God please lie down

Chapter 1089 Thinking about youth is all about the past

Chapter 1089 Thinking about youth is all about the past
When Xi Nuan was young, he also had great dreams.

But after a long time passed, she also gave up.

The thoughts imposed on him by his parents are not really let go until now.

But she wasn't sure, in this way, Xiao Muchen could be regarded as helping him.

If it wasn't for Xiao Muchen, she wouldn't have known herself so quickly.

Only when you recognize what you know, you will know what better things to do next.

It took Xi Nuan a long time to do what he likes.

This road may require her to experience a lot more than what her parents arranged, but it doesn't matter, it's all an experience.

She'll get used to it, and she'll love it.

On Xi Nuan's road, it was precisely because he met Xiao Muchen that he didn't feel lonely.

It's not that she didn't think about anything else, but at this moment, she had no choice but to let go of her prejudices.

Parents thought for a long time, and finally let her do what she wanted.

Because I can't control it, the children have grown up and have their own ideas, so naturally, they will never go according to their ideas.

Xi Nuan was actually a very well-behaved child at first, but now, his disposition is somewhat different from before.

I can't tell what's going on, but I just feel that every time I see her, it's still full of sunshine.

That's the persistence that others can't understand. No one knows what her obsession is.

Occasionally, I will see it, it belongs to her world.

But at least at this moment, you will also understand that no matter how much time you meet, the same is still the case, and you don't need to witness anything, it's like the two of them have already made it clear.

At night, Xiao Muchen also had a good sleep.

It seems that I can't remember clearly what dreams I had, but I still have a warm smile.

It seems that as long as she is there, everything can be ignored.

Those destined pasts, until now, suddenly discovered that there was no need to make any sense in the first place.

I always wanted to say it so clearly, but I never understood anything.

It's just that for a moment, I have already asked myself to study it. In many cases, I am afraid that if I wait for it, if I can't wait, it will come to an end.

After Xiao Muchen got up, he didn't come down directly, but sat on his bed for a long time.

After seeing Jiu Hen get up, he said, "Today's weather is good."

Jiu Hen heard the words and glanced outside, but didn't feel that there were too many changes.

I don't know where Xiao Muchen looked at it from, Jiu Hen shook his head, "You are falling into love and can't get out, and there is nothing we can do about it, please ask for blessings."

After meeting yesterday, Xiao Muchen looked weird.

I didn't stay up late at night anymore, and even started to go to bed early.

The person who used to work harder than everyone else suddenly became inexplicable one day.

Everyone will feel that the power of love is great, how could it be possible in the past.

Now, he definitely has changed his temper, otherwise, he wouldn't be Xiao Muchen, right?

Leaving aside other words for the time being, at least they can reach a consensus on this matter.

Some things really don't have to be said clearly to be the best.

(End of this chapter)

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