God please lie down

Chapter 1085 Don't be afraid, don't think too much

Chapter 1085 Don't be afraid, don't think too much
After eating that meal for a long time, Xiao Muchen took Xi Nuan and left first, and the rest of them went back to the base directly.

Xiao Muchen took Xi Nuan to wander aimlessly in the street, there was no special purpose at all.

I just want two people to spend more time together. I still remember that at the beginning, I didn’t know each other at all, so I just relied on guesswork to complete this period of time.

"At that time, did you have something to say to me?"

Xiao Muchen didn't know why, so he suddenly wanted to ask this question.

"No, I'm really just impulsive, so don't ask."

"I now feel that I was out of my mind at that time. If you didn't win the game, I would feel like a sinner through the ages. I influenced you. Then when you compete, you will not be in a good state. Then you will be in a bad state." It will definitely affect your performance, and it’s not that I think so much about it, it’s just that there’s no way, you’re so famous, you have a lot of fans, do you know that?”

"When I was at the scene today, I also felt their enthusiasm. They all came to cheer for you."

"I knew it, you can do it."

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Muchen smiled, "I also think I can do it."

"With you by my side, there's nothing I can't do."

"I never worry about a person, but you are the first one. When I don't train on weekdays, I often think of you."

"If I hadn't come to play the game, I would have met every day. I can't bear the time when you are not by my side."

What Xiao Muchen said is very true, when thinking of these things, he also feels that Xi Nuan may not have thought about these things in his heart.

All she wanted was peace, and they would also believe that many things would end sooner or later.

Unlike at this moment, you can always feel that the distance between the two is very far.

Xiao Muchen hugged Xi Nuan, walking in the cold wind, suddenly felt very warm in his heart.

There is such a person who is willing to believe in himself, even if everyone thinks that such a time is actually too much to ask for.

But at this time, people can still realize that it has not really become so far away.

Then I think about it, people really have to encounter many things in this life.

Not all people can be solved, and what to think about is the things around them.

It seemed like he had thought about it for a long time, and then he was able to think clearly in an instant.

This is the result he wants, even if it takes so long to work hard.

"Don't think too much about it. My state, if something big doesn't happen, won't be affected."

"After all, I know what I am doing, and I will maintain it well. From the time I decided to come back, I knew what I was going to face. Naturally, I had already thought clearly in my heart."

As Xiao Muchen said, he also showed a smile, "I've already gotten used to it, so I don't think it has anything to do with it."

"It's you, don't always feel that it affects me. I don't care. Just tell me what you think. As for me, although training is very busy on weekdays, I still have time."

"I like you, so do you understand what I mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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