God please lie down

Chapter 1112 Deliberately doing it, there are many discussions

Chapter 1112 Deliberately doing it, there are many discussions

He didn't know what he wanted to go to Zheng Min, but at this moment he would rather believe that all of this was not intentional.

Qiran still has a lot of fans, and his development in KPL has been pretty good in the past few years.

After the disbandment of the last team, he also found a new club, and he has been in the current team for several years.

There are many things that are actually inexplicable. On this point, they are very clear to each other.

Maybe it's because I didn't understand it when I first came, but at least at this moment, I should know it in my heart.

What he has to remember is that at the beginning, everyone's ideas must be different.

But at that time, he obviously didn't realize that this circle was actually so chaotic.

There are definitely still a lot of secrets that cannot be opened. They don't know what Qi Ran has experienced.

But remember, in the beginning, almost no one was on their side.

Even in the face of gossip, all the choices are made by myself.

That's true, the situation I don't want to face the most.

Fortunately, that period of time has passed, and he doesn't have to doubt anything.

No matter how seriously you think about it, you can only keep it in your heart, but you can't explain it clearly.

What they fear most is memories.

Regardless of whether the past memories are good or bad, at this moment, what he can say is really limited.

I still remember that at the beginning, I didn't have such a plan at all, but the rhythm of the Internet was moderate and never stopped, forcing them to come forward to deal with it.

At that time, did they ever think in their hearts that this was not their fault, but later on, they had to bear the consequences.

Everyone has thought about this problem in their hearts, but in fact, they can't do better.

Xiao Muchen is already good enough, but even he can't do anything about it, what else can he do.

In Jiuhen's eyes, Xiao Muchen is not omnipotent.

He also has things he can't do, and even so many things have happened to him.

If you really think about it clearly, you must be prepared from the very beginning. If you miss it, it may not be so easy.

Every time Jiu Hen saw Xiao Muchen, he always felt that way.

It's like meeting Xiao Muchen's friends, what kind of person he really is, and what kind of friends he makes.

So this is what they can't compare to. There is always a gap. The problem is what you think.

In the past few years of knowing Xiao Muchen, Jiu Hen has seen so many things that even he himself can't believe it, what he thinks must be right.

But he didn't want to make himself regret, he believed in his intuition, and also believed in Xiao Muchen's character.

The teammates from back then walked and scattered.

There are not many left, and there are not many that he can remember until now.

Jiuhen is also a person who doesn't like to deal with it very much, and always finds it troublesome to think about it.

He would rather pretend to be a fool, acting like he doesn't know anything.

In this case, it would be much better.

I'm convinced that it's what I want, so that's fine, why bother to say more.

If others know about it, there will inevitably be another round of discussions.

(End of this chapter)

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