words came out, Xi Feng stopped, and as expected, he didn't say a word.

After all, Cheng Yuan is his creditor, and in front of his creditor, he can't be too rampant.

Xi Feng still felt uncomfortable, but what could he do?

No, there was nothing he could do.

He was also very desperate. He thought he was well prepared before, but now he realized that he was still like a child.

Many decisions are made without thinking.

I don't know which team's fans are sitting in the back. Anyway, they are so noisy that they can't hear anything clearly.

When I came to watch the game before, it was not such an atmosphere.

Maybe it's because it's the semi-finals, so there are more people coming, or it's because the popularity of these two teams is so high that there will be the current grand occasion.

Xi Feng was so bored that he changed from eating snacks to playing with his mobile phone, and then he didn't know what to do.

I've been here countless times, but I still don't seem to be used to such occasions.

In fact, Xi Feng is not used to such a lively scene, he still likes the peaceful atmosphere.

He also doesn't like to talk a lot with others, no matter what others say to himself, he won't take it to heart.

He is such a person, so his mentality has always been very good.

No one can stop his thoughts, he only cares about what he wants to do, and he doesn't need to deliberately care about the outside world.

When he was reasoning with his parents, he knew it. It was because he didn't think about it so much most of the time, so he made others feel that Xi Feng didn't actually see very long-term in his eyes.

But it seems that only those who know him will understand that these words come from other people's mouths, and he speaks them himself, and there are two completely different situations.

Xi Feng is a man with a sharp tongue, and it was precisely because of this that he attracted a lot of investment.

It is because he has convinced many people with his own mouth.

It is only now that Lisa Media has such a good scale.

Many times, when you think it is impossible, he will stand up and find many ways to let you understand that nothing is impossible in this world.

He was, indeed, a man with a lot of thoughts in his head.

Especially when you are not sure, you will understand, and his existence.

Xi Feng is a person who makes it impossible to ignore his existence. He is not as good as Cheng Yuan, but he is absolutely irreplaceable.

This is a system that he has formed along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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